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Wii Fit U

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Title Screen

Wii Fit U

Developers: Nintendo EAD, Ganbarion
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Wii U
Released in JP: October 31, 2013
Released in US: November 1, 2013
Released in EU: November 1, 2013
Released in AU: November 2, 2013

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

To do:
  • Explore JARC and CARC files.
  • Find a way to open the majority of Wii Fit U's file formats (jmdl, jtext, jarc, jptc, etc.); they're currently undocumented.
  • Unused Models. So. Many. Unused. Models.
  • Version differences; there have been three patches since its release.
  • Investigate the files in /content/Stage/RPHpe2Scene
  • There appears to be an unused minigame that is internally referred to as "Unicycle". There's also music relating to it.
  • The games cut between Wii Fit Plus and Wii Fit U are still in the files.

Wii Fit U sees the return of Wii Fit, this time featuring U.

Unused Graphics

/content/Stage/RPHpe2Scene/effect_test.carc/Bti contains 14 images, most of which are screenshots from other games. "bg02.bti" is just a slightly transparent square.

bg01 - Screenshot from Pikmin 2.

bg03 - Very early Wii Sports Baseball screenshot.

Interestingly, bg03.bti is a fantastic screenshot of an early build of Wii Sports Baseball! It looks similar to the one showcased at E3 2006, as it has the same hand + Wiimote graphic, but most of the layout is a bit different.
The Miis use different models, with blue shading and rainbow faces. In the top left there seems to be debugging text ("dt 1.0").

bg04 - Some stars, from Sozaijiten's Vol. 21 > SV158

bg05 - The sky, from Sozaijiten's Vol. 5 > SE011

bg07 - Screenshot of "Charge!" from Wii Play.

bg08 - Screenshot of "Find Mii" from Wii Play.

bg09 - Mii select from Wii Fit.

This screenshot is actually from an earlier build of Wii Fit which featured blue menu accents instead of green accents. According to the Wii Fit Iwata Asks interview, this was changed late in development.

bg010 - Screenshot of "Shooting Range" from Wii Play


bg011 - Screenshot of Wii Sports Tennis


bg012 - Screenshot of Link's Crossbow Training.


bg013 - Another Screenshot of Link's Crossbow Training


bg014 - Another Link's Crossbow Training screenshot.



WiiFitU-Debug main 0.png

Found in Wii Fit U's "debug" directory is a screenshot of a very early version of the main menu, being much more reminiscent of the main menu from Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus, and the graphics overall look much closer to that of Wii Fit Plus, likely since it was built off of that game. The default clothes also have yet to be updated to say "Wii U". The upper icon on the bottom right translates to "Body Measurement" and has a scrapped icon of a pixelated yellow Fit Meter. The lower icon translates to "Training".


WiiFitU-Safe area 1280x720 0.png

Found in the "textures" directory is a texture possibly used for creating backgrounds for something like Fit Meter Challenge.

Unused Text


In various areas of the game's text file, there's text which translates to "unused".

Development Remnants

Wii Files

opening.bnr and banner.tpl are present in the base game, carried from the previous Wii Fit title, Wii Fit Plus. The temp directory also has apploader.img, bi2.bin, and rvl.bin.

The Wii Remote Strap screen is still present in LayoutCommon\RPHealthTitle\common.carc as HealthStrap.arc.



Found in health_test.carc is a text file titled health_test.txt, which just has an @ in it.

Wii U Files

olv_icon001.tga is literally a logo of the game's icon, somehow ending up in the game's data during development.

Internal Project Name

The internal project name is Step, given by the executable of the game named that way.


Hula Hoop/Super Hula Hoop Video

Oddly enough, the pre-rendered preview videos for both Hula Hoop and Super Hula Hoop use the hoop assets from the Wii Fit E3 2007 Hula Hoop demo. This also applies to both activity's respective icon.

Build Date


Found in the root of the game is a .txt file named "timeStamp", which in all many other games is used as a game's build date. For some reason, inside the file is a date...years before the game released, or even the release of the console it's on.