This is a sub-page of Proto:Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium.
Visit scenic Meese and see the...sick people in beds...and graves. Maybe don't visit scenic Meese.
May & August Scripts
There was a strange illness going around... You'd get a really high fever and usually die within a month. On top of that... the dead bodies would revive as zombies It was so scary!
Final Script
There is a strange illness going around... You get a really high fever and usually die within a month. On top of that...the dead bodies revive as zombies! It's very scary!
Translation Notes
The sickness is still spreading, so this shouldn't be in past tense.
May & August Scripts
There's someone called 'Esper' who's come here? Sounds kind of suspicious!
Final Script
There's some 'Esper' who's come here? Sounds kind of suspicious!
Translation Notes
"Esper" is a type of person, not a name.
May & August Scripts
I'm a refugee from Reshel. That person became... Oh, it's was scary!
Final Script
I'm a refugee from Reshel. That person became... Oh, it was scary!
May & August Scripts
No medicine seems to cure this strange illness. At this point, the only thing we can do is to inject life energy into them to prolong their lives a little... That's why all these people from 'Esper'have come from afar.
Final Script
No medicine seems to cure this strange illness. At this point, the only thing to do is inject life energy into them to prolong their lives a little... That's why all these people from Esper have come.
May & August Scripts
I'm the innkeeper. To tell the truth I didn't want our place to be used, but... With all those empty rooms, the towns people would have look at me reproachfully! How upsetting... Darn!
Final Script
I'm the innkeeper. To tell the truth I didn't want our place to be used, but... With all those empty rooms, the townspeople would have looked at me reproachfully! How upsetting... Darn!
May Script
'Hotel Management and Customer Service'...
Final Script
'Hotel Management and Customer Service'... A pretty studious husband.
Translation Notes
Hmm, no commentary from Chaz in the May script.
After Raja falls ill
May Script
Everyone, I entrust Kyra to you!
Final Script
I trust you to save Kyra.
May Script
Yes, yes... It was bad luck...
Final Script
Yes, yes... It was bad luck... But with those nurses there, maybe the worst of times will also be the best of times...
Translation Notes
Raja's Japanese line is "うーん、うーん...。運が悪かったのぉ...。" which, literally translated, matches the May line. There's a joke that got lost here: He starts out sounding like he's making a groaning sound ("u-n", which could translate as "hmm" or "yes"), then it turns out he's actually trying to say a complete sentence: "ungawaru katta no~o".
The August prototype adds an appropriate joke to the English game.
After the Garuberk Tower disappears
May & August Scripts
It was heart-breaking to see my child looking so sick... But now, it's all OK, right?
Final Script
It was heart-breaking to see my child looking so bored... But now, it's all OK, right?
Translation Notes
This seems like a change from the original script...but it's actually more accurate in the final draft! She in fact does say her child looked bored in the Japanese text (ウチの子のつまらなさそうな姿は 見てても つらかったんですけど), so good change here.
May & August Scripts
Kyra has come back safe and sound.It's all thanks to you.
Final Script
Kyra has come back safe and sound. It's all thanks to you.
May & August Scripts
squishy, squishy I'm out of energy.
Final Script
...Ohhh... I'm out of energy...
Translation Notes
The first line in the Japanese script, "ふにゃふにゃ" could either refer to mumbling (since this guy was screaming earlier in the game) or signify "limpness" (Since he's out of energy.) Possibly dirty.
Clearly "squishy, squishy" wasn't going to cut it in an English script, so it was replaced by the guy groaning instead.
May & August Scripts
It's looking pretty good, but it still needs more work. How tedious!
Final Script
I'm feeling better, but I still need a lot more time in bed...
Translation Notes
The Japanese line, "だいぶいいが マダマダじゃわい。マダるっこしいのぅ!!", pretty much matches the May dialogue, but, again, there's some wordplay missing. Raja uses the term "madamada", meaning "Still more to come", then follows it up with "madarukkoshii", meaning "tedious."
The final script just clarifies the May dialogue and is unconcerned with wordplay. Oh well.
May & August Scripts
You haven't changed, have you Raja!
Final Script
I see you haven't changed, Raja!
May & August Scripts
This person, they say his name is Raja? It's great that he's getting better,but... He keeps telling these stupid jokes and what's more he touches people's buns... You guys certainly haven't done a good job teaching him manners!
Final Script
This person, they say his name is Raja? It's great that he's getting better, but... He keeps telling these stupid jokes. How do you put up with him?
Translation Notes
Can't imagine why this was rewritten...