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James Bond 007: NightFire (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)

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Title Screen

James Bond 007: NightFire

Developer: Eurocom
Publishers: EA Games (US/EU), EA Square (PS2 JP)
Platforms: GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox
Released in JP: January 30, 2003 (PS2)
Released in US: November 18, 2002
Released in EU: November 29, 2002

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
BonusIcon.png This game has hidden bonus content.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

To do:
There is quite a lot of unused dialogue, as seen in this video by NotyourusualZero.

James Bond 007: NightFire is a first-person shooter featuring characters from the James Bond universe, and a sequel to James Bond 007 in... Agent Under Fire.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Cut Mission Text

Scrapped Missions

Within the tables for mission titles and descriptions, there are text strings for both titles and descriptions of several cut missions hidden among the normal set. Included along with the rest to get an idea of where they fit in the game's story, these missions end up looking like:

Mission Titles Descriptions
Training (CUT) "Learn basic weapon and gadget skills in Q's evaluation center."
Paris Prelude "Prevent a rogue faction from putting a damper on the New Year's celebrations in Paris."
The Exchange "Drop in on Raphael Drake's reception and rendezvous with undercover agents."
Alpine Escape "Make your escape with Zoe on an unarmored snowmobile."
Enemies Vanquished "Race to meet Q at the extraction point."
Double Cross "Rendezvous with Alexander Mayhew, a traitor in Drake's organization."
Night Shift "Covertly access Mayhew's headquarters and retrieve data from the company computer system."
Chain Reaction "Infiltrate a nuclear power plant in the process of being decommissioned by Phoenix Industries."
Hidden Agenda (CUT) "Determine how Drake is secretly using the decommissioned power plant."
Phoenix Fire "Escape Kiko's trap and get out of the skyscraper alive."
Streets of Tokyo (CUT) "Flee the scene and head for Q's mobile headquarters."
Atoll Infiltration (CUT) "Use the special abilities of Q's Vanquish to infiltrate Drake's secret island base."
Deep Descent "Reach Drake's private island undetected."
Island Caves (CUT) "Sabotage the island's radar jamming devices so you can open the way for MI6 forces."
Island Infiltration "Destroy the air defense system that protects the island from attack."
River Gauntlet (CUT) "Infiltrate Drake's Disarmament Facility."
Countdown "Covertly make your way into the secret underwater base and pursue Drake."
Equinox "Prevent a hostile takeover of the missile defense platform...and save the world."

Aside from the "Training" mission at the start, these cut missions give off the impression that the latter half of the game's story was trimmed extensively when compared with what they originally intended. Some of these missions sound very similar to missions they lie either before or after, so they may have originally been alternate versions of the final missions we got. That, or they were just deemed unnecessary to the overall plot. For example, in the final game Hidden Agenda's main objective is covered in the stage Chain Reaction; Atoll Infiltration's objective is covered by Deep Descent; and Island Infiltration has a distinct second half that takes place along a river that renders it the longest stage in the game, possibly a result of absorbing River Gauntlet. No map data remains for any of these cut missions.

Unused Objective Text

Disable all security measures before using the lift
Disable system 1 of 3
Disable system 2 of 3
Disable system 3 of 3
Mission Objective 5

Located right after Phoenix Fire's information in the text strings are a set of objectives that don't find use in any of the final missions. Considering their location, it's entirely possible that these objectives were originally used for the scrapped mission, Streets of Tokyo, or for something else entirely. The Mission Objective 5 text is either a placeholder, or a sign that whatever mission this may have been for only had four objectives.

Mission Objective 1
Mission Objective 2
Mission Objective 3

These placeholder objectives are listed right before Countdown's objective text. Possibly suggests a mission rework.

Mission Objective 1
Mission Objective 2

Just like the above text, however these exist right before the objectives of Equinox, the game's final mission. Unused dialogue implies that there was a beginning section to Equinox that was scrapped, so these two objectives could have originally had something to do with that content.

Equinox Rework

There exists unused dialogue that heavily implies a different beginning to the game's final mission, Equinox.

James, I'm still patched into Drake's com system -- I've intercepted enough radio chatter to learn that Drake's Combat Troops have overtaken the defense platform. Some of the original crew might still be alive, but I can't confirm that. I can tell you that Drake's deployed a laser defense net which draws power from the platform's core. His next move is to upgrade the missiles with the nukes aboard the second shuttle, which is already docked.   I've no idea how you'll put a stop to all this... I've rather enjoyed your company, James...do be careful.  McCall out.

A section that seems like it would belong in an earlier version of the FMV for Equinox, where Bond would have to sneak into Drake's defense platform while also possibly rescuing members of the original crew as hostages. This video by NotyourusualZero attempts to put this unused dialogue back into the final game's mission.

I've accessed a plan of the Platform.   There's only one airlock entrance. Watch out for patrols -- and Drake may be expecting you. And mind that laser security net, James -- we wouldn't want you vaporized.  McCall out.

Dialogue that would probably be spoken by Alura right at the beginning of the mission.

This is Commander Bond, are there any surviving officers onboard? I'm going to attempt to disarm the missiles, but you must evacuate your personnel at once!  I repeat, abandon the Platform! I'll need all you can spare.

Bond attempting to speak to the onboard crew.

This is Captain Riley -- I have eight men still standing, and several wounded!  What's your situation, over?
Copy that, Commander -- escape pods are ready! Good luck!

Responses from a cut character, Captain Riley.

Cut Multiplayer Maps

The file "def_Startup.cfg" lists all of the maps used in the multiplayer mode, though along with them are a couple maps not actually used in the game labeled as "HT_Level_SpaceStation" and "HT_Level_Facility". Interestingly, they use the same loading screen as other multiplayer maps in the game, so it can be inferred that they weren't completely scrapped by the development team. Unfortunately, attempting to load either of them causes the game to crash on the loading screen. Judging by the filenames alone however, it can be assumed that the SpaceStation map was meant to be based off of the last mission in the game's story mode, "Equinox". The other map, Facility, is a different story. While it's possible that it could be based off of some part of the singleplayer mode like most of the other multiplayer maps, it also shares the name with a map from another game in the series, James Bond 007: GoldenEye, so perhaps it could have been a remake of sorts.

Unused Weapons

Among the game's vast arsenal, there are actually three unique weapons meant for the multiplayer mode that go unused. These include the Q-Pen, a single-fire weapon that shoots darts dealing surprisingly low damage for a weapon based around explosives; the Torpedo Launcher is another explosive weapon that fires heat-seeking torpedoes (despite the weapon's firing mode being labeled as Guided) is actually used by the single player mode's final boss but is never usable by the player in normal gameplay; and the Flare Gun, a strange weapon that uses the P2K's model and fires harmless purple lights.

Along with those, a few others were also planned to be in the game, but all that remains of them is their names mentioned in text strings. These include:

  • FA1 Clarion
  • Munitions Belguique PDW90
  • Claymore

The "Munitions Belguique PDW90" appears in the PC version.

Dummy Loading Screen

Seeing this usually means the game is about to crash.

This dummy loading screen is shown whenever any invalid map ID is loaded. It's likely this is used as some sort of fallback procedure for whenever the game can't load a map, though unfortunately seeing this loading screen also means your game is about to crash/hardlock.

One way this screen can be achieved is through the use of the Action Replay code 04207C18 070000xx, which forces the game to load a different map than intended upon entering the singleplayer mission, "The Exchange". Replace xx with the two digits used by whatever map you're trying to use (refer to "def_Startup.cfg" for these IDs).

Debug FMV Viewer

While a vast majority of the game's debugging materials were removed before release, a single leftover menu remains that lets the player view full motion videos from the game. Interestingly, videos from the driving sections of this game are absent from the selection, meaning only clips from the first-person perspective are available.

A (nearly) fully functional FMV viewer.

Aside from clips from the game's singleplayer missions, other options included are:

  • The game's opening movie.
  • EA's developer logo.
  • The foreground and background animation of the main menu.
  • The "Die Another Day" trailer.
  • The game's "Making Of" trailer.

Sadly, the menu falls just short of being fully functional, as for whatever reason the Space Station - Arrival option in the menu doesn't actually load anything. The Action Replay code below will redirect the Codenames option in the main menu to the FMV Viewer.

08206D27 0000001B
00206D27 0000004F

(Source: https://timelesslunchbox.boards.net/thread/7/007-nightfire-ntsc)

Unused Graphics


A placeholder graphic, most likely used in place of the singleplayer mission icons.


An earlier version of the health meter, along with both ammo and armor HUD elements.


A chunk of graphics showing early versions of the Vanquish's gadget HUD elements. There is also a set of button graphics, many of which appear to be unused.


Another set of different button graphics. The GameCube buttons are the same as the ones used in the final game, and buttons for the PlayStation 2 and Xbox are also included. Other than that, the S, G, D, I, H, and V graphics in particular don't fit any controller supported by the final build.


Yet another set of button graphics, though a couple segments from the early health meter are also scattered about.


Looking at the raw texture file shows the "Kowloon Type 40" pistol has a barely visible "Glock 17" written on it. The font and style do not match the markings on a real pistol, so it's not a leftover of being made from images of a real firearm. Technically used, but it's so small, at a sharp angle, and low quality so there's no way to read it in-game.

(Source: http://www.imfdb.org/wiki/007:_Nightfire#Glock_17)

Unused Text


HINT: Sample hint text can go here. It can be quite long and will automatically word-wrap.

There is a bit of unused Sample Hint Text.

Special Agent

Listed right after the other difficulties in the game, possibly suggesting a cut fourth difficulty.


Listed alongside other options in the game. It's unclear what this option could have originally been for.

NightFire Preview
Demo Walkthrough
Attract Mode Demonstration

These three strings refer to menu options that no longer exist, possibly remnants of an early demo version of the game.

Would you like to display in
60 Hz Mode?
Screen display has been set to
60 Hz mode
Screen display has been set to
50 Hz mode

These strings seems to suggest that early in the development of NightFire, there was an option to switch between 60hz and 50hz display. Possibly used as testing for the PAL release of the game.


The Secret Unlocks section used to be referred to as a Cheats section. Button displays for this dialogue box can also be found.


Labels for something in the game being either new, in-progress, or incomplete. No strings directly before or after these labels indicate what they may have been used for.


Include special options from Q's laboratory.

Strings referencing a scrapped sub-menu from the multiplayer mode.


Mysterious strings that seem to go along with the scrapped Q-Mods sub-menu.

MP Scenario - Golden Gun

Listed along with the rewards for beating single player missions, references a scrapped multiplayer mode, Golden Gun.

Golden Gun
Collect the parts and assemble the Golden Gun

Title and description for the above scrapped multiplayer mode. As of right now, no behavior for this scenario has been found.

MP Mode - Zero-G
MP Mode - Computer Controlled Weapons

Scrapped reward text that references a zero gravity mode for multiplayer, along with something called Computer Controlled Weapons.

MP Skin- Kiko Suit

Apparently Kiko's suit appearance was at one point planned to be an unlockable character, similar to both Bond and Drake's "suit" variants. However, this string is the only remaining reference to this cut character.


A cut multiplayer bot personality.

Weapon Preference
Special Abilities

Cut multiplayer bot options. No other text exists to go along with these.

Free-for-all combat in which everyone competes against each other. The highest individual score wins the match

Early description for the Arena multiplayer scenario.

Agents are divided into teams. Combined individual scores result in an overall team score.

Early description for the Team Arena multiplayer scenario.

Each team has a base with a flag in it. Steal the enemy's flag and bringing it back to your base to earn points.

Early description for the Capture the Flag multiplayer scenario.

Each player tries to earn points by occupying the power field. The player with the most points wins.

Early description for the King of the Hill multiplayer scenario.

Run out of lives and you're eliminated from the game. The last human agent standing wins.

Early description for the Top Agent multiplayer scenario.

Find blueprints and bring them back to your  base in order to gain new weapons. The team that produces the most items wins.

Early description for the Industrial Espionage multiplayer scenario.

Touch a satellite dish to establish an uplink for your team. Earn points for each uplink you have.

Early description for the Uplink multiplayer scenario.

Destroy the enemy target object. The team with the most demolitions wins.

Early description for the Demolition multiplayer scenario.

Protect your target object. The team with the fewest losses wins.

Early description for the Protection multiplayer scenario.

Obtain both halves the GoldenEye to trigger a satellite strike on all enemy agents. The team with the most points wins.

Early description for the GoldenEye Strike multiplayer scenario.

One player is randomly chosen as the assassin, and another is chosen as the target. Players earn more points for successful assassinations.

Early description for the Assassination multiplayer scenario.

Each team tries to earn points by occupying the power field. The team with the most points wins.

Early description for the Team King of the Hill multiplayer scenario.

Collect all three parts of the Golden Gun. Now eliminate the other agents without dying and you win.

An early description for the scrapped Golden Gun multiplayer scenario, suggesting that it actually stuck around for a while before being cut.

Setup Bot 7
Setup Bot 8
Setup Bot 9
Setup Bot 10
Setup Bot 11
Setup Bot 12
Setup Bot 13
Setup Bot 14
Setup Bot 15
Setup Bot 16

The final version of the game only allowed up to 6 bots at a time (the Xbox and PlayStation 2 versions only allowed for 4!) 16 bot support would most likely have been scrapped for console limitations if it actually existed, but this also could have just been placeholder text.

Development Text


Located in the folder common, this file contains various debugging options (some of which appear to be PC only) along with a directory of maps used throughout the game's singleplayer and multiplayer. Changing this file does nothing to the actual game, but there are a few things of note that still make it particularly interesting regardless. For one, it actually lists several maps in the game that you can't normally access such as "HT_Level_AllCharacters" and "HT_Level_TestRoom2". It also lists maps within the section for Multiplayer maps that go unused, labeled "HT_Level_SpaceStation" and "HT_Level_Facility".

[NoAudio:0]		0=Audio On, 1=Audio Off (pc only)
[ScreenDepth:16]	16/32	(pc only)
[Windowed:1]		1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[FillPoly:1]		1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[DrawSkin:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[DrawBones:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[DrawPortals:0]		1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[BoundingSpheres:0]	1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[ShowCollisions:0]	1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[ShowColBoxes:0]	1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[NoDrones:0]		1=None,0=All
[BrowseTexture:0]	1=Yes/0=No (pc only)
[WideScreen:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[LoadScreen:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[SafeBorders:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[DebugInfo:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[UnlimitedAmmo:1]	1=Yes/0=No
[CannotDie:1]		1=Yes/0=No
[ShowGlist:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[ShowSC:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[Sound:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[CollInfo:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[Multiplayer:0]		1=Yes/0=No
[NumHumans:1]		1..4
[ScreenSplit:0]		0=Horizontal/1=Vertical
[Controller:0]		0-4
[MP4Ever:0]		1=Yes/0=No

// will load first LoadMap:

// The Exchange
[LoadMap:0x07000005]	HT_Level_CastleExterior			0x07000005
[LoadMap:0x07000006]	HT_Level_CastleCourtyard		0x07000006
[LoadMap:0x07000007]	HT_Level_CastleIndoors1			0x07000007
[LoadMap:0x07000008]	HT_Level_CastleIndoors2			0x07000008

// Double Cross
[LoadMap:0x07000001]	HT_Level_HendersonA			0x07000001
[LoadMap:0x07000002]	HT_Level_HendersonB			0x07000002
[LoadMap:0x07000003]	HT_Level_HendersonC			0x07000003
[LoadMap:0x07000004]	HT_Level_HendersonD			0x07000004

// Night Shift
[LoadMap:0x07000009]	HT_Level_TowerA				0x07000009
[LoadMap:0x0700000a]	HT_Level_TowerB				0x0700000a
[LoadMap:0x0700000b]	HT_Level_TowerC				0x0700000b

// Chain Reaction
[LoadMap:0x0700000c]	HT_Level_PowerStationA1			0x0700000c
[LoadMap:0x0700000d]	HT_Level_PowerStationA2			0x0700000d

// Phoenix Fire
[LoadMap:0x07000011]	HT_Level_Tower2A			0x07000011
[LoadMap:0x07000012]	HT_Level_Tower2B			0x07000012
[LoadMap:0x07000013]	HT_Level_Tower2C			0x07000013
[LoadMap:0x0700004a]	HT_Level_Tower2Elevator			0x0700004a

// Countdown
[LoadMap:0x07000014]	HT_Level_EvilBase			0x07000014
[LoadMap:0x07000015]	HT_Level_EvilSilo			0x07000015
[LoadMap:0x07000016]	HT_Level_EvilBaseC			0x07000016

// Equinox
[LoadMap:0x0700001b]	HT_Level_SpaceStationD			0x0700001b

[LoadMap:0x07000021]	HT_Level_SpaceStation			0x07000021
[LoadMap:0x07000022]	HT_Level_Facility			0x07000022
[LoadMap:0x07000023]	HT_Level_Atlantis			0x07000023
[LoadMap:0x07000024]	HT_Level_SkyRail			0x07000024
[LoadMap:0x07000025]	HT_Level_SubPen				0x07000025
[LoadMap:0x07000026]	HT_Level_StealthShip			0x07000026
[LoadMap:0x07000027]	HT_Level_FortKnox			0x07000027
[LoadMap:0x07000028]	HT_Level_MissileSilo			0x07000028
[LoadMap:0x07000029]	HT_Level_SnowBlind			0x07000029
[LoadMap:0x0700004b]	HT_Level_Ravine				0x0700004b

[LoadMap:0x07000041]	HT_Level_RefRoom			0x07000041
[LoadMap:0x07000043]	HT_Level_AllCharacters			0x07000043
[LoadMap:0x07000046]	HT_Level_TestRoom2			0x07000046
[LoadMap:0x07000043]	HT_Level_AllCharacters2			0x07000049

[LoadMap:0x07000048]	HT_Level_Menu_Pre			0x07000048

[LoadMap:0x07000090]	HT_Level_MovieMap			0x07000090

Looking at the LoadMap IDs also gives us a decent idea of what order the maps were developed in. This makes maps like "HT_Level_Ravine" and "HT_Level_Tower2Elevator" interesting, as their IDs imply they were made much later in development in comparison to other maps in their sections.


Within common there is also a file called TuningVars.txt with several configuration options and comments for the entire game.


# Cursor speed while aiming

#Plr_AimSpeed_X			= 0.15
#Plr_AimSpeed_Y			= 0.16

#Plr_AimSpeed_X			= 0.105
#Plr_AimSpeed_Y			= 0.112

Plr_AimSpeed_X			= 0.1275
Plr_AimSpeed_Y			= 0.136


# The Exchange

# Player single player damage modifiers (THEIR damage to YOU)

Plr_DMod_Easy		= 0.6
Plr_DMod_Normal		= 0.7
Plr_DMod_Hard		= 1.0

# Drone difficulty level damage modifiers (YOUR damage to THEM)

DroneDamage_Easy 	= 1.5
DroneDamage_Normal 	= 1.0
DroneDamage_Hard 	= 0.8


# Drone skin firing accuracy modifier (higher is more accurate)

DroneFiring_Accuracy_Easy				= 0.5
DroneFiring_Accuracy_Normal				= 0.7
DroneFiring_Accuracy_Hard				= 1.0

The file is 728 lines long. It seems to refer to computer-controlled characters as "Drones". It is unclear whether or not any of the variables can affect the final game. Knowingest edited Plr_AimSpeed_X to 99.127 (much higher than the existing 0.1275) with GC-Tool and did not notice any change in aim speed.


The file Nightfire.elf includes the section for cheats. This cheats section can be found between 0x1AD930 and 0x1ADB0D. Alongside every normal cheat (published around the time of the game's release), there are two cheats that were not previously published.

Function Unpublished Cheat Published Cheat
Unlock Max Zorin in multiplayer HUGE EGO BLIMP
Unlock Nick Nack in multiplayer JOELWADE BITESIZE

Both cheats are functionally identical to the previously-published cheats.

Also included in the file is unused code referencing the ability to change sensitivity in options between 0x1C0AC0 and 0x1C0B07.


There is a single comment left in the file between 0x200780 and 0x2007FF.

<!> Oct 20 2002 04:13:21 <!>


On the root of the game disc for the GameCube version is a file called run.bat.

del *.d??
odrun ColdGC_RELEASE.elf -d=C:\NPDP\GDEV\bin\OdemRun_US.ddf %1

GDEV is GameCube development hardware. NPDP cartridges run on the hardware.