Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare |
Developers: High Moon Studios,
Sledgehammer Games
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We got Exo-Suits now men, suit up, whether you like it or not, we are takin' to the skies. Also be sure to pack your clown costume.
To do:
- 1 Sub-Page
- 2 Unused Weapons
- 3 Leftover Weapons
- 4 Early Weapon Names
- 5 Unused Attachments
- 6 Unused Attachment Combinations
- 7 Unused Weapon Stats
- 8 Unused Scorestreak Modules
- 9 Unused Create-a-Class Items
- 10 Unseen Map Content
- 11 Unused Text
- 12 Unused Vehicles
- 13 Filename Oddities
- 14 Platform Differences
- 15 Regional Differences
Prototype Info |
Prerelease Info |
Unused Weapons
To do: Document the following weapons:
Determine whether the following weapons are unused:
The Thompson was supposed to be added post-launch to the game via supply drops, but it was cut. This weapon would have accepted a dual-magazine attachment and the model would have a picatinny rail.
To do:
A near-complete weapon that was showcased in pre-release footage. Cut for unknown reasons.
Atlas Sword
A cut weapon meant for Exo Zombies.
To do: Check if there is any other data for this gun. |
A cut semiautomatic shotgun whose unique attribute was that it had multiple barrels. This weapon has a Create-a-Class description with the codename "SHOTGUN_SEMIAUTO_MULTIBARREL" and contains the following description: "Semiauto multi-barrel".
To do: Check if there is any other data for this gun. |
All the information about this gun comes from the localization string for its description, PISTOL_BOLT_ACTION: "Bolt action pistol." The description is reminiscent of the RW1.
To do: Check if there is any other data for this gun. |
A full auto Assault Rifle with a unique ammunition mechanic. This weapon has a Create-a-Class description with the codename "AR_SEGMENTED_RELOAD" that has the following description: "First three rounds fire faster. Reloads in 10 round attaching clips."
Single Wield XMG
To do:
The weapon file for the XMG contains parameters pertaining to a single wield version of the weapon. These parameters are listed below along with the used Akimbo versions. Given the long reload cancel time, the single wield version presumably would have had a large amount of ammo like the Akimbo version.
Parameter | Function | Value | Akimbo |
fireTime | Rate of fire. | 705 RPM (same RPM as BAL-27 after first four bullets) | 600 RPM |
reloadAddTime | Reload cancel time for a partial reload. | 4.9 seconds | 6 seconds (partial/full reload) 5.5 (reload cancel) |
Left-hand Exo Launcher Items
The game contains unused weapon stat files for versions of each Exo Launcher item that would be fired from the player character's left arm. The filenames for these weapon stat files are the same as the normal ones but with "_lefthand" at the end, e.g. "frag_grenade_mp_lefthand". This unique functionality possibly would have been tied to a perk, and given that swapped placement of the launcher, possibly a perk that allowed the player to use the Exo Launcher while performing another action.
Leftover Weapons
To do:
Advanced Warfare contains a number of weapons leftover from prior Call of Duty games, the majority of which are from Modern Warfare 3. Several of these weapons are loaded into the memory of various campaign missions and were presumably used prior to proper game assets being created. Several of these weapons function the same as they did in the game they originate from and are compatible with different attachments but lack all weapons sounds and contain minor irregularities. Most of these weapons have a third person model when dropped on the ground that uses the pickup icon for the weapon from the game it originates from.
Additionally, the name for most of these weapons displayed in the HUD and when picked up is the string for their name instead of their actual name. In Call of Duty games, weapons will specify a string for the weapon's name and a localization string file will specify what text goes with that string. For these weapons, the string and its accompanying text presumably do not exist inside any localization file, and thus the weapon displays the string for its name instead of its actual name.
The following leftover weapons exist inside the game. Unless otherwise noted, all weapons function the same as in the game they originate from, have no weapon sounds and their HUD/pickup name is the string for their name.
Modern Warfare 3
- AK-47 - Can be loaded into the campaign. Demonstration video.
- SPAS-12 - Can be loaded into the campaign. Ejected shotguns shells glow red. Compatible with the Red Dot Sight, Holographic Sight, and Grip. Demonstration video.
Modern Warfare 2
- M9 - Can be loaded into the campaign. Demonstration video.
Modern Warfare
- M249 SAW - Can be loaded into the campaign and is the non-mounted version. This version inflicts a low amount of damage and lets out gases from the barrel that are thick and cannot be seen through due to compatibility problems with the game. Demonstration video.
The P90 from Modern Warfare 3 can be loaded into the campaign. Unlike other weapons, this weapon does have a firing sound but the sound is different than the one in Modern Warfare 3. This weapon is compatible with the Red Dot Sight, Holographic Sight, ACOG Sight, and Silencer. A video showing the P90 and its different attachment can be seen here.
The M14 EBR from Modern Warfare 3 can be used in the mission "Throttle". It is somewhat broken, with the weapon missing its sounds and the scope view being an odd square instead of the regular scope reticle.
The RPG from Modern Warfare 3 can be used via a glitch on the mission "Throttle". It functions identically to the Modern Warfare 3 version, although it is missing sounds and certain animations.
Early Weapon Names
To do: Check whether the campaign explains what "XMG" stands for, as it might be an acronym for "Exo MG". |
The filenames for several weapon stat files refer to weapons by what appear to be early names, given how they differ substantially from the names used in-game. Note that some of the names referred to below may have been fully capitalized.
Name | Early | Filename | Notes |
Atlas 45 | Titan 45 | titan45 | |
PDW | VBR | vbr | |
IMR | Himar | himar | Also appears in concept art seen here and in this video from 12:29 - 13:10. |
MK14 | M182 SPR | m182spr | |
S-12 | Rhino | rhino | |
NA-45 | M990 | m990 | |
Atlas 20mm | Thor | thor | |
XMG | Exo MG | exomg | |
Ameli | ASAW | asaw |
Unused Attachments
To do:
- Atlas 45: Adds a laser sight-like object the the front of the gun.
- PDW: Floats around the player character's head.
- MP443 Grach: Appears on the gun and another copy of the attachment floats around the player character's head.
- Compatible assault rifles: Does not appear on the weapon.
Unused Attachment Combinations
To do:
The following unused attachment combinations function properly in-game, but in the loadout selection screen the attachments will not have any icons when selected for a loadout. All of these weapons can be seen in this video.
Weapon | Attachments |
MORS | Quickdraw Grip Laser Sight |
Tac-19 | Thermal scope Silencer |
MK14 | Advanced Rifling |
Crossbow | Quickdraw Grip Laser Sight |
Atlas 20mm | Laser Sight Ironsights |
Weapon files for the following weapons contain coding for compatibility with the following attachments:
- Pytaek Akimbo - The weapon file for this weapon contains stat data for equipping Akimbo on the weapon. Some of the stats for the weapon are listed below. Interestingly, a pre-release trailer showed the XMG with a pickup icon consisting of two Pytaeks positioned next to each other, although it is not known whether this has any connection to this scrapped attachment.
- Reload time: 8.67 seconds
- Rate of fire: 857 RPM (normal is 631)
- Ohm Akimbo - The weapon file for this weapon contains stat data for equipping Akimbo on the weapon. Some of the stats for the weapon are listed below. It is not currently known whether the weapon with this attachment could switch between both weapon modes or whether it forced the weapon into one of these modes.
- Reload time: 8.67 seconds
Dual Magazine
To do: Add Lever Action Dual Mag reloads. |
The following weapons have unused compatibility with Dual Magazine. Stats for each weapon comes from each weapon's weapon file and are listed below along with their normal reload speeds. Times are listed in seconds.
- M1 Garand: (for comparison, the normal Dual Magazine reload time is the same as the weapon's normal speed reload time)
Reload | Normal | Dual Magazine |
Partial | 3.3 2.2 (reload cancel) |
1.7 1.1 (reload cancel) |
Empty | 2.9 1.4 (reload cancel) |
1.7 1.1 (reload cancel) |
- MP11:
Reload | Normal | Dual Magazine |
Partial | 2 | 1.7 |
Empty | 2.5 | 1.7 |
Reload cancel | 1.45 | 1.15 |
- Repulsor:
Reload | Normal | Dual Magazine |
Partial | 2 seconds 1.5 (reload cancel) |
1.7 1.2 (reload cancel) |
Empty | 2.3 1.6 (reload cancel) |
1.7 1.2 (reload cancel) |
Unused Weapon Stats
To do:
- Partial reload cancel: 7.13 seconds
- Empty reload: 8.67 seconds
- The XMG has hipfire spread values when prone that are never used as the weapon cannot be used in prone. They are identical to its standing hipspread values.
- Lockdown mode has an unused HUD name of "Akimbo", likely related to how the internal name of Lockdown mode is "akimboxmg".
- The MORS has an unused speed reload time of 1.134 seconds. Additionally, it also has an unused speed reload cancel time of 1.4 seconds, which strangely is longer than the original reload cancel time instead of shorter.
- The MORS has an unused ADS time of 0.45 seconds, which is slower than its default ADS time of 0.4 seconds. The unused ADS time is present in the weapon stat file but is not used because the MORS' default scope is treated as an attachment and the scope's weapon file has its own ADS time.
Weapon | Max | Min |
All Sniper Rifles | 1024 | 1792 |
- When reloading more than one round in the Tac-19 and MDL, the time taken to load the first round is longer than the time to load subsequent ones. These reload times are determined by different parameters in each weapon's file. Oddly, the parameter that determines the reload cancel time for reloading the first round reload on segmented reload weapons is filled out for several weapons that do not use segmented reloads. Partial reload, empty reload, and reload cancel times are also listed below for comparison.
Weapon | Partial | Empty | Cancel | Segm. Cancel |
Lynx | 3 | 3 | 1.8 | 2 |
MORS | N/A | 1.2 | 0.8 | 2 |
SVO | 2.75 | 3.55 | 1.75 (partial) 1.8 (empty) |
1.75 |
S-12 | 2 | 2.3 | 1.5 | 1.5 |
- The S-12 and Bulldog have unused pump times that go unused as the weapons are not pump action. The parameter that lists these pump times is called rechamberTime and has been used in prior game for this function. Additionally, these shotguns as well as the Tac-19 have an unused parameter called rechamberBoltTime that lists times for a game function that does not exist in the final game. The values for this parameter are presumably measured in seconds.
Weapon | Pump time | rechamberBoltTime |
Tac-19 | 0.467 seconds | 0.45 seconds |
S-12, Bulldog | 0.37 | 0.167 |
- The Blunderbuss has an unused speed reload time of 4 seconds and a speed reload cancel time of 3.5 seconds, its normal reload cancel time. For comparison, its normal reload time is 4.5 seconds. In-game the Blunderbuss is only able to fire one shot before it has to be reloaded, rendering these speed reload times unused.
- All grenades in multiplayer have unused melee times. The values for the Exo Punch are provided for comparison. The meleeDelay parameter specifies a delay between pressing the melee button and the melee animation executing while meleeTime lists the length of the melee animation.
Weapon | meleeDelay | meleeTime |
Exo Punch | 0.13 seconds | 0.8 seconds |
Grenades | 0.1 | 0.66 |
- All grenades have an unused sprint out time of 0.5 seconds. For comparison, most assault rifles have a sprint out time of 0.25 seconds, while the MAHEM has a sprint out time of 0.4 seconds and the rippable turrets for the Remote Turret scorestreak have sprint out times of 0.666 seconds.
- The Grenade Launcher attachment contains some unused parameters.
Parameter | Function | Value | Notes |
adsZoomFov | FOV in ADS. | 80 | Same FOV as the MDL. |
adsTransInTime, adsTransOutTime | Time to enter and exit ADS. | 0.5 seconds | The ADS-in time is the same as the ADS time for the launchers. |
adsViewKickCenterSpeed | How long it takes for the iron sights to recenter after a bullet/round has been fired. The higher the number is, the faster the iron sights recenter. | 2500 | Same centerspeed as the launchers, MDL, and IMR. |
Unused Scorestreak Modules
To do: More names and descriptions listed here. |
Advanced Warfare contains some unused text pertaining to cut Scorestreak modules. "String name" refers to the name of the string for the module's name.
Scorestreak | String name | Name | Description | Notes |
XS1 Goliath | HEAVY_EXO_MANIAC | Maniac | Trade your primary weapon for speed, exo movement, and a spike drone. | This module previously appeared in Call of Duty: Ghosts as a Pointstreak called "Maniac". While not mentioned in the description, this module presumably would have allowed the player to still use the XS1 Goliath's punch melee attack. |
Unused Create-a-Class Items
Advanced Warfare contains a number of assets pertaining to cut items that could be equipped in loadouts.
Unused Perks
To do:
Advanced Warfare contains a number of unused perks, some of which function in-game while others only have leftover descriptions. Of the perks that can be loaded in-game, several appear to have been imported from prior Call of Duty games.
The following perks can be loaded in-game. Some of these perks either have an icon consisting of a checkered box or a placeholder icon that reads "Temp Icon".
Name | Icon | Description | Notes |
PERKS_STOPPING_POWER | Placeholder icon. | The Stopping Power perk that appeared in prior games. It is not currently known whether it functions in-game. |
The following perks only have a leftover description. Many of these descriptions possibly originated from early development given how casually they are written. Several of these perks reference a cut Pro Perk system where perks could be upgraded to a more enhanced version, presumably through completing challenges. Unlike the Pro Perks of prior titles which added extra functionality, these Pro Perks appear to simply enhance the functionality of the base version of the perk. Pro Perk abilities are described under the "Lvl 2" section of each description.
Tactical Mask
The Tactical Mask perk, which previously appeared in Black Ops 1 and 2, has the codename "TACTICALMASK" and the following description: "Reset grenade fuse. Flash and concussion reduction. Lvl 1: 50% Lvl 2: 90%". In the final game the grenade fuse aspect is included as part of Flak Jacket. The description also references Flash Grenades, which do not exist in the final, and Concussion Grenades, which are called "Stun Grenades" in the final. The Pro version's effect reduction is the same as Tactical Mask in Black Ops II and Tactical Mask Pro in Black Ops 1, which virtually negates the effects of Concussion and Flash Grenades.
Unused Equipment
To do:
Advanced Warfare contains several unused Create-a-Class descriptions pertaining to different types of cut equipment that could be equipped in a class. "Codename" refers to the codename for the equipment item's description.
Codename | Type | Description | Notes |
TRI_DRONE | Exo Launcher item | Three explosive sticky drones with secondary flashbang fx. |
The game contains a Create-a-Class item description with the codename "HIGHROLLER" that has the description "Re-roll care packages." It is uncertain whether this item is a perk or a Scorestreak module for the Orbital Care Package. In the final game, the Double Tap module for the Orbital Care Package functions exactly as this unused Create-a-Class item but has a different description.
Unseen Map Content
To do: This out-of-map video on Riot shows some potentially unseen content. Can any of it be seen in-game?
- There is a lake outside the map.
- The skybox is actually part of a photograph taken from a cliffside overlooking a bridge. While normally only the sky can be seen, part of the full image can be glimpsed by getting outside of the map.
- One of the drones that flies by has "POLICE" on it.
- There are many buildings placed outside the map that the player cannot see as they are obstructed by other buildings closer to the map.
- Some buildings outside the map have a rather detailed texture for a power outlet on top of a building.
- Far outside the map is a large futuristic company-style building that can only be glimpsed from the main stage.
- Below the map are roads that are placed in a linear grid pattern, however, near the outer edge of the map the roads actually twist to go around buildings and connect with another road. Nothing like this can be seen from the roads viewable from the map.
- The texture that forms part of the edge of the city has a normal amount of details to it as if it was meant to be seen by the player much closer; however, these details cannot be seen due to the fog from the main stage and neon holograms that pop up.
Unused Text
The item file for the Scavenger packs in multiplayer has the displayName parameter filled out as "Scavenger". This parameter is used on weapons to list the localization string for a weapon's name and is displayed in the HUD as well as when picking the weapon up off the ground.
The game contains early descriptions of some weapons that indicate that they originally were different during development.
Fully automatic, recoil reduces the longer you fire.
This is an early description of the Pytaek. The name of this string, AR_OPPOSITE_RECOIL, seems to indicate it was originally an assault rifle.
Extremely large sniper rifle that can be deployed as a turret.
Early description of the Atlas 20mm. The turret feature does not exist in the final.
Alternating rounds that detonate if fired in close proximity.
Early description of the NA-45.
Semi-automatic, metalstorm shotgun.
Localization string is SHOTGUN_METALSTORM. Early description of the Bulldog?
Unused Vehicles
- Snowmobile - Loaded into "Aftermath", has the file name "vehicle_jetbike", and appears as the Modern Warfare 2 snowmobile from "Cliffhanger" with only the main body present. It appears to have been used as a placeholder model for the Hoverbikes before their model was created.
Filename Oddities
- The codename for the multiplayer map "Ascend" is "mp_refraction", which does not appear to have any connection to the map at all. This may suggest that in early development the map had a design that fit more with its codename or that this was the original name of the map.
- The codename for the Crossbow is "exocrossbow", which suggests the Crossbow at one point had a more futuristic design or a design based off elements of the Exoskeleton. In the final game, the Crossbow has a relatively normal design.
Platform Differences
To do:
A PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 port of the game was developed by High Moon Studios and released on the same day as the normal version of the game. This port is largely the same as the main version of the game and differs primarily in terms of post-launch multiplayer weapons and variants.
To do:
- 1911
- SAC-3 Single Wield
- MP40
- Sten
- Repulsor
- STG44
- AK47
- M16
- Lever Action
- M1 Garand
- Blunderbuss
- CEL-3 Cauterizer
Exo Zombies
- Certain achievements were changed due to certain weapons or maps not being available. Additionally, in the last generation version the "Abandon All Hope" achievement has a typo.
Achievement | 360/PS3 Description | ONE/PS4 Description |
Big Game | Kill Oz with a Lynx in Descent. | Kill Oz with a Blunderbuss in Descent. |
Abandon All Hope | Rescue 4 survivor's in a single game in Infection. | Rescue 4 survivors in a single game in Infection. |
Trick Shot | Kill 100 enemies behind you with the KL03-Trident in Descent. | Kill 100 enemies behind you with the KL03-Trident |
- The KL03-Trident Wonder Weapon is just called Trident.
Regional Differences
- In the Japanese and Russian versions, none of the weapon variant names were translated.
- The Japanese version changed some of the names of weapon variants and clothing.
English | Japanese |
Bal-27 - Obsidian Steed | Bal-27 - Obsidian Colt |
SAC3 - Fire & Brimstone | SAC3 - Brimstone |
KVA Paramilitary <clothing> | KVA ParaM <clothing> |
Sentinel Airborne <clothing> | Sentinel AirB <clothing> |
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- Games developed by Sledgehammer Games
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- Games released on November 3
- Games released on November 13
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- Games with regional differences
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- Call of Duty series
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