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Splatoon 3

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Title Screen

Splatoon 3

Developers: Nintendo EPD, Monolith Soft, TOSE
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: September 9, 2022

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
ObjectIcon.png This game has unused objects.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Splatoon 3, the third installment of the franchise known for its consistent failure in keeping unreleased content from the public, picks up the pace once again with a trove of unused content. Between a story mode complex enough to rival the likes of Octo Expansion, a whole new mode in Tableturf Battle alongside a revamped Salmon Run, an extremely fun and engaging roguelite expansion in the form of Side Order, and an oddly rushed development full of secrets, this jam-packed game is also jam-packed with unused content.

To do:
*Earlier and out-of-bounds jukebox removed in Version 3.0.0.
  • Hidden image behind the television (The idols present a map of Splatoon 2).
  • Everything resource size table related.
    • All the new weapons and when they were added.
    • All the unused stages (S3 Reef, S2 Kelp, S1 Mahi and Bluefin)
    • All the filepaths relating to various other pieces of unused content on this page (ex. Inkzooka & SakeBigBalloon)
    • Recheck the resource size table for Side Order related paths and see if anything on unused chips or icons can be found
  • Shiver has an unused fan animation that does not match up with any of her animations in the final game, meaning her Splatfest dance may have been different.
  • In the Bootup Pack, the Splashtag order can be found, which often accidentally adds IDs that are not in the game yet. Some IDs were changed last minute, and need to be documented (mainly weapons and stages)
  • Flounder Heights' Tricolor has an early version of the map in 6.X.X's model data (figure out which version it was added in?)
  • Inkopolis Plaza's Ammo Knights seems to have some weapons in the texture albedo files that did not end up in the final Ammo Knights
  • Add debug text scattered everywhere across the files now that updates are ending.
    • All pieces of dialogue in Return of the Mammalians and Side Order have their own developer text.
    • The news has developer text in the EventFlow files.
  • Add Additional Debug display order in WeaponInfoMain
  • Add DevPortal and other debug scenes missing from the final game, including ones added in updates like Graffiti Debug
  • The code references testfields for the new Grand Splatlands Bowl map, which should be documented.
  • References to League and XRank existing before their release.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
SPL3 UpdateIcon.png
Version Differences
"Ay! (Heads up--the game was updated!)"


SPL3 LockerIcon.png
Unused Graphics
Cool test icon! Cool test icon! Cool test icon! Cool test ico...
SPL3 UnusedAnimIcon.png
Unused Animations
What having no bones does to an Inkling.
SPL3 LockerIcon.png
Unused Ink Colors
"They all look so beautiful in this game... Never use them."

Internals & Data

Splatoon 2 Fizzy Bomb.png
Unused Parameters
Utility sub? More like... INutility sub.
SPL3 DebugLeftoversIcon.png
Internal Oddities
Is there ANY ID list in this game without any empty slots?!
SPL3 DebugLeftoversIcon.png
Developer Leftovers
Stuffing DevText into any place they could.

Unused Models

Early Scorch Gorge Tower

An early version of the structure in the middle of Scorch Gorge seen in the stage's Tower Control and Rainmaker layouts, stored in the Model/FldObj_YunohanaTowerLow.bfres.zs model archive.

SPL3 FldObj YunohanaTowerLow.png

Unused & Unobtainable Weapons

To do:
Get images.

Unobtainable amiibo Weapons

The older weapons held by the Splatoon 1 and 2 amiibo are still completely functional, despite only being used for the amiibo display. All of them (and most weapons the player was never meant to obtain) have a placeholder special charge of 200 points, but otherwise function the same as the Splatoon 3 equivalent of that weapon.

Shooter_Normal_01_AMB_1 - The Splattershot in its Splatoon 1 design, used by the Inkling Girl (Orange) and Inkling Boy (Blue) amiibos.
Shooter_Normal_00_AMB_2 - The Tentatek Splattershot in its Splatoon 1 design, used by the Inkling Girl (Lime Green) and Inkling Boy (Purple) amiibos.
Shooter_Normal_01_AMB_1 - The Splattershot in its Splatoon 2 design, used by the Inkling Boy (Green) amiibo.
Charger_Long_00_AMB - The E-Liter 4K in its Splatoon 2 design, used by the Octoling Girl amiibo.

Unobtainable Rival Weapons

The weapons the Rival Octolings use in Return of the Mammalians have their own weapon entries in the files.

Blaster_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Blaster's model.
Blaster_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Blaster's model.
Brush_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Octobrush's model.
Brush_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Octobrush's model.
Maneuver_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Splat Dualies' model.
Maneuver_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Splat Dualies' model.
Roller_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Splat Roller's model.
Roller_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Splat Roller's model.
Shelter_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Splat Brella's model.
Shelter_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Splat Brella's model.
Shooter_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Octo Shot's model.
Shooter_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Splatoon 1/Splatoon 2 Octo Shot's model.
Slosher_RivalLv1_00 - Uses the Slosher's model.
Slosher_RivalLv2_00 - Uses the Slosher's model.

Inkzooka (Splatoon 1)

The Inkzooka special from Splatoon 1 is left over in the files with various traces of data left in the files. It has its own parameter set completely distinct from any other special in the game (including the Trizooka, which was inspired from it). When activated, the game will crash due to missing assets, but loading temporary assets to prevent a crash allows the player to throw bombs and swim around freely while holding the weapon.

Unused Gear Icons

Despite every piece of gear in the game being viewable at one point, various pieces of gear have leftover icons for being obtainable in the Customize menu, despite never being given to the player.

Side Order Gear Icons

All gear used in Side Order has leftover icons within the files, something not true of most gear in the base game.

Base Order Gear

The Order gear used in Side Order's campaign has leftover icons for early designs, two of which are unique compared to the final game's replicas. The Order Earring is pictured at a different angle compared to the final, and the Order Suit is in a T-pose, unlike any other gear icon in Splatoon 3.

Order Regulator

The Order Regulator also has an early icon, taken at a different angle from the obtainable replica.

Parallel Canon Gear

The Parallel Canon's masks and "heads" have icons in the files. The mask is used for the "main" Jelleton based off Agent 4 in order to keep the hair unobstructed, and is a duplicate of the one seen in Cipher's Siftings. The "head" has a unique icon, and is used for the other Jelletons in the boss fight.

Damaged Hero Gear

Despite replica versions of the gear being released with the Callie (Alterna) amiibo in Version 9.0.0, the original versions of the gear are completely finished with icons (excluding the Hero Grip, which had no corresponding icon before then).

Armored Hero Gear

Gear icons exist for the armored versions of the Hero Gear obtained through Alterna's skill tree during Return of the Mammalians.

Gear icons also exist for the modified version of the Hero Gear given to the player by Deep Cut before the final battle with Mr. Grizz.

Captain's Outfit

The outfit worn by the Captain has a full set of gear which is completely finished, besides a lack of physics on the poncho. Version 9.0.0 released replicas of the gear pieces with the Marie (Alterna) amiibo, but these are different, nearly identical, pieces of gear.

Fuzz-Octoling Gear

The Fuzzy Octoling gear also has gear icons, oddly being translated into English despite never being referenced to in game. Notably, the Fuzz-Octoling Goggles' lipstick is not rigged properly to the player character, so it will disconnect from the lips when the player moves their mouth.

An Elite Octoling variant of the goggles is present, just as it was in the second game; albeit under a different internal name. This goes untranslated in the final game.

Unused Music

Two additional copies of Without a Dop Doubt from Splatoon 2 were left in the files under the filenames Sound/Resource/Stream/BGM_LobbyVersus_Normal_Holiday.bwav and Sound/Resource/Stream/BGM_LobbyVersus_Normal_Night.bwav.

Unused Environments

Splatoon 3 stores environments in a single .bgyml file, stored in the stage's Scene file. Notably, a few scene files have additional environments that don't show up, due to the specific environment type never being enabled while the scene is accessible. This can most notably be seen with some maps in the sunset, which have odd unfinished environments that don't have world colors and skyboxes that correlate with one another.

Hagglefish Market (Sunset)

Hagglefish Market notably seems to have baked lighting, something that is missing from the other environments. However, it's set in an incredibly harsh red light, causing the stage to look out of place with the skybox. It uses the skybox Sky_Sunset00.

SPL3 UnusedEnv SunsetYagara.png

Brinewater Springs (Sunset)

Brinewater Springs is very unfinished, missing baked lighting, which paints the stage in an orange-ish light. It uses the skybox Sky_Sunset00.

SPL3 UnusedEnv SunsetBigSlope.png

Eeltail Alley (Sunset)

Eeltail Alley's sunset environment paints it in a very dull orange light, which does not match the skybox, creating a very unfinished look. It uses the skybox Sky_Sunset00.

SPL3 UnusedEnv SunsetDistrict.png

Undertow Spillway (Sunset)

Far and away the most odd of the bunch, as it doesn't get it's own sunset preset, instead using a default RenderingSunset set. However, this default file left in Undertow doesn't make it sunset, instead turning the environment into a very nice dark blue and gray. This also does not appear in the original version of Undertow Spillway, and was added when the stage was reworked in Version 7.2.0. It uses the skybox Sky_Dark00.

SPL3 UnusedEnv SunsetTemple01.png

Unused Modes

Salmon Run Events

Two game modes that were likely intended to be events for Salmon Run are left unused. Both have their own pay grades and titles, and were likely intended to have been special events that would run for a limited time, akin to Big Runs or Grizzco weapon rotations.

Underground is a harder version of Salmon Run with various changes listed below.

  • Every boss has 30% more HP and moves 30% faster.
  • Two of the bosses that spawn will drop larger Golden Eggs which add 5 eggs (3 eggs in Version 1.0.0) to the counter each.
  • The quota increases faster than in a normal Salmon Run shift, having a +3/+5/+7 quota increase per wave (as opposed to the +1/+3/+5 quota seen in regular Salmon Run).

Notably, when Nintendo added the ability to request player data in order to comply with the GDPR law implemented by the EU, an additional glossary for NEX and NPLN (Nintendo's online systems) was given to every person who requested data. Within the Splatoon 3 section in the NPLN docs, the Golden Eggs found in the Underground mode were given an official name, being called "giant Golden Eggs".

In Version 3.0.0, the maximum amount of actors for the giant Golden Eggs was set to 0, making the mode impossible to complete on lower difficulties, as the few bosses that spawn will simply drop nothing.

Pair has no differences from normal Salmon Run, and was likely scrapped extremely early into development.

A third "Limited" game mode, internally named Contest, was later adapted into the Eggstra Work competitions starting with Fresh Season 2023.


SPL3 FreeTest InGame.png

Originally from Splatoon 2, this mode allows you to explore the stage without a time limit.

  • The game does not start with an intro or the spawn capsule, immediately spawning the player on the ground similarly to the previous game's FreeTest.
  • No music plays during the match.
  • The time limit is set to be infinite (visually 3:00 as the game's layout file for the timer is defaulted to 3:00) as and will never tick down.
  • 7 auto-generated players are added to both teams, oddly being named after promotional characters in Splatoon 2. Each player is outfitted with the Cephalo Pods, Tri-Shred Tee, and Force ReBoots, and is given the Splattershot to wield.
    • Every character has the default eyebrows and default eye color.
    • Each of these players are the same across both teams, and are as follows:
Name Species Gender Hair
Surume Yari Inkling Female Hippie
Kou Kensaki Inkling Male Topknot
KelpShot Tof-U Octoling Female Pony
Splashley Cuttlefrsh Octoling Male Afro
  • In Tricolor Turf War, the auto-generated players are split in a different way, seemingly having no significant correlation.
Attacking Team 1 (Alpha) Surume Kensaki
Attacking Team 2 (Bravo) Yari KelpShot
Defending Team (Charlie) Kou Tof-U Splashley Cuttlefrsh
  • When an objective is completed, the game does not end and the objective will simply continue as is, similarly to Recon. The only exception to this is the Rainmaker gamemode, as the Rainmaker immediately disappears from the player's hands on completion and will never respawn.
    • Due to this lack of functionality, the only way to escape from the mode is to close the game.

Dummy Modes

Three additional modes are listed at the very end of the mode list, known as Dummy (ID 100), DummyCoop (ID 101), and DummyAging (ID 102). Aging is a term used by Nintendo developers in order to test various functions of games and consoles, as seen with programs such as the Aging Card NTR on DS.

Oddly, 8 bytes are saved for the mode list (which could be held in 7 bytes), implying that there may be additional modes that were stripped from the main game.

Unused Badges

"Limited" Salmon Run Badges

Left within the files are 2 sets of unused badges for the "Limited" Salmon Run modes (Underground and Pair) when obtained on Sockeye Station.
Based on data leftover in the BadgeInfo.Product.100.rstbl.byml.zs file, it can be assumed that these were supposed to function similarly to Eggsecutive VP badges, where you would obtain one by reaching Eggsecutive VP 400, 600, 800, and 999 respectively (as opposed to 200, 400, 600, 999 for the regular Eggsecutive VP badges). Despite Sockeye Station being the only stage to have assets leftover, the resource size table reveals that every Salmon Run stage in both games (excluding Bonerattle Arena) all had Underground and Pair badge files in the developer filesystem.

Underground Badges
SPL3 Badge Underground Shakespiral Lv00.png SPL3 Badge Underground Shakespiral Lv01.png SPL3 Badge Underground Shakespiral Lv02.png SPL3 Badge Underground Shakespiral Lv03.png
Pair Badges
SPL3 Badge Pair Shakespiral Lv00.png SPL3 Badge Pair Shakespiral Lv01.png SPL3 Badge Pair Shakespiral Lv02.png SPL3 Badge Pair Shakespiral Lv03.png

Rainmaker Win Badges

The BadgeInfo.Product.100.rstbl.byml.zs file references a badge for winning 30, 180, and 1200 games using the Rainmaker. Only the badges for winning 30 and 180 games had assets, and the internal badge name, WinCount_WeaponSp_SpGachihoko_*, implies that this may have occurred as a side effect of automatically generating badges, as every Splatoon game considers the Rainmaker a special weapon internally. It's likely that this was generated on accident, and was not addressed until later on in development. In Version 1.1.0, all of these badges were removed from the game, and the badges for winning games in the Rainmaker mode was added to replace them.

Early Final
SPL3 Badge SpGachihoko Lv00 Early.png SPL3 Badge SpGachihoko Lv01 Early.png SPL3 Badge SpGachihoko Lv00 Final.png SPL3 Badge SpGachihoko Lv01 Final.png

Unused Enemy Salmonids

Interestingly, various enemy Salmonids showed up in the game's data throughout the game's life, despite the Salmon Run: Next Wave mode only getting a content update to add King Salmonids.

Notably, the Silo, Stick, and Fish Salmonids were added around Version 4.1.0, implying that either a planned content update for Salmon Run was scrapped, or the enemies may have been adapted into designs for Side Order as described below.


BigBalloon was a King Salmonid that clearly had the most development out of all of the unused Salmonids. It had a rail it followed and would shoot out bombs over periods of time. This enemy was later entirely scrapped, and likely later became the Horrorboros King Salmonid. Within the resource size table, it had many references, listed below.



Ghost is a Boss Salmonid with a decent amount of development, but with very little left in the final game. Based on parameters, it seems that it may have used Toxic Mist as an attack. Notably, in Side Order, the Gushing Trionfale enemy spawns bombs that turn into enemy Toxic Mist, which may have possibly been inspired by Ghost.


Wheel is a Boss Salmonid with little to nothing left in the final game. What it could have done is unknown.


Balloon is a Boss Salmonid with little to nothing left in the final game. Due to the naming convention, it is possible that there is a relation between Balloon and BigBalloon, but no evidence has been found to connect the two directly. Interestingly, the Salmonid balloon icon shares a name with this unused enemy, but this may have simply been a coincidence.


Stick is a Boss Salmonid with little to nothing left of it. What it could have done is unknown.


Silo is a Salmonid that may have been a King or Boss Salmonid with little to nothing left. Notably, the Silo enemy seems to have parameters for spawning the Stick Salmonid, which possibly could be related to the way Portals spawn Lesser Jelletons among other bosses.


Fish is a King or Boss Salmonid with little to nothing left in the final game. What it could have done is unknown.

Out-of-Bounds Models

Stuffed within the Grizzco building is a set of wooden planks that seem to be propped against something. Despite the Grizzco building having various windows, this model cannot be seen from any angle.

SPL3 OutOfBounds Model Splatsville.png

Super Smash Bros. Inkling Boy amiibo

Within the RSDB/AmiiboId.Product.XXX.rstbl.byml.zs file, a duplicate entry for an Inkling Boy amiibo exists with the ID AmiiboId_Boy0_Other. Every amiibo has an associated comment with the ID, with this amiibo's comment being "スマブラのボーイ", which approximately translates to "Smash Bros. Boy". While this could have been a placeholder, it's possible that during the development of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, an Inkling Boy amiibo was planned for the game, which was later scrapped.

Unused Splatfests

Download.png Download Unused Splatfest Data (JUEA-000000)
File: SPL3_JUEA-000000.zip (2 MB) (info)

A Splatfest internally known as JUEA-000000 was accidentally uploaded to the game's BCAT system on December 2nd, 2022 instead of (likely) the Spicy vs. Sweet vs. Sour Splatfest. However, a key for this Splatfest was never distributed, so it's impossible to access any of the data within it, only existing as a set of encrypted pack files.

Home Menu Icon

The icon on the Home Menu had two revisions.

Early Final
Splatoon3 EarlyIcon.jpg Splatoon3 FinalIcon.png

This earliest revision of the icon appears to be a placeholder, as it is missing the Inklings and Octoling from the final image. It could be found for a short while on Nintendo's CDN servers.

Regional Differences

To do:
Add images

Multiple Splatfests were exclusive to certain regions, and were only able to be played if the player had their Splatfest region set to a certain option.

The first Splatfest to be region-exclusive was on November 17th-19th, 2023. Japan was given the 回転焼き vs 大判焼き vs 今川焼き(Kaiten-yaki vs. Ōban-yaki vs. Imagawa-yaki) Splatfest, while every other region got the Handshake vs. Fist Bump vs. Hug Splatfest.

Category 回転焼き (Kaiten-yaki) 大判焼き (Ōban-yaki) 今川焼き (Imagawa-yaki)
Conch Shells 33.35% 33.41% 33.24%
Votes 19.16% 43.73% 37.11%
Clout (Open) 33.39% 33.12% 33.49%
Clout (Pro) 33.43% 32.38% 34.19%
Tricolor 32.38% 34.07% 33.55%
Total 0p 33p 24p
Category Handshake Fist Bump Hug
Conch Shells 32.73% 35.01% 32.26%
Votes 18.45% 47.91% 33.64%
Clout (Open) 32.48% 34.31% 33.21%
Clout (Pro) 35.62% 32.25% 32.13%
Tricolor 34.78% 32.91% 32.31%
Total 30p 27p 0p

The second Splatfest to be region-exclusive was on February 16th-18th, 2024. Japan was given the あんこ vs カスタード vs ホイップ (Red Bean Paste vs. Custard vs. Whipped Cream) Splatfest, while every other region got the Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday Splatfest.

Category あんこ (Red Bean Paste) カスタード (Custard) ホイップ (Whipped Cream)
Conch Shells 33.51% 32.33% 34.16%
Votes 18.20% 26.24% 55.56%
Clout (Open) 33.20% 32.37% 34.43%
Clout (Pro) 34.17% 33.60% 32.23%
Tricolor 31.40% 31.53% 37.07%
Total 12p 0p 45p
Category Friday Saturday Sunday
Conch Shells 33.05% 33.70% 33.25%
Votes 22.53% 66.57% 10.90%
Clout (Open) 33.51% 33.32% 33.17%
Clout (Pro) 35.20% 31.37% 33.43%
Tricolor 32.04% 31.87% 36.09%
Total 24p 15p 18p

The third Splatfest to be region-exclusive was on March 22nd-24th, 2024. Japan was given the うすしお vs コンソメ vs のりしお (Lightly Salted vs. Consommé vs. Salted Seaweed) Splatfest, while every other region got the Drums vs. Guitar vs. Keyboard Splatfest.

Category うすしお (Lightly Salted) コンソメ (Consommé) のりしお (Salted Seaweed)
Conch Shells 33.58% 32.35% 34.07%
Votes 40.14% 32.05% 27.81%
Clout (Open) 34.34% 32.80% 32.86%
Clout (Pro) 33.95% 32.39% 33.66%
Tricolor 34.30% 32.54% 33.16%
Total 535p 35p 300p
Category Drums Guitar Keyboard
Conch Shells 33.93% 32.30% 33.77%
Votes 31.14% 35.33% 33.53%
Clout (Open) 32.29% 32.52% 35.19%
Clout (Pro) 30.80% 31.33% 37.87%
Tricolor 33.05% 32.20% 34.75%
Total 180p 190p 500p

Unused Text

Although this game has implemented anti-datamining measures for the alternate Splatfest results dialogue, the Halftime Report dialogue for the Grand Festival was unique as the teams were each represented by the three idol groups. Even though Team Past was in the lead by day 3 of the Splatfest, there was dialogue for if Team Present or Team Future were in the lead instead.

If Team Present was in the lead

Dialogue Dialogue
“Wait. THEY'RE in first? Hmph.”
“No way!”
“I call that a good start. Keep on inking
strong, Team Present!”
“You're doing us proud!”
“It's not over till it's over though!”
“Finally, you've said something accurate.
C'mon, everyone! Make your last push!”

If Team Future was in the lead

Dialogue Dialogue
“Looks like Team Future is
winning at the moment!”
Big Man
“Ay! Ay! (Yes! Keep up the great work,
“Whatever—we're just getting started!”
“It's still anyone's game.”
“This thing ain't over until the buzzer. Don't
hold back! Leave all your ink on the turf!”
“That's right. Give it everything you've
got–we're in the homestretch!”

Internal Project Names

Splatoon 3 goes by five different codenames;

  • The general project name is Thunder according to the game's code, which follows Splatoon 2's codename, Blitz (the German word for Lightning).
    • While slightly less plausible, it's possible that this is a Japanese pun on the game being the 3rd in its franchise, with Thunder (サンダー) being able to be interpreted as "three" (三だ).
  • The game's shader system is internally named Hoian. This codename is only ever used with another skybox, and what it could mean is unknown.
  • The specific branch of NPLN, the game's online system, is internally known as toyohr.
  • Wave 1 of the Expansion Pass, Inkopolis Plaza, is internally named FirstOrder, but is often compacted into Fsodr. FirstOrder is likely in reference to Inkopolis Plaza being the first wave of the DLC.
  • Wave 2 of the Expansion Pass, Side Order, is simply internally named SideOrder, but is often compacted into Sdodr.