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Wii Party U

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Title Screen

Wii Party U

Developers: Nd Cube, Nintendo SPD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Wii U
Released in JP: October 31, 2013
Released in US: October 25, 2013
Released in EU: October 25, 2013
Released in AU: October 28, 2013

SourceIcon.png This game has uncompiled source code.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Everyone's favorite Mario Party gets a sequel on the Wii U, with lots of new modes, minigames, a new host, and an over reliance on the GamePad.

To do:
Development text and regional differences.

Developer Leftovers

To do:
Upload the files and document their functionality better.

A portion of developer tools, docs and source files were left in the game's content.

Leftover Batch Files

To do:
Document all of the batch files in the sound folder.

There are quite a few batch files which are present in the game's sound folder. It appears that they were used to convert sound files into a format that the game accepts.

PC Software

Present in the bin directory are proprietary PC applications.


A tool for compressing comma separated value files into a binary format that does not appear to be used within the game's files. Notably, it appears to share a name with an open-source program, however was built from NDCube due to Japanese strings present in the executable.


A tool for converting files from sound projects from the NW4F Sound SDK presets to binaries.


To do:
Check the JP version of the game to see if it has them too.

Source for the NEXPY_SOUND_XX (XX is region dependent) sound archives as SDK projects and map HTML files are present in common, same for the NEXPY_SOUND_VOICE (XX is region dependent) sound archive in content/sound/ELSE and npg006 has a sound ID file from internal conversion for the mg005 sound archive.


Documents from the developers likely from an internal SVN or PC. All 3 being in Japanese. s-hakamada refers to Shun Hakamada, one of the members of the programming team.

2012/11/12 s-hakamada


+-[common] 共通
| +-NEXPY_SOUND.bfsar
+-[JP] 日本向け
| +-[ja] 日本語
+-[US] 北米向け
| +-[en] 英語
| +-[fr] 仏語
| +-[sp] 西語
+-[EU] 欧州
| +-[en] 英語
| +-[ge] 独語
| +-[fr] 仏語
| +-[sp] 西語
| +-[it] 伊語
| +-[du] 蘭語
+-[ELSE] その他の地域、言語
+-[effect] エフェクト中間データ
+-[setting] 設定中間データ
+-[placer] 配置中間データ
+-[bin] NdGS用ツール (xml,csvコンバータ)

ROMに必要なファイルは bfsar,bin,bfstm

This translates to:

2012/11/12 s-hakamada

Folder structure

+-[Common] common
| +-NEXPY_SOUND.bfsar
+-[JP] For Japan
| +-[ja] Japanese
+-[US] For North America
| +-[en] English
| +-[fr] French
| +-[Sp] Spanish
+-[EU] Europe
| +-[en] English
| +-[ge] German
| +-[fr] French
| +-[Sp] Spanish
| +-[It] Italian
| +-[Du] Dutch
+-[ELSE] Other regions, languages
* (Hereafter, working folder. Not required for the final ROM)
+-[Effect] Effect intermediate data
+-[setting] Setting intermediate data
+-[Placer] Placement intermediate data
+-[bin] Tool for NdGS (xml, csv converter)

The files required for ROM are bfsar, bin, bfstm
(No need for csv, xml, fsid, html, etc.)



//----- サンプル TEST0.sp.csv ----
GRP_SND_NPG001                      -(1)

label,x,y,z,culling,radius          -(2)
SEQ_SE_TVP_SDICE_04_WATER_A,20,0,0,on,100  -(3)

//----- 解説 ------


 label  : 再生するサウンドのラベル
 x      : 配置する位置X  (省略時0.0)
 y      : 配置する位置Y  (省略時0.0)
 z      : 配置する位置Z  (省略時0.0)
 culling: onとしたとき、球カリング処理が行われる。 (指定半径内にリスナーがあるときだけ再生)
 radius : cullingがtrueのとき、球カリングの半径。 (省略時100.0)

This one translates to:

Sound placement data

◎ Update history
    Change the specified keyword of culling to on
    (It was true, but I changed it because it is treated specially by excel. Even if it is true, it behaves the same as on.)

★ Convert
  Execute conv.bat and create PLACER_PACK.bin from all csv.

★ CSV rules
// ----- Sample TEST0.sp.csv ----

label, x, y, z, culling, radius-(2)
SEQ_SE_TVP_SDICE_04_WATER_A, 20,0,0, on, 100-(3)

// ----- Explanation ------
(1) GRP_SND_NPG001
 Set the related group by putting the label of the sound group at the beginning.
 * Currently, all the data is collected in PLACER_PACK.bin and read at the start of the game.
   As the data grows, we may change it to load the required placement data along with the sound group.

(2) label, x, y, z, culling, radius
 Item names are arranged side by side to make it easier to understand when editing.
 The content of this line does not affect the running of the game.

(3) SEQ_SE_TVP_SDICE_04_WATER_A, 20,0,0
 The sounds are arranged at the label, position X, position Y, and position Z in the order shown in (2).
 If more parameters are added in the future, they will be added later.
 label: Label of the sound to play
 x: Placement position X (default 0.0)
 y: Placement position Y (default 0.0)
 z: Placement position Z (default 0.0)
 When culling: on, ball culling is performed. (Play only when the listener is within the specified radius)
 radius: The radius of the sphere culling when culling is true. (Default 100.0)




//----- サンプル TEST0.ss.csv ----
refgroup,GRP_SND_NPG001                      -- (1)

placer,NPG001_SND_PLACER,,,,,,,,             -- (2)
effect.tv,SND_EFFECT_AUXB_01,,,,,,,,          -- (3)
//,enable,offset.x,offset.y,offset.z,Interior,MaxVolDist,UnitDist,UnitBiquadFilter,MaxBiquadFilter    --(4)
listener[1P],on,0,0,0,10,10,10,0.5,1                 -- (5)

footstep,EARTH                                -- (6)

//----- 解説 ------




 //       : リスナーの指定 listener[1P] ~ listener[4P]
 //         listener[TV_1P] ~ listener[TV_4P] (listener[1P] ~ listener[4P] TV_を省略してもTV側になる)
 //         listener[DRC_1P] ~ listener[DRC_4P]
 enable   : onでリスナーの有効化。それ以外無効化。
 offset.x : カメラからのオフセットX  (省略時0.0)
 offset.y : カメラからのオフセットY  (省略時0.0)
 offset.z : カメラからのオフセットZ 負の方向がカメラの前方向です。  (省略時0.0)
 Interior   : (省略時10)
 MaxVolDist : (省略時10)
 UnitDist   : (省略時10)
 UnitBiquadFilter : (省略時0.5)
 MaxBiquadFilter  : (省略時1)

 0:INVALID              - (無効)
 1:EARTH                - 土
 2:SAND                 - 砂
 3:STONE                - 石
 4:IRON                 - 鉄
 5:WOOD                 - 木
 6:LAWN                 - 芝
 7:GRASS                - 草
 8:WATER                - 水
 9:ICE                  - 氷
 10:CARPET              - カーペット
 11:BAREFOOT            - 裸足
 12:BAREFOOT_WOOD       - 裸足(木)チャレンジ道場専用

This really long one translates to:

Sound placement data

◎ Update history

★ Convert
  Execute conv.bat and create SETTING_PACK.bin from all csv.

★ CSV rules
// ----- Sample TEST0.ss.csv ----
refgroup, GRP_SND_NPG001-(1)

placer, NPG001_SND_PLACER ,,,,,,,,-(2)
effect.tv, SND_EFFECT_AUXB_01 ,,,,,,,,-(3)
effect.drc, SND_EFFECT_AUXB_01_DRC ,,,,,,,,
//, enable, offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, Interior, MaxVolDist, UnitDist, UnitBiquadFilter, MaxBiquadFilter-(4)
listener [1P], on, 0,0,0,10,10,10,0.5,1-(5)
listener [2P], off ,,,,,,,,
listener [3P], off ,,,,,,,,
listener [4P], off ,,,,,,,,

footstep, EARTH-(6)

// ----- Explanation ------
(1) refgroup, GRP_SND_NPG001
 Set the related group by putting the label of the sound group at the beginning.
 * Currently, all the data is collected in PLACER_PACK.bin and read at the start of the game.
   As the data grows, we may change it to load the required placement data along with the sound group.

(2) placer, NPG001_SND_PLACER
 Specifies the placement sound.
 -If a label is specified, the data of the specified label will be placed. (If there is already a placement sound in the game, it will be deleted.)
 -If you do not specify a label (do not enter characters), the placement sound in the game will be deleted.
 -If there is no placer line, the placement sound in the game will not be changed.
 * When switching scenes, the placement sound is reset (deleted).

(3) effect.tv, SND_EFFECT_AUXB_01
 Specify the effect.
 -If a label is specified, the effect of the specified label is set.
 -If no label is specified (no text is inserted), the effect will be reset.
 -If there is no effect.XX line, the effect in the game will not be changed.
 * Effects are reset (deleted) when switching scenes.

(4) //, enable, offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, Interior, MaxVolDist, UnitDist, UnitBiquadFilter, MaxBiquadFilter
 Item names are arranged side by side to make it easier to understand when editing.
 The content of this line does not affect the running of the game.

(5) listener [1P], on, 0,0,0,10,10,10,0.5,1
 The sounds are arranged by listener, offset xyz, Interior ... in the order shown in (4).
 If more parameters are added in the future, they will be added later.
 //: Listener specification listener [1P] ~ listener [4P]
 // listener [TV_1P] ~ listener [TV_4P] (listener [1P] ~ listener [4P] Even if TV_ is omitted, it will be on the TV side)
 // listener [DRC_1P] ~ listener [DRC_4P]
 enable: on to enable the listener. Other than that, it is invalidated.
 offset.x: Offset from camera X (default 0.0)
 offset.y: Offset Y from camera (default 0.0)
 offset.z: Offset Z from the camera The negative direction is the front direction of the camera. (Default 0.0)
 Interior: (default 10)
 MaxVolDist: (default 10)
 UnitDist: (default 10)
 UnitBiquadFilter: (default 0.5)
 MaxBiquadFilter: (default 1)
 -If there is no listner [XX] line, the listener status will not be changed.
 * All listeners are disabled when switching scenes.

(6) footstep, EARTH
 Material specified for footsteps
 Please specify a number or a letter.
 Example) The following are both "Sat" settings.
 footstep, 1
 footstep, EARTH
 0: INVALID-(invalid)
 1: EARTH --Sat
 2: SAND --Sand
 3: STONE-Stone
 4: IRON --Iron
 5: WOOD --Thu
 6: LAWN-turf
 7: GRASS-grass
 8: WATER --Water
 9: ICE-Ice
 10: CARPET-Carpet
 11: BAREFOOT --Barefoot
 12: BAREFOOT_WOOD --Barefoot (Thursday) Challenge Dojo only

Effect Source Files

The directories npg036/particle and ch_base/effect in content/common have source files from EffectLib in ND Cube's internal editor/exporter tool.

Unused Graphics

Player 5 Pointer

Cursor05.png Cursor15.png Cursor25.png

Unfinished pointers for seemingly a fifth player are present in the folder where the other pointer icons are contained. Since the Wii U only supports up to four Wii Remotes to be connected at a time, it can be assumed either the GamePad would have had even more use or support for other controllers were considered at a point.

Internal Project Name

The game's internal name is "nexpy".

(Source: Original TCRF research)