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Bloons Super Monkey 2 (Adobe Flash)

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Title Screen

Bloons Super Monkey 2

Also known as: Bloons Supermonkey 2 (title screen)
Developer: Ninja Kiwi
Publisher: Ninja Kiwi
Platform: Adobe Flash
Released internationally: May 13, 2013

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Rip the other Altitude graphics (title card, loading screen, level icons).
  • More unused background objects.
  • More unused bloon behaviors (FreePlayLevel, AddEmptyBloon, probably more).
  • More debug material.
  • Version differences.
  • Earlier versions of the game supposedly had pre-stage dialogue from Dr. Monkey for Altitude Stage 1, which was removed in later versions in order to fix a bug.
    • There was also a function in the GameData file to enable debug features if a setting was set to true, named LOGANS_DEBUG_MODE, that was removed in later versions, though the code for the function was already stubbed out.

Bloons Super Monkey 2 is the second Bloons-themed vertical shoot-'em-up, in which you play as the titular copyright-infringing Super Monkey as he single-handedly destroys thousands of Bloons with a variety of weapons.

In 2016, a mobile version was released that featured an entirely different set of levels and more playable characters. In 2020, the original game was re-released as part of Ninja Kiwi Archive on Steam, ensuring its continued existence beyond the discontinuation of the Adobe Flash Player at the end of 2020.


To do:
Maybe get proper gameplay footage? These videos just show the patterns without any actual gameplay, and they're also in different aspect ratios from each other.

While the game only has four worlds, data exists for a fifth world named "Altitude", which was intended to take place after Mount Magma.

The world is very unfinished: it doesn't have a world map image or sound effect, there's no designated music for it (all its stages use the music from Monkey Lane instead, but there is music on bandcamp which was named Sky Space to be rumored, link is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3Y0PN2MOZs), some stage backgrounds are missing, and only the first two stages were designed. Stages 3, 4, and 5 simply copy the Bloon formations from Stage 2.

None of these levels have defined score targets for Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Diamond trophies, so they use the default values instead (700, 1200, 1500, and 2000, respectively).

Stage 1

Seems to be mostly complete, though it is rather unpolished. This is the longest stage in the game, taking over 3 minutes to complete, and would be one of the most difficult stages to get the Diamond trophy on due to the bizarre patterns and the Bloons that persistently "rain" down over every part of the screen throughout the level.

Stage 2

Very incomplete. Compared to the previous stage, there are fewer Bloons in general, their formations are much more forgiving, the stage abruptly ends after about 2 minutes, and its background is a copy of the background for Stage 1 (presumably a placeholder, as all maps in the final game each have their own backgrounds). The stage mainly features swarms of Bloon "dragonflies" that fly around the screen, though some of them get stuck in the top-left corner due to their paths not being set.

Notably, this stage features Coco Bloons, which are otherwise unused.

Coco Bloon

A Bloon that looks like... a coconut? It only appears in the aforementioned Altitude Stage 2. It has 20 HP, but like Shielded Bloons, it "absorbs" extra pierce from projectiles as damage. It has no child Bloons; like Red Bloons, it releases Blops when popped instead.

Unused Graphics

Altitude Backgrounds

Background images for Altitude when running the game in software ("low-quality") mode. While all other worlds use one background for all 5 of their stages in software mode, Altitude has three backgrounds, presumably because it was necessary in order to convey that each level takes place at a different... well, altitude.

Login Screen


The game is set to show this screen after the first login button on the first login screen is pressed, but for whatever reason, it never shows. It is not known how this can be enabled. The message shown here is the same as the login screens of Battle Panic and Bloons TD 5.

A similar screen is unused in Bloons Monkey City.

Background Objects

BSM2 - MonkeyTempleAsset.png

A Temple of the Monkey God. It's eyes are supposed to open as the player passes by them. It was supposed to appear in the Monkey Lane zone.

BSM2 - dunebuggyAsset.png
A Dartling Gun-like monkey driving a Dune Buggy with its Gun on top. It was supposed to appear in the Bloon Dunes zone.


Assets for the previously mentioned scrapped Altitude zone.

Obscured Powerup/Hint Icons

Some powerups and the Dr. Monkey Hint graphic have rough icons behind their sprites.

Sun God

Obscured Final
BSM2-EarlySunGod.png BSM2-SunGod.png

Nothing more than an outline and different, slanted eyes.

Dr. Monkey

Obscured Final
BSM2-EarlyDrMonkey.png BSM2-DrMonkey.png

Much thicker outlines and a bit simpler. The icon from the "hints" section at the beginning of the game.


Obscured Final
BSM2-EarlyBomber.png BSM2-Bomber.png

Thicker outlines and different face expression.


Obscured Final
BSM2-EarlySaboteur.png BSM2-Saboteur.png

Is much rougher, has thicker outlines, and closely resembles its design from Bloons TD 5.

Unused Text

This is the hints body.

Placeholder for the hints.

Unused Code

Debug File Locations

__go_to_ctor_definition_help __go_to_definition_help

"C:\\Users\\Kaiparasoft2\\Desktop\\bsm2\\project\\src;levels;Level.as" assets/AutoComplete.png


D:\\work\\BSM2\\art\\worics arty stuff sometimes\\ C:\\build-CS3\\Source\\com\\yahoo\\astra\\fl\\controls\\AutoComplete.as

C:\\Users\\Kaiparasoft2\\Desktop\\bsm2\\project\\src;behaviours;BossBehaviourW2.as C:\\Users\\Kaiparasoft2\\Desktop\\bsm2\\project\\src;behaviours;ReverseDrawOrder.as

The game is littered with leftover debug material, from simple metadata of file directions to "definition_help" to full file locations for a "Kaiparasoft" computer! There are file locations for most of the scripts in the game, and they seem to be from 2 drives.

Date Stamp

DATE_STAMP = "20120712.13.49.43"

A build date, which would seem to suggest that the game started development on July 12th, 2012, roughly a year before it would release.

Bloon Behaviors


CreateFromBitmap is a function that allows for groups of Bloons to be generated from bitmaps. However, this system is only used to create the formations of "fruits" that appear at the beginning of the unused Altitude Stage 2, which leaves both this system and these wonderful drawings of fruits unused by extension.