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Duke Nukem (DOS)

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Title Screen

Duke Nukem

Also known as: Duke Nukum
Developer: Apogee Software
Publishers: Apogee Software (US), cdv Software (EU)
Platform: DOS
Released in US: July 1, 1991
Released in EU: 1992

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?

Duke Nukem is a game in which you wear a pink vest and fight robots in space, and still have time to watch Oprah.

To do:
Document the Version 2.0 revisional changes.

Unused Graphics

The file END.DN3 contains a version of the Episode 3 title screen with different-looking text.


The files MAN0.DN1, MAN0.DN2, and MAN0.DN3 all contain an unused animation, as well as three frames of a palette-swapped Duke:


Unused Text

Present in DN3.EXE:

You'll not get away butthead!
Butthead, it's buthead!!
The spelling of yours is getting better!
Finally, Earth is free from Dr. Proton and his Techbot menace.
(Source: Duke Nukem Central (archived))

Debug Mode

Start the game with the command line argument asp to enable some extra cheat codes that can be activated by pressing three keys together.

Cheat Code Effect
GOD All items.
GOW Load the next level.

Revisional Differences

Version 2.0

1.0 2.0
Duke Nukem-loading.png Duke Nukum 2.0-loading.png
Duke Nukem-title.png Duke Nukum 2.0-title.png

In Version 2.0, the spelling of Duke Nukem was changed to Duke Nukum, but an official reason for this wasn't given until the birth of the "Official" Apogee FAQ by Samuel Stoddard, which included a statement about that on section 2.8.5 of the FAQ:

[2.8.5]  Duke Nukem and Duke Nukem II

There is frequently a great deal of confusion over the correct spelling of one
of Apogee's most prized characters, Duke Nukem.  The original spelling for the
name was "Duke Nukem"; however, during the code fix stage between v1.0 and
v2.0 of the original game, Apogee found a character overseas named "Duke
Nukem" that was thought to be copyrighted.  So, for v2.0 of the original Duke
game, the name was changed to "Duke Nukum."  Then, during the programming of
Duke II, it was discovered that the character they found overseas was not
copyrighted after all -- and so the original name was reinstated.  "Duke
Nukem" is also the spelling used in all successive games that featured the

The spellings "Duke Nuke 'em," "Duke Nuke'um," "Duke Nuke'm," "Duke Nuk'em"
and other variations are not, and were never, correct.
(Source: The Official Apogee FAQ - Samuel Stoddard)