Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown
Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown |
Also known as: Duke Nukem (EU), Duke Nukem 3D: Total Meltdown (Duke Nukem Collection 1) This game has unused areas. This game has a prototype article |
Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown is the PlayStation port of Duke Nukem 3D, featuring an exclusive episode and lots of slowdown.
This port would get released on the Evercade system as Duke Nukem 3D: Total Meltdown alongside remastered versions of Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem II.
To do:
Prototype Info |
Disabled Features / Debugging Tools
Frame Rate Display
It is possible to display the current frame rate of the game through a cheating device. When activated, the frame rate number is displayed at the top-left of the screen.
800B5326 0001
No Clipping Mode
The No Clipping Mode from the PC version also remains in this port. Entering an invalid area of the map may cause the game to glitch or crash.
800B52C2 0101
Third Person View
Like Duke Nukem 64, this game ported over the Third Person Mode from the PC version. However, it is quite glitchy.
800B1879 0001 800EC98A 0001
Laser Tripbomb
It's possible to possess the Tripbomb weapon from the PC version using a GameShark code. The weapons has a glitchy appearance, and interestingly it is highlighted in the status bar that you have the weapon. It's not possible to select the weapon (and the player will be stuck with the preceding one), unless it switches automatically when you run out of ammo.
800ECA1A 0101 800ECA1C 0101 800ECA1E 0101 800ECA20 0101 800ECA22 0001
Microwave Expander
The Microwave Expander from the Atomic Edition version can be used with a GameShark code. Some of the artwork and sounds are missing, and it uses the RPG handler as the weapon sprite. Curiously some of the enemies exclusive to this version don't have a special death for this weapon.
800EC958 000B 800EC950 0032
Unused/Leftover Text
The game's main executable (SLUS_003.55 in the US version) contains a long series of strings that aren't present in the game. They include debugging code, error messages, menus and file paths. Several of them are leftover from the PC version, such as the multiplayer menu or the name of .anm files.
PS-X EXE Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. for North America area Setting Baud &Packetsize Raise RTS Waiting for CTS Drop RTS Kickstart read synchronous write TM synchronous write failed start async read TMR asyn read error SIO handshake complete DUKEBOT sio: tpage: (%d,%d,%d,%d) clut: (%d,%d) clip (%3d,%3d)-(%d,%d) ofs (%3d,%3d) tw (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) dtd %d dfe %d disp (%3d,%3d)-(%d,%d) screen (%3d,%3d)-(%d,%d) isinter %d isrgb24 %d $Id: sys.c,v 1.135 1997/09/02 13:37:26 noda Exp $ ResetGraph:jtb=%08x,env=%08x ResetGraph(%d)... SetGraphDebug:level:%d,type:%d reverse:%d SetGrapQue(%d)... DrawSyncCallback(%08x)... SetDispMask(%d)... DrawSync(%d)... %s:bad RECT (%d,%d)-(%d,%d) %s: ClearImage ClearImage2 LoadImage StoreImage MoveImage ClearOTag(%08x,%d)... ClearOTagR(%08x,%d)... DrawOTag(%08x)... PutDrawEnv(%08x)... DrawOTagEnv(%08x,&08x)... PutDispEnv(%08x)... GPU timeout:que=%d,stat=%08x,chcr=%08x,madr=%08x, LoadImage2 bad hankaku code 0x%x MDEC_rest:bad option(%d) MDEC_in_sync MDEC_out_sync DMA=(%d,%d), ADDR=(0x%08x->0x%08x) FIFO=(%d,%d),BUSY=%d,DREQ=(%d,%d),RGB24=%d,STP=%d %s timeout: VSync: timeout $Id: intr.c,v 1.76 1997/02/12 12:45:05 makoto Exp $ unexpected interrupt(%04x) intr timeout(%04x:%04x) DMA bus error: code=%08x MADR[%d]=%08x SPU:T/O [%s] wait (reset) wait (wrdy H -> L) wait (dmaf clear/W) CdInit: Init failed none CdlReadS CdlSeekP CdlSeekL CdlGetTD CdlGetTN CdlGetlocP CdlGetlocL CdlSetmode CdlSetfilter CdlDemute CdlMute CdlReset CdlPause CdlStop CdlStandby CdlReadN CdlBackward CdlForward CdlPlay CdlSetloc CdlNop CdlSync DiskError DataEnd Acknowledge Complete DataReady NoIntr CD timeout: %s:(%s) Sync=%s, Ready=%s DiskError: com=%s,code=(%02x:%02x) CDROM: unknown intr (%d) CD_sync CD_ready %s... %s: no param CD_cw $Id: bios.c,v 1.86 1997/03/28 07:42:42 makoto Exp $ CD_init: addr=%08x CD_datasync %s: path level (%d) error %s: dir was not found CdSearchFile: disc error CdSearchFile: searching %s... %s: found %s: not found CD_newmedia: Read error in cd_read(PVD) CD001 CD_newmedia: Disc format error in cd_read(PVD) CD_newmedia: Read error (PT:%08x) CD_newmedia: sarching dir.. %08x,%04x,%04x,%s CD_newmedia: %d dir entries found CD_cachefile: dir not found CD_cachefile: searching... (%02x:%02x:%02x) %8d %s CD_cachefile: %d files found CdRead: sector error CdRead: Shell open... CdRead: retry... DMA STATUS ERROR %x Library Programs (c) 1993-1997 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., All Rights Reserved. PS-X Control TAP Driver Ver 3.0 unexpected packettype %d,l=%d You cannot play Duke with different versions. Too many moving sectors at (%ld,%ld). logo.anm Duke Nukem 3D(tm) Copyright 1989, 1996 Todd Replogle and 3D Realms Entertainment I want to make a game with trees 16 Possible Dukes game4.c bu%1d0: COOPERATIVE PLAY DUKEMATCH, NO SPAWN DUKEMATCH, SPAWN ON OFF GAME TYPE LEVEL START GAME ABORT this game? (Y/N) USER MAP Too many switches (64 max). vol41a.anm vol42a.anm vol43a.anm Map %s not found! frag %d killed %d engine.c None \%s;1 bu00:BASLUS-003550 bu00:BASLUS-00355A_00 Could not reload level during loadgame %d BLOCKS. bu00:BASLUS-00355* bu00: bu00:*
Map Files
The game lists 11 map files for each episode, meaning it includes files that aren't present in the PlayStation port (or any version of the game).
E1L7.map E1L8.map [...] E1L10.map E1L11.map [...] E4L8.map E4L9.map E4L10.map E4L11.map [...] E5L11.map
The fourth skill level is not available in this version.
Name for the episode that contains the multiplayer levels. It cannot be seen during normal gameplay since the automap is replaced with a pause button.
The name for an unused level.
Game Messages
These are messages meant to be displayed in-game. They are all carried over from the PC version, some being rewritten in the PlayStation port.
Unused Music
A number of songs on the disc aren't used. Song names taken from the composer's website.
- XA_2.XA, track #6 ("Metallic Horrific 1") - An unused original track. Why it didn't make the cut is unknown.
- XA_4.XA, track #4 ("Pob") - An arrangement of a track from Atomic Edition. Used, strangely enough, in the "Blank" map.
Extra Music
As mentioned in the manual, the game disc contains three redbook audio tracks that are played while you're in the game. Surprisingly, those three tracks are also stored as WAV files on the disc (with quality superior to that of the XA files used by the game), and were probably used to pad the game data.
Unused Sounds
The following sounds exclusive to the PlayStation port are not used in the game:
- 316 - Underwater Drone recog
- 319 - Underwater Drone dying
- 322 - Zombie Pig Cop recog
- 327 - Pig-in-a-Dress recog
- 343 - "Here piggy piggy" (new sound, included in Japanese release)
Missing Sounds
The following sounds are listed in the .pmp data, but the sound files don't exist:
- 108 - Overlord dying.
- 136 - Assault Commander spotting the player.
- 184 - Chanting.
- 235 - "Now this is a force to be reckoned with!"
- 278 - "This is K.T.I.T. - Kay Tit - playing the breast...uhh...the best tunes in town!"
- 285 - "We meet again Doctor Jones."
- 324 - Zombie Pig Cop roaming.
Fading Sounds
Repeating-type sounds have twice the length and the second half is used for a fading effect. However this doesn't seem to be used in the game, as sounds stop playing abruptly when you are out of range.
Early Sound Definitions
The five parameters for the sounds listed in the E1L9.PMP file (used for the menu) are of an intermediate version between the PlayStation normal levels and the PC version.
Unused Graphics
Graphics leftover from the PC version are not going to be included, since there are tons of it and it is not relevant.
Missing Graphics
The following tile numbers are listed in the .pmp data, but the art is not present. It seems unlikely any real artwork was ever present for the vast majority, and this seems to be just a mistake when listing the art used for each level.
- 416
- 1470-1490
- 1506-1510
- 1516-1517
- 1735-1737
- 1887-1889
- 1945-1949
- 2178-2179
- 2186-2189
- 2399
- 2759
- 3056
A room in E4L3 (Gates Motel) contains a typewriter that only appears in this room. However, it's impossible to see this object without the noclip cheat, as you can only enter the room by exploding the door - the typewriter is caught in the blast and destroyed.
There is a video arcade in the Ministry of Fear level, however the texture that supposedly would display the arcade controllers shows the message "Removed for legal reasons!".
CON Code
The game has 3 new breakable objects (tiles 3722, 3743 and 3767) which have missing art. One of the arcade screens in Ministry of Fear (tile 3736) also has a code for a breakable object, presumably it was removed from the game and the slot was used for something else, but the code remains.
Unused Level
E1L9 is called "Blank" and consists of a small C-shaped room covered in the default texture and nothing else. Curiously, an unused track (Pob) is assigned to this map.
The map appears to be a placeholder, as the artwork and sounds used in the menus or screens are packed with the E1L9.PMP file. As a result sprites appear to be glitchy in this level, due to gameplay-related artwork not being included in the PMP file.
Unused Skill Setting
While the hardest skill level (Damn I'm Good) was removed from this version of the game, several levels - including from the PlayStation-exclusive Plug and Pray episode - contain enemies that are flagged to only be present on that skill. The new exclusive enemies were also coded to respawn in this skill.
Multiplayer Content
Unlike the PC version, the PlayStation version only allows 10 specific maps to be played in multiplayer, by way of a hidden 5th episode (Butt Kicking Zone) that contains slighly modified versions of maps from the main episodes along with a single exclusive map (Quirk of Fate).
Despite that, many maps contain sprites and actors flagged to only appear in single-player, multiplayer or, strangely, co-op (which doesn't exist in this port). It should also be noted that most levels have keycard switches on both sides of locked doors, which are present in single-player despite serving only during multiplayer.
While predictable for maps ported from the PC version, it also extends to the PlayStation-exclusive levels:
- E4L1 (Nightmare Zone): Co-operative and Dukematch spawn points, multiplayer-only items and switches.
- E4L2 (Trackside Tragedy): Dukematch spawn points, multiplayer-only items.
- E4L3 (Gates Motel): Co-operative and Dukematch spawn points (swapped).
- E4L4 (Duke Royale): Co-operative and Dukematch spawn points, multiplayer-only items and switches.
- E4L5 (Alien Rendezvous): This map has no multiplayer content, also the geometry may prevent the level from being completed (or even played) outside of single-player.
- E4L6 (Ministry of Fear): Co-operative and Dukematch spawn points (swapped), multiplayer-only items.
- E5L1 (Quirk of Fate): Enemies (this is a Dukematch-only level, so enemies cannot be seen without cheats).
Early Level Design Remnants / Inaccessible Areas
Gates Motel
There are three Enforcer spawn points in the dining table, though nothing ever activates them.
Ministry of Fear
There is a hidden teleporter in a secret area; however, the door is non-functional, and thus it is impossible to reach without cheating. The teleporter does nothing because the destination area for it doesn't exist.
There is an unused door intended to block the third passage (red access key) to the boss area once you step on the dance floor. Due to an incorrect tag, it never closes, allowing you to go back to the rest of the level.
Regional Differences
In the North American version, the screen size is 320 x 214, which results in black bars on the top and bottom of the screen. In the European version, the screen size is 320 x 240.
This is the main menu players will get to see once they boot up the North American/Japanese versions of the game. As depicted, the game's subtitle is "Total Meltdown".
However, the European version of Duke Nukem: Total Meltdown lacks this subtitle (as well as the trademark logo) for some odd reason.
Even the game's cover art (which also shows up once the game has gone through all the intro logos) lacks said subtitle. This is only present in the European version of this game.
In the Options menu, the North-American/European versions of the game (NA/EU) feature a PlayStation controller with some rather stylish shadows and some Duke-ish 'art' to it.
The Japanese version of the game shows a completely different render of the controller, with different colored arrows, flatter colors and lacking the 'Duke-ish art' to it. It should be noted that the Sony logo is completely absent from the controller, making it look like a third-party controller.
The logo of the Japanese record label "King Records" appears during the game's intro, just before the 'aardvark' logo pops up.
Unused Logos
Seldom seen in European titles, this particular screen appears in the game's files but won't show up when the game is booted.
Found within the game's files is an intro containing the European "anti-piracy" screen as well as an unused version of the "3DRealms" logo. The actual in-game logo sequence does not use neither of these. Worth noting is that this particular unused intro lacks the "King Records" logo, probably indicating that the Japanese version was based off the European version at some point.
Unused Sounds
Apparently only present in the Japanese version, this sound is tagged as appearing in E4L3 (Gates Motel), but the sound can not seem to be triggered in-game in any way.
Several audio files have been edited to eliminate swear words. In addition, every single audio file that contained a swear and couldn't be edited has been completely eliminated from the game's files.
Japanese Audio File | Original Quote |
"Those alien bastards are gonna pay for shootin' up my ride." | |
"Your face, your ass, what's the difference?" | |
"I'm Duke Nukem, and I'm comin' to get the rest of you alien bastards." | |
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum, and I'm all outta gum." | |
"That's the second time those alien bastards shot up my ride!" |
Hollywood Holocaust
In E1L1, both the poster and the movie title were censored to instead show "Triumph of the Duke".
Also in E1L1, the porn actress was replaced by an animation of Duke running towards the camera while a green Duke head smiles from behind.
In E1L2, the porn actresses in the screens are now warning signs with an 'Atomic' logo, the words "Under attack!" both above and under said logo.
The 'Doomed' Marine from E1L3 is absent. However, Duke will still say the line "Hmm, that's one doomed space marine," when stepping into the area containing Doomguy's impaled corpse.
Again in E1L3, while the cross is visible (and it turns upside-down when the switch is triggered), the demonic face carved on stone that serves as a switch is not there, same with the hung monk.
Every single babe has been removed from this version of the game, this includes the ones trapped in slime, the strippers, and even the innocent bystanders who are fully clothed.
Lunar Apocalypse
Captain Picard's "Really ready room" (E2L3 'Warp Factor') has been censored as well. Note the babe poster on the wall and the magazine on the floor though. Some of the censorship seems to have been done rather lazily.
In E4L7, Luke Skywalker's hanging body was replaced by a unique slab of meat hanging from a hook. This particular sprite is nowhere to be seen in the original game, nor does it appear anywhere else in Total Meltdown.
Shrapnel City
Despite the omission of women in the game, the Geishas are here (E1L1 'Raw Meat'). However, they have been turned into statues (albeit with flesh on the inside, for their gore graphics remain intact). Attempting to interact with them will do nothing.
The food that circles on the water is missing in this version. The plates containing 'raw meat' and human body parts were removed and only the power-ups (and enemy corpses) remain.
The "Master Card" and "VISA" logos were replaced with "OI!" and "Geeza" respectively.
This unique poster replaces the "Sister Act III" poster on Rabid Transit (E3L6).
Just like Luke Skywalker's body, Indiana Jones' is missing. Even the voice line is missing from the game's files entirely. (E3L9 'Hotel Hell').
Plug and Pray
The possessed head found in one of the rooms in E4L3 (Gates Motel) was removed in this version, but the severed Duke head found in another room in the same level, and the mutilated ear found in the warehouse in E4L4 (Duke Royal) were left intact. Weird.
The Duke Nukem series
| |
DOS | Duke Nukem • Duke Nukem II (Prototype) • Duke Nukem 3D (Prototypes) |
Windows | Balls of Steel • Manhattan Project • Duke Nukem Forever (Prototypes) • 20th Anniversary World Tour • Duke Nukem 3D: Reloaded |
Mac OS Classic | Duke Nukem 3D (Prototypes) |
Genesis | Duke Nukem 3D |
Nintendo 64 | Duke Nukem 64 • Zero Hour |
PlayStation | Total Meltdown (Prototype) • Time to Kill • Land of the Babes (Prototype) |
Sega Saturn | Duke Nukem 3D |
Game Boy (Color) | Duke Nukem |
Game Boy Advance | Duke Nukem Advance |
Xbox 360 | Duke Nukem Forever |
PlayStation 3, Mac OS X | Duke Nukem Forever |
Nintendo DS | Critical Mass (Prototypes) |
PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch | Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by 3D Realms
- Games developed by Aardvark Software
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by GT Interactive
- Games published by King Records
- PlayStation games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1997
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 8
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with regional differences
- Games with revisional differences
- Games with hidden bonus content
- To do
- Duke Nukem series
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Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden bonus content
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with revisional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Aardvark Software
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Saber Interactive > Games developed by 3D Realms
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Atari, SA > Games published by GT Interactive
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by King Records
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1997
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 8
Games > Games by series > Duke Nukem series