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The Amazing Spider-Man (Game Boy)

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Title Screen

The Amazing Spider-Man

Developer: Rare
Publishers: LJN (US), Nintendo (EU)
Platform: Game Boy
Released in US: July 1990
Released in EU: 1990

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
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Spider-Man, Spider-Man! It's a monochrome Spider-Man!

Debug Level Select

The Amazing Spider-Man (Game Boy)-levelselect.png

Game Genie codes 633-6DF-7F0 B53-6CF-6E9 CD3-6BF-5D4 will display a very basic level select after the title screen. Use Left / Right to select a level (valid levels are from 0-7), and press A to play.

Mechanically speaking, to display a number it uses the same routine that displays the scores. It has no limit checks. It also uses a very odd sync method, so controls are very slow.