Call of Duty: Finest Hour (PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Call of Duty: Finest Hour |
Developers: Spark Unlimited,
Kuju Entertainment This game has unused areas. |
Call of Duty: Finest Hour marks the first time the Call of Duty series hit the consoles.
To do:
Debug Options
Performance Monitors
49 different performance graphs (technically 50, but the last one has no name nor any effect) that are only present in the Xbox version. Toggling any of them will display a box on the left side of the screen with the graph drawn within it, as well as the current framerate below it. These addresses can either be poked in RAM while in-game, or toggled in the XBE itself, however the latter option requires removing an instruction that will attempt to set these values set to 0 while the game is loading. The Singleplayer column refers to default.xbe and the Multiplayer column refers to Game_XboxMultiplayer.xbe.
AV-042 01 W, 02 E (USA, Europe), (Germany) |
AV-042 03 E (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It) |
AV-042 04 J (Japan) |
0011ADD3 909090 | 0011AE63 909090 | 00120A33 909090 |
AV-042 01 W, 02 E, 03 E (USA, Europe), (Germany), (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It) |
AV-042 04 J (Japan) |
00184F57 90909090909090 | 00186A17 90909090909090 |
Graph name and RGB color | AV-042 01 W (USA, Europe) | AV-042 02 E (Germany) | AV-042 03 E (Europe) (En,Fr,Es,It) | AV-042 04 J (Japan) | ||||
Singleplayer | Multiplayer | Singleplayer | Multiplayer | Singleplayer | Multiplayer | Singleplayer | Multiplayer | |
TOTAL LOGIC (#FF0000) | 00322B10 01 | 0042A5D8 01 | 00322B90 01 | 0042A638 01 | 00322C50 01 | 0042A638 01 | 0032B4E0 01 | 0042CCD0 01 |
TOTAL RENDER (#00FF00) | 00322B5C 01 | 0042A624 01 | 00322BDC 01 | 0042A684 01 | 00322C9C 01 | 0042A684 01 | 0032B52C 01 | 0042CD1C 01 |
PAGEFLIP (#0000FF) | 00322BA8 01 | 0042A670 01 | 00322C28 01 | 0042A6D0 01 | 00322CE8 01 | 0042A6D0 01 | 0032B578 01 | 0042CD68 01 |
SCRIPT (#FFFF00) | 00322BF4 01 | 0042A6BC 01 | 00322C74 01 | 0042A71C 01 | 00322D34 01 | 0042A71C 01 | 0032B5C4 01 | 0042CDB4 01 |
ENTITY UPDATE (#00FFFF) | 00322C40 01 | 0042A708 01 | 00322CC0 01 | 0042A768 01 | 00322D80 01 | 0042A768 01 | 0032B610 01 | 0042CE00 01 |
AUDIO (#FF00FF) | 00322C8C 01 | 0042A754 01 | 00322D0C 01 | 0042A7B4 01 | 00322DCC 01 | 0042A7B4 01 | 0032B65C 01 | 0042CE4C 01 |
PROJECTILE UPDATE (#3399DD) | 00322CD8 01 | 0042A7A0 01 | 00322D58 01 | 0042A800 01 | 00322E18 01 | 0042A800 01 | 0032B6A8 01 | 0042CE98 01 |
AI (#DD9933) | 00322D24 01 | 0042A7EC 01 | 00322DA4 01 | 0042A84C 01 | 00322E64 01 | 0042A84C 01 | 0032B6F4 01 | 0042CEE4 01 |
PARTICLE UPDATE (#FF0000) | 00322D70 01 | 0042A838 01 | 00322DF0 01 | 0042A898 01 | 00322EB0 01 | 0042A898 01 | 0032B740 01 | 0042CF30 01 |
CAMERA CLEAR (#00FF00) | 00322DBC 01 | 0042A884 01 | 00322E3C 01 | 0042A8E4 01 | 00322EFC 01 | 0042A8E4 01 | 0032B78C 01 | 0042CF7C 01 |
SKYBOX (#0000FF) | 00322E08 01 | 0042A8D0 01 | 00322E88 01 | 0042A930 01 | 00322F48 01 | 0042A930 01 | 0032B7D8 01 | 0042CFC8 01 |
SECTIONS (#FFFF00) | 00322E54 01 | 0042A91C 01 | 00322ED4 01 | 0042A97C 01 | 00322F94 01 | 0042A97C 01 | 0032B824 01 | 0042D014 01 |
GAMEENTITY (#00FFFF) | 00322EA0 01 | 0042A968 01 | 00322F20 01 | 0042A9C8 01 | 00322FE0 01 | 0042A9C8 01 | 0032B870 01 | 0042D060 01 |
PROJECTILES (#3399FF) | 00322EEC 01 | 0042A9B4 01 | 00322F6C 01 | 0042AA14 01 | 0032302C 01 | 0042AA14 01 | 0032B8BC 01 | 0042D0AC 01 |
RW-STUDIO (#FF9933) | 00322F38 01 | 0042AA00 01 | 00322FB8 01 | 0042AA60 01 | 00323078 01 | 0042AA60 01 | 0032B908 01 | 0042D0F8 01 |
PARTICLES (#FF0000) | 00322F84 01 | 0042AA4C 01 | 00323004 01 | 0042AAAC 01 | 003230C4 01 | 0042AAAC 01 | 0032B954 01 | 0042D144 01 |
PLAYER (#00FF00) | 00322FD0 01 | 0042AA98 01 | 00323050 01 | 0042AAF8 01 | 00323110 01 | 0042AAF8 01 | 0032B9A0 01 | 0042D190 01 |
ATOM RENDER (#0000FF) | 0032301C 01 | 0042AAE4 01 | 0032309C 01 | 0042AB44 01 | 0032315C 01 | 0042AB44 01 | 0032B9EC 01 | 0042D1DC 01 |
ATOM RENDER CBA (#FFFF00) | 00323068 01 | 0042AB30 01 | 003230E8 01 | 0042AB90 01 | 003231A8 01 | 0042AB90 01 | 0032BA38 01 | 0042D228 01 |
ATOM RENDER CBB (#00FFFF) | 003230B4 01 | 0042AB7C 01 | 00323134 01 | 0042ABDC 01 | 003231F4 01 | 0042ABDC 01 | 0032BA84 01 | 0042D274 01 |
ATOM RENDER CBC (#FF00FF) | 00323100 01 | 0042ABC8 01 | 00323180 01 | 0042AC28 01 | 00323240 01 | 0042AC28 01 | 0032BAD0 01 | 0042D2C0 01 |
ENTITY UPDATE (#3399FF) | 0032314C 01 | 0042AC14 01 | 003231CC 01 | 0042AC74 01 | 0032328C 01 | 0042AC74 01 | 0032BB1C 01 | 0042D30C 01 |
ANIMATION (#FF9933) | 00323198 01 | 0042AC60 01 | 00323218 01 | 0042ACC0 01 | 003232D8 01 | 0042ACC0 01 | 0032BB68 01 | 0042D358 01 |
ANIMATION POST (#FF0000) | 003231E4 01 | 0042ACAC 01 | 00323264 01 | 0042AD0C 01 | 00323324 01 | 0042AD0C 01 | 0032BBB4 01 | 0042D3A4 01 |
ENTITY UPD: CLASSAI (#00FF00) | 00323230 01 | 0042ACF8 01 | 003232B0 01 | 0042AD58 01 | 00323370 01 | 0042AD58 01 | 0032BC00 01 | 0042D3F0 01 |
ENTITY UPD: PHYSICS (#0000FF) | 0032327C 01 | 0042AD44 01 | 003232FC 01 | 0042ADA4 01 | 003233BC 01 | 0042ADA4 01 | 0032BC4C 01 | 0042D43C 01 |
ENTITY UPD: CLSN (#00FF00) | 003232C8 01 | 0042AD90 01 | 00323348 01 | 0042ADF0 01 | 00323408 01 | 0042ADF0 01 | 0032BC98 01 | 0042D488 01 |
ENTITY UPD: TRIGGER (#0000FF) | 00323314 01 | 0042ADDC 01 | 00323394 01 | 0042AE3C 01 | 00323454 01 | 0042AE3C 01 | 0032BCE4 01 | 0042D4D4 01 |
SHELL (#FFFF00) | 00323360 01 | 0042AE28 01 | 003233E0 01 | 0042AE88 01 | 003234A0 01 | 0042AE88 01 | 0032BD30 01 | 0042D520 01 |
GAME LOOP (#FFFFFF) | 003233AC 01 | 0042AE74 01 | 0032342C 01 | 0042AED4 01 | 003234EC 01 | 0042AED4 01 | 0032BD7C 01 | 0042D56C 01 |
SHADOWS (#4090FF) | 003233F8 01 | 0042AEC0 01 | 00323478 01 | 0042AF20 01 | 00323538 01 | 0042AF20 01 | 0032BDC8 01 | 0042D5B8 01 |
SHRIMPS (#FF0000) | 00323444 01 | 0042AF0C 01 | 003234C4 01 | 0042AF6C 01 | 00323584 01 | 0042AF6C 01 | 0032BE14 01 | 0042D604 01 |
DECALS (#00FF00) | 00323490 01 | 0042AF58 01 | 00323510 01 | 0042AFB8 01 | 003235D0 01 | 0042AFB8 01 | 0032BE60 01 | 0042D650 01 |
WORLD COLLIDE LINE (#3399FF) | 003234DC 01 | 0042AFA4 01 | 0032355C 01 | 0042B004 01 | 0032361C 01 | 0042B004 01 | 0032BEAC 01 | 0042D69C 01 |
CLONES (#00FF00) | 00323528 01 | 0042AFF0 01 | 003235A8 01 | 0042B050 01 | 00323668 01 | 0042B050 01 | 0032BEF8 01 | 0042D6E8 01 |
Audio Total (#00FF00) | 00323574 01 | 0042B03C 01 | 003235F4 01 | 0042B09C 01 | 003236B4 01 | 0042B09C 01 | 0032BF44 01 | 0042D734 01 |
RwCoreUpdate (#FF0000) | 003235C0 01 | 0042B088 01 | 00323640 01 | 0042B0E8 01 | 00323700 01 | 0042B0E8 01 | 0032BF90 01 | 0042D780 01 |
File Open SFX (#FFFFFF) | 0032360C 01 | 0042B0D4 01 | 0032368C 01 | 0042B134 01 | 0032374C 01 | 0042B134 01 | 0032BFDC 01 | 0042D7CC 01 |
File Open Stream (#FFFFFF) | 00323658 01 | 0042B120 01 | 003236D8 01 | 0042B180 01 | 00323798 01 | 0042B180 01 | 0032C028 01 | 0042D818 01 |
Asynch Loader (#4090FF) | 003236A4 01 | 0042B16C 01 | 00323724 01 | 0042B1CC 01 | 003237E4 01 | 0042B1CC 01 | 0032C074 01 | 0042D864 01 |
Stream Updates (#FFFF00) | 003236F0 01 | 0042B1B8 01 | 00323770 01 | 0042B218 01 | 00323830 01 | 0042B218 01 | 0032C0C0 01 | 0042D8B0 01 |
UnloadPreviousBanks (#FF0000) | 0032373C 01 | 0042B204 01 | 003237BC 01 | 0042B264 01 | 0032387C 01 | 0042B264 01 | 0032C10C 01 | 0042D8FC 01 |
StartLoadingAWD (#00FF00) | 00323788 01 | 0042B250 01 | 00323808 01 | 0042B2B0 01 | 003238C8 01 | 0042B2B0 01 | 0032C158 01 | 0042D948 01 |
LoadingAWD (#0000FF) | 003237D4 01 | 0042B29C 01 | 00323854 01 | 0042B2FC 01 | 00323914 01 | 0042B2FC 01 | 0032C1A4 01 | 0042D994 01 |
LoadingAWD_Chunk (#FFFF00) | 00323820 01 | 0042B2E8 01 | 003238A0 01 | 0042B348 01 | 00323960 01 | 0042B348 01 | 0032C1F0 01 | 0042D9E0 01 |
StartLoadingAGD (#FF00FF) | 0032386C 01 | 0042B334 01 | 003238EC 01 | 0042B394 01 | 003239AC 01 | 0042B394 01 | 0032C23C 01 | 0042DA2C 01 |
LoadingAGD (#00FFFF) | 003238B8 01 | 0042B380 01 | 00323938 01 | 0042B3E0 01 | 003239F8 01 | 0042B3E0 01 | 0032C288 01 | 0042DA78 01 |
DoneLoadingAGD (#FFFFFF) | 00323904 01 | 0042B3CC 01 | 00323984 01 | 0042B42C 01 | 00323A44 01 | 0042B42C 01 | 0032C2D4 01 | 0042DAC4 01 |
DoneLoadingSoundBank (#888888) | 00323950 01 | 0042B418 01 | 003239D0 01 | 0042B478 01 | 00323A90 01 | 0042B478 01 | 0032C320 01 | 0042DB10 01 |
Unused Text
String Label | String |
ACTIVISION_LEGAL_01 | This is a work in progress build and, as such, should not be considered to be representative of the final quality of the released product. These materials are the confidential and proprietary materials of Activision, Inc., and provided solely for testing under Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's Beta Testing Program. These materials may not be used for any other purpose or be disclosed to any third party. |
ACTIVISION_LEGAL_02 | (c) 2004 Activision, Inc. Activision is a registered trademark and Call of Duty and Call of Duty: Finest Hour are trademarks of Activision, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners. This product contains software technology licensed from GameSpy Industries, Inc. (c) 1999-2004 GameSpy Industries, Inc. GameSpy and the "Powered by GameSpy" design are trademarks of GameSpy Industries, Inc. All rights reserved. |
BUTTON_TEST | \u0014 \u0015 \u0016 \u0017 \u0018 \u0019 \u001a \u001b \u001c \u001d \u0014 |
Debug | Debug |
Debug Menu | Debug Menu |
PS2_EULA_01 | test test test test |
TEST2 | This is another test string |
Only exists in the Xbox releases, if not counting the early data container on PS2.
String Label | Lang | String |
ANDTHEWINNERIS | DE | And the winner is? German |
EN | And the winner is? English | |
FR | And the winner is? French | |
IT | And the winner is? Italian | |
SP | And the winner is? Spanish |
Also only exists in the Xbox releases besides the early data container.
String Label | Lang | String |
Blah | DE | Blah |
EN | ||
FR | ||
IT | ||
US | ||
SP | Bla |
Unused Graphics
Online Beta Testing Leftovers
Several graphics left over from when this game was supposedly sent out to testers under Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's Beta Testing Program.
Some graphics remained almost the same, just with different shading on it.
Unused | Used |
w_betabackground.txd (9CCF4BA67207C3DE) |
w_NetworkConfigBKG.txd (3AFBBEDBCEAEE100) |
Early Loading Screen
The Japanese Xbox version has a different early revision of the Japanese loading screen, which is missing any mention of Capcom being the publisher.
Unused | Used |
Level Loading Screens
Six unused loading screens for levels assumed to be cut from the game.
Multiplayer Maps
The multiplayer maps are missing the 3rd and 8th map sequentially which are also assumed to be cut from the game. While the 8th map has nothing left over for it, the 3rd one has a few graphics still present. If you change the starting map for a multiplayer game to MP_3, it will display a placeholder string "THIS SHOULD NOT APPEAR ...", which is a cut off string of "THIS SHOULD NOT APPEAR IN GAME". Its original name was "The Dish", as indicated by the early data container.
Splash Screens
The final game uses pre-rendered videos to show the developer and publisher logos.
Placeholder Icons
Developer Slideshow
While the GameCube version has a video of a developer eating contest, this release has 55 images in a texture dictionary at SHELL\FEND\INSTANCE\SKY\SLIDESHW.txd (64110F9F6B5093B6) or shell\fend\instance\xbox\slideshw.txd (36D5C01A5375C1DA) of developers and their family members that were likely intended to be shown in the Extras menu's Gallery.
Unused Sounds
Located in XBX_0060.awd and
SB_AWD\60_89\ENGLISH\PS2_0060.awd (41459106D66121C0),
SB_AWD\60_89\FRENCH\PS2_0060.awd (0FF99BC851B7CE50),
SB_AWD\60_89\GERMAN\PS2_0060.awd (FF147FD9ABC735C6),
SB_AWD\60_89\ITALIAN\PS2_0060.awd (3B7D98F6516D7128),
SB_AWD\60_89\SPANISH\PS2_0060.awd (6959304911B3B6F8).
Filename | Sound |
Bodyfall_Dirt_01 | |
Bodyfall_Dirt_B02 | |
Bodyfall_Dirt_B03 | |
Bodyfall_Metal_01 | |
Bodyfall_Metal_B02 | |
Bodyfall_Metal_B03 | |
Bodyfall_Snow_01 | |
Bodyfall_Snow_02 | |
Bodyfall_Snow_03 | |
Bodyfall_Wood_01 | |
Bodyfall_Wood_02 | |
Bodyfall_Wood_03 | |
Footstep_Dirt_01 | |
Footstep_Dirt_02 | |
Footstep_Dirt_03 | |
Footstep_Wood_B01 | |
Footstep_Wood_B02 | |
Footstep_Wood_B03 | |
Movement_Player_C01 | |
Movement_Player_C02 | |
Movement_Player_C03 |
Located in XBX_0200.awd and
SB_AWD\180_209\ENGLISH\PS2_0200.awd (FB46A04356828DC5),
SB_AWD\180_209\FRENCH\PS2_0200.awd (65FB4BDB426889C7),
SB_AWD\180_209\GERMAN\PS2_0200.awd (4EA605B296913B95),
SB_AWD\180_209\ITALIAN\PS2_0200.awd (7C62E799A1B2E9DD),
SB_AWD\180_209\SPANISH\PS2_0200.awd (BB5F7B0A012EF95D).
Filename | Sound |
Impact_Dirt_01 | |
Impact_Dirt_03 | |
Impact_Dirt_05 | |
Impact_Dirt_09 | |
Impact_Masonry_01 | |
Impact_Masonry_03 | |
Impact_Masonry_05 | |
Impact_Masonry_10 |
Located in XBX_0213.awd and
SB_AWD\210_239\ENGLISH\PS2_0213.awd (B5F583B35C8F26E6),
SB_AWD\210_239\FRENCH\PS2_0213.awd (2FC356AA961FB8CE),
SB_AWD\210_239\GERMAN\PS2_0213.awd (1A0BBFD69E8F9EE4),
SB_AWD\210_239\ITALIAN\PS2_0213.awd (4A8D322F70A93AEE),
SB_AWD\210_239\SPANISH\PS2_0213.awd (EEEFDFC004F32226).
Filename | Sound |
Impact_Dirt_01 | |
Impact_Dirt_03 | |
Impact_Dirt_05 | |
Impact_Dirt_09 | |
Impact_Dirt_13 | |
Impact_Dirt_14 | |
Impact_Dirt_21 | |
Impact_Dirt_26 | |
Impact_Dirt_27 | |
Impact_Dirt_30 | |
Impact_Dirt_31 | |
Impact_Dirt_32 | |
Impact_Dirt_38 | |
Impact_Dirt_51 | |
Impact_Dirt_54 | |
Impact_Dirt_55 | |
Impact_Dirt_58 | |
Impact_Dirt_59 | |
Impact_Dirt_62 | |
Impact_Dirt_64 |
Early Data Container
The container bigfile.bds (11CC2379432E0C9B) has a lot of early revisions of files.
Early/Unused Text
String Label | Early String | Final String |
ACCELBIAS | Accel Bias | |
ACCELPOWER | Accel Power | |
ANDTHEWINNERIS | And the winner is? English | |
any | GUI ENG: any | |
AREYOUSURE | Are you sure? | |
BACK | Back | |
Blah | Blah | |
BRAKEBIAS | Brake Bias | |
BRAKEPOWER | Brake Power | |
BUMPSTOPPOS | Bump Stop Position | |
Capture | GUI ENG: Capture | |
Capture the flag | GUI ENG: Capture the flag | |
CONTINUE | Continue | |
Deathmatch | GUI ENG: Deathmatch | Deathmatch |
DRIVINGPARAMS | Driving Params | |
DYNAMICGRIP | Dynamic Grip | |
HUD_STOPSPECTATING_PS2 | Press X to skip | Press \u0016 to skip |
HUD_STOPSPECTATING_XBOX | Press A to skip | Press \u0016 to skip |
Instant Action | GLOBAL ENG: Instant Action | Instant Action |
Language | Language | |
Language0 | English | |
Language1 | German | |
Language2 | French | |
Language3 | Italian | |
Language4 | Spanish | |
MASS | Mass | |
MINTURNRADIUS | Min Turn Radius | |
NEUTRALBIAS | Neutral Bias | |
NO | No | |
PITCHSPEED | Pitch Speed | |
QUIT | Quit | |
RESTART | Restart | |
REVERSETIME | Reverse Time | |
ROLLFACTOR | Roll Factor | |
Search And Destroy | GUI ENG: Search And Destroy | Search & Destroy |
SPRINGDAMPING | Spring Damping | |
SPRINGSTIFFNESS | String Stiffness | |
STATICGRIP | Static Grip | |
Team Deathmatch | GUI ENG: Team Deathmatch | Team Deathmatch |
TEST_CARRIAGE_RETURNS | This string contains some carriage returns. Another good string to test multiple line spanning stuff. |
TEST_LONG_STRING | This is a very long string. So long, in fact, that it should span multiple lines in a text box. This string is probably a good test for wrapped strings in game. I'm pretty sure it's not informative enough to be used in the final game though. This is just for debugging. I would continue, but it's getting late and I can't be bothered. Badgers. | |
TOPREVERSESPEED | Top Reverse Speed | |
TOPSPEED | Top Speed | |
TURNACCEL | Turn Accel | |
WANTTORETRY | Do you want to retry? | |
WHEELCENTRESPEED | Wheel Centre Speed | |
WHEELTURNSPEED | Wheel Turn Speed | |
WIN | WIN! | |
YAWSPEED | Yaw Speed | |
YES | Yes |
Early Graphics
Early Texture | Final Texture |
Revisional Differences
The North American PlayStation 2 version has two known versions - v1.04 and v2.02. It has a few small changes.
String Label | String (v1.04) | String (v2.02) |
DNAS_DEFAULT_ERROR | DNAS Error (%1) An authentication error has occurred. Please contact your local PlayStation Customer Care line on the number provided in the software manual for assistance. |
DNAS Error (%1) An authentication error has occurred. Please write down the error code number, and contact SCEA at 1-866-466-5333 or via SCEA's website, |
End User Licence Agreement | End User Licence Agreement | End User License Agreement |
Regional Differences
The Japanese PlayStation 2 version is missing the Multiplayer option, like the GameCube version. All other releases, even the Japanese Xbox version, do have Multiplayer support.
PlayStation 2 (JPN) | Xbox (JPN) |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Spark Unlimited
- Games developed by Kuju Entertainment
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Activision
- Games published by Capcom
- PlayStation 2 games
- Xbox games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2004
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 17
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 3
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- To do
- Call of Duty series
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Cleanup > Pages missing developer references
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Kuju Entertainment
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Spark Unlimited
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
Games > Games by platform > Xbox games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Capcom
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Microsoft > Games published by Activision Blizzard > Games published by Activision
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2004
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 3
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 17
Games > Games by series > Call of Duty series