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Duke Nukem Advance

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Title Screen

Duke Nukem Advance

Developer: Torus Games
Publisher: Take-Two Interactive
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in US: August 12, 2002
Released in EU: September 20, 2002

LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Duke may be suffering from shrinkage - but he'll still kick your ass.


Regional Differences
Very different English text between the US and European releases.

Cheat Menu

DukeNukemAdvance Cheats.png
Start a normal game. Pause it, press and hold down L, then press Left, Up, A, Up, Left, A, Start, Select ("LUAU LASS"). This cheat menu will appear. It includes a Stage Select, plus God Mode, All Weapons, Unlimited Ammo and No Clipping cheats.

(Source: Peer (GameFAQs))