This is a sub-page of Proto:Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium.
Somehow this town ends up in serious danger three different times.
May Script
A man wearing black clothes assaulted me.
Final Script
I saw a mean man wearing black clothes.
Translation Notes
The early line is pretty much the same in Japanese. It should be obvious why this got changed.
May Script
A diary is left out. Let me see... 'For some reason, I have a bad premonition. I hope nothing bad happens...' That's the last entry in the diary...
Final Script
A diary is left out. Let me see... 'For some reason, I have a bad premonition. I hope nothing comes of it...' That's the last entry in the diary...
May Script
It a bookshelf. Gee, there's a lot of difficult books.
August Script
It a bookshelf. Gee, there are a lot of academic books.
Final Script
It's a bookshelf. Gee, there are a lot of academic books.
Translation Notes
Are academic books difficult books? Perhaps to Chaz.
May Script
...The books are left out.
Final Script
The table is littered with books.
After Using Alshline
May Script
A big meteorite fell beyond the bridge to the north! It fell close to the village of Nalya. I wonder if they're OK there.
Final Script
A big meteorite fell beyond the bridge to the north! It fell close to the village of Nalya. I wonder if they're OK.
May Script
It's because that investigation team came upsetting things in Birth Valley that we're having problems! We want the people from Motavia Academy to go back!!
Final Script
It's because that investigation team came upsetting things in Birth Valley that we're having problems! We want the people from Motavia Academy to go home!!
May Script
Final Script
Translation Notes
Hahn's response is angrier in the final script.
May Script
I'm glad that everything is back to normal, but I'm afraid that Zio is going to come back and attack us. We have to defend the village, at least these children...
Final Script
I'm glad that everything is back to normal, but I'm afraid that Zio is going to come back and attack us. We have to defend the village, and protect these children...
Translation Notes
This mother went from prioritizing her children's safety to including them in the same tier as the other villagers. At least, that's the way it reads now.
May Script
'Lessons on How To Make Conversation that Grips People's Hearts '.
Final Script
'Lessons on How To Make Conversation That Grips People's Hearts '.
May & August Scripts
'What to Say to Land a Sale'. Quite a studious owner.
Final Script
'How to Close a Sale.' Quite a studious owner.
Translation Notes
The book's contents are very slightly different between prototypes.
May & August Scripts
There's some writing here... 'Sterilization Treatment Completed. Please follow the line on the floor'.
Final Script
There's some writing here... Sterilization Treatment Completed. Please follow the line on the floor.
After the Bio-Plant Explosion
May Script
Since Birth Valley's entrance is sealed it's nice and quiet, but on the other hand, when it's quiet it makes you all the moreun easy!
Final Script
Since Birth Valley's entrance is sealed it's nice and quiet, but on the other hand, when it's quiet it makes you all the more uneasy!
After Obtaining the Hydrofoil
May & August Scripts
What is that, a mechanical human? It can't even walk right outdoors!
Final Script
What was it, a mechanical human? It just walks around right outdoors!
Translation Notes
The final line definitely makes more sense once the player encounters the machines; They're walking around just fine.