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Touhou Eiyashou: Imperishable Night

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Title Screen

Touhou Eiyashou ~ Imperishable Night

Developer: Team Shanghai Alice
Publisher: Team Shanghai Alice
Platform: Windows
Released in JP: August 15, 2004

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Imperishable Night is the 8th game in the main series of Touhou Project. The moon's been replaced by a fake one, and the youkai don't like that, so it's up to the protagonists to get to the bottom of it. The main gameplay gimmick is that each of the three human (and one part-human) playable characters is paired up with a non-human character whom they can shift to by focusing. It also has an unofficial English patch that makes the characters cuss like sailors.

"Now, bitch, get out of the way!"

Full Unlock Code

Imperishable Night follows up the previous two games with yet another full unlock code.

On the Score Ranking menu, hold either Shift or Ctrl and press Right five times, Left one time, D two times, and Q three times. If done correctly, you'll hear the 1up sound, and the Extra Stage, all solo characters, and all practice stages and spell cards (including Last Word spell cards) will be unlocked for all characters and difficulty levels.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Sprites


Yukari doesn't move right or left during her Last Word.


Ran doesn't appear as an opponent in this game. Her sprites are stored in the same spritesheet as Yukari, that's why these sprites went unused.


Alice raising her grimoire/book.

Touhou9.5RemiliaUnusedFlyingFrame.png Touhou16.5RemiliaBatForm.png

Remilia doesn't transform into a bat during her Last Word.


Despite Yuyuko's Last Word being similar to her last spell from Perfect Cherry Blossom, she uses her normal sprites.

Unused Graphics

Phantasm Stage Unlock Screen

Touhou8 Phantasm.png

The unlock screen for Perfect Cherry Blossom's Phantasm Stage is left over from the previous game.

Unused Grades

Touhou8 Rank.png

Upon clearing a stage, you are given a grade depending on how well you did, and the higher the grade, the less time is added. ランク申 (Rank A) and ランク乙 (Rank B) are used and advance the clock by 30 minutes and 1 hour respectively, but the following two are completely unused:

  • ランク丙 (Rank C): The clock advances by 1:30 hours. Was used in the trial version, but removed in the full version.
  • ランク丁 (Rank D): The clock advances by 2 hours. Not mentioned in the manual at all. If it was used in-game at any point, then only in the earliest trial version, which is lost to time.


Touhou8 Oumagatoki.png

This graphic (逢魔が時, commonly translated as "twilight" or "witching hour") bears a striking resemblance to Perfect Cherry Blossom's 森羅結界 text graphic, which appears when a Supernatural Border is activated. A similar mechanic may have been planned for this game, too, but seeing as not even the manual makes mention of it, it was likely scrapped very early on.

Music Oddities

Extracting the game's MIDI soundtrack reveals several oddities:

  • The first track in the soundtrack, track 00, is not the menu music but rather the Stage 1 theme, "Illusionary Night ~ Ghostly Eyes". It's possible that because the song originally appeared on ZUN's album Ghostly Field Club, the song's MIDI was simply copypasted into the game's soundtrack before the rest of it was written. The menu music, "Eternal Night Vignette ~ Eastern Night", is track 01.
  • The numbering on the soundtrack skips over track 02, likely because the song that would normally go there, the Stage 1 theme, is track 00.
  • th08_16.mid (Ending theme) has some notes after the loop, though they seem to be a copy of a main part.
  • The MIDI files from Trial Version 0.02 are malformed, and don't play correctly outside of the game.
