Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban (Windows)
Harry Potter et le Prisonnier d'Azkaban |
Développeur: KnowWonder Ce jeu possède des animations inutilisées. |
This article is a work in progress. ...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes. Notes: Il y a beaucoup de choses à modifier et des informations à ajouter. |
This page or section has one or more broken YouTube links. Please find an archived version of the video(s) or a suitable replacement. Specifically: Channel hosting KnowWonder logo video has been deleted |
La troisième entrée dans le monde fantastique et magique d'Harry Potter. Ce jeu a introduit la possibilité d'incarner Ron et Hermione au cours de l'aventure, ainsi que l'apprentissage de nouveaux sorts et la collection de différents objets. La quantité massive de contenus inutilisés indique que ce jeux était plus similaire aux variations consoles à certains moments du développement.
Cinématiques Harry Potter and the video game that does not know the meaning of the word temporary. |
Unused Sound Clips But there's still so much pointless stuff left to say! |
Unused Animations
C'est ici que la plupart des PNJs et personnages jouables sont. Ils ont les animations les plus complexes.
C'est ici l'exemple simple d'un cas général. Pour chaque personnage, les animations par défaut sont présentes, cela dans un objectif de gain de temps de travail des animations par les développeurs, cependant, ils n'ont jamais enlevé des fichiers du jeu celles qui n'ont pas été utilisées. La plupart d'entre elles concernent des actions basiques, comme courir ou sauter, la majorité des personnages ont des visages inexistants, cela s'explique par le fait que les os des personnages n'ont pas été placés.
Il est à souligner que Ron et Hermione partagent les mêmes animations qu'Harry en tout point, ces variantes ne seront donc pas abordées ici. On va retrouver diverses actions ici, comme le fait de tomber à différentes hauteurs, découvrir des sorts, fouiller dans des armoires, etc.
Animations de joueur non-utilisées
# | Filename | Description | External link |
1 | HarryAttackHitStand | Harry se fait abattre par une attaque puissante. | giphy |
2 | HarryBuyBook | Harry achetant un livre, vraisemblablement chez Fred et George, ou dans une cinématique non-utilisée. | giphy |
3 | HarryPanelPush | Harry poussant un caisson. | giphy |
4 | HarryCrawlCrouch | Apparemment, ramper dans des aérations ou dans des espaces restreints était envisagé.. | giphy |
5 | HarryCrawlStand | giphy | |
6 | HarryCrawlWalk | giphy | |
7 | HarryJump1m | Harry tombant d'un endroit en hauteur. | giphy |
8 | HarryJump2m | Harry tombant d'un endroit encore plus haut. | giphy |
9 | HarryJumpHardToLand | Une animation d'atterrissage, probablement utilisée en touchant le sol en restant dans une position neutre. | giphy |
10 | HarryJumpLandHardToRun | Une animation d'atterrissage, probablement utilisée en touchant le sol tout en se déplaçant. | giphy |
11 | HarryJumpLandToStand | Une animation d'Harry se réceptionnant, similaire à celle utilisée en touchant le sol après avoir utilisé Carpe Retractum. | giphy |
12 | HarryJumpVault | Poudlard, école de magie ou lieu propice au parkour? | giphy |
13 | HarryLandToRun | Encore plus de parkour magique. | giphy |
14 | HarryLadderBottomMountDismount | Les échelles devait apparemment être intégrées au jeux, la multitude d'animations montrent bien qu'énormément de travail avait été effectué sur celles-ci. | giphy |
15 | HarryLadderDownMount | giphy | |
16 | HarryLadderUpDismount | giphy | |
17 | HarryLadderUpDown | C'est de la pure classe. | giphy |
18 | HarryLedgeDrop | Dans la version finale, on ne peut pas se tenir à un rebord, mais les multiples animations montrent que cela devait être le cas durant un moment. | giphy |
19 | HarryLedgeIdle | giphy | |
20 | HarryLedgeSlipToHang | giphy | |
21 | HarryLedgeStop | giphy | |
22 | HarryWandCastFumos | Animations inutilisées d'incantations. La plupart d'entre elles viennent des RPGs Harry Potter portable. | giphy |
23 | HarryLocomotormortisMiscast | giphy | |
24 | HarryMucusadnauseam | giphy | |
25 | HarryMucusadnauseamMiscast | giphy | |
26 | HarryWandCastAlohomora | giphy | |
27 | HarryWandCastAvifors | giphy | |
28 | HarryWandCastDiffindo | giphy | |
29 | HarryWandCastDiffindoPerfect | giphy | |
30 | HarryWandCastExpeliarmus | giphy | |
31 | HarryWandCastFlipindoFast | giphy | |
32 | HarryWandCastIncendio | giphy | |
33 | HarryWandCastIncendioPerfect | giphy | |
34 | HarryWandCastLapifors | giphy | |
35 | HarryWandCastLocomotormortis | giphy | |
36 | HarryWandCastLocomotormortisPerfect | giphy | |
37 | HarryWandCastLumos | giphy | |
38 | HarryWandFlick | giphy | |
39 | HarryWandCastLeviosa | Très similaire à la fin d'un challenge, mais avec une seule main qui tournoie. Ironiquement, le fichier utilisé est nommé "AcquiredWizardCard" (?) | giphy |
40 | HarryWandMaintainExpeliarmus | Soit une animation de préparation de lancement de sort, ou une effet de maintien de ce dernier. | giphy |
41 | HarrySwordCast | Un nom surprenant, sachant qu'il n'est question d'épée ni dans le livre, film ou jeux de cet opus. L'animation est similaire au dernier combat contre les Détraqueurs, mais Harry n'a jamais ramassé quoique ce soit. | giphy |
42 | HarrySwordDrop | Possiblement un échec d'utilisation de l'épée ? | giphy |
43 | HarryVileDrink | Le fait de boire une potion et une animation de remplissage. Aurait probablement fonctionné de la même manière que dans le 2nd opus. | giphy |
44 | HarryVileRefilCauldron | giphy | |
45 | HarrySneakForward | Animation de déplacement furtif (la classe pure). | giphy |
46 | HarryWandTapWallSneak | Animation partiellement complétée d'Harry tapant sa baguette contre un mur. | giphy |
47 | HarryPropWalk | Animation de porter quelque chose. Uniquement "HarryThrowOverhead" est utilisé pour les bonbons explosifs, mais rien d'autre dans le jeu nécessite d'être porté à deux mains | giphy |
48 | HarryPropPickup | giphy | |
49 | HarryPropThrow | giphy | |
50 | HarryPropThrowRightHand | giphy | |
51 | HarryRunToStop | Une animation d'arrêt. | giphy |
52 | HarrySearchChest | Un lot d'animations de recherche, mais à la place on a eu le bon vieux sort "ouvre-tout" parce que c'était plus simple à implémenter dans le jeu. | giphy |
53 | HarrySearchChestOpen | giphy | |
54 | HarrySearchChestStand | giphy | |
55 | HarrySearchDesk | giphy | |
56 | HarrySearchDeskAbort | giphy | |
57 | HarrySearchDeskOpen | giphy | |
58 | HarrySearchDeskSuccess | giphy | |
59 | HarrySearchLowCabinet | giphy | |
60 | HarrySearchLowCabinetAbort | giphy | |
61 | HarrySearchLowCabinetCrouch | giphy | |
62 | HarrySearchLowCabinetStand | giphy | |
63 | HarrySearchLowCabinetSuccess | giphy | |
64 | HarrySearchTallCabinet | giphy | |
65 | HarrySpellBookAcquireSpell | Aurait probablement fonctionné comme dans les versions consoles du jeu, où dans les défis, tu trouves un livre et obtient le sort. | giphy |
66 | HarryWalkWobble(Left/Right) | Marcher sue une planche ou quelque chose de similaire.Le fichier .gif est une version combinée de "HarryWalkWobbleLeft" et de "HarryWalkWobbleRight". | giphy |
67 | HarryWallSneakLeft | Partie d'une mécanique de déplacement furtif. | giphy |
68 | HarryWallSneakPeakLeft | giphy | |
69 | HarryWallSneakLeftReturn | giphy | |
70 | HarryWallSneakIdleWipeBrow (est-ce partiellement utilisé dans une cinématique ?) | giphy | |
Note | *Si une animation à uniquement Gauche et par Droite à la fin, alors l'autre version est juste inversée. |
This package contains all other characters and enemies, most of which are used in cutscenes.
# | Filename | Description | External link |
1 | GlaciusBlockDrain | An ice block, which could be frozen or unfrozen. | giphy |
2 | GlaciusBlockForm | giphy | |
3 | GlaciusBlockmelt | giphy | |
4 | GlaciusBlockReform | giphy | |
5 | PixieFallGettup | It seems that pixies could walk on the ground at some point, but alas they simply dissapear once dead. | giphy |
6 | PixieFallLand | giphy | |
7 | PixieFallSit | giphy | |
8 | PixieRun | giphy | |
9 | PixieStand_Idle | giphy | |
10 | PixieStand_ThrowStone | giphy | |
11 | SiriusBlackWantedPoster | This is used during a cutscene, but not the model itself. As it turns out, a video file plays out on the journal with a green filter (to make it black and white). | giphy |
12 | NHNickfidget | Nearly Headless Nick mostly has all his animations from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. | [ giphy] |
13 | NHNickFly | [ giphy] | |
14 | NHNicktalkbothhands | [ giphy] | |
15 | NHNicktalklefthand | [ giphy] | |
16 | NHNicktalkrighthand | [ giphy] | |
17 | DementorHitSwat | The Dementors always use the same animation when stunned. This one looks similar, but faster. | [ giphy] |
18 | Dementorpatrol | The Dementors also have patrolling animations. It seems they were able to move freely at some point and to call for reinforcements maybe? | [ giphy] |
19 | DementorReachLeft | [ giphy] | |
20 | DementorReachRight | [ giphy] | |
21 | DementorSilhouette | [ giphy] | |
22 | DementorTurnLeft | These combine with the static "DementorTurningLeft" and "DementorTurningRight" animations. | [ giphy] |
23 | DementorTurnRight | [ giphy] |
This is a generic prefab package from the Unreal 2 devkit.
# | Filename | Description | External link |
1 | BoxModelboxidle&idlecrouch | C'est l'unique animation non-statique, montrant uniquement la boîte flottant de bas en haut... | giphy |
Unused Enemies
To do: The gnome from the previous games is still in the code and has a working behaviour. This is a reminder note since I'm bound to forget it.--Ltr121312 (talk) 10:27, 8 May 2017 (EDT) |
Sorts non-utilisés
Il a différents sorts non-utilisés dans le jeu. Certains sont utilisées par les ennemis, mais ne peuvent être lancés de notre baguette. Cette vidéo montre la plupart d'entre eux.
Debug Mode
Additional features for testing purposes can be re-enabled by editing the hppoa.ini config file: find the following lines in the file and switch "bDebugMode=False" to "bDebugMode=True".
[HGame.baseConsole] bDebugMode=False bUseSystemFonts=True
The file is usually located in "/../Documents/Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".
Once the debug code is activated, press one of the following keys during gameplay to activate the corresponding debug function:
- F1 - Opens the level select menu.
- F3 - Reloads the last save point and shows every actor in the map (including debug sprites, like triggers).
- F4 - Activates a debugging rotating camera around an actor in the bottom left.
- F5 - Disables the debugging camera.
- Tilde (~) - Toggles the console.
- Delete - Enables the free camera mode (Arrow keys to move forward/back; mouse to steer).
- Page Up/Page Down - Increases and decreases the game speed, respectively.
There are also a few console commands to edit certain key values, where X is any number between 1 and 9999999:
- set statusitemwiggenwell ncount X - Number of Wiggenweld Potions (This is a valid command but does not affect the game as there is no usable healing items).
- set statusitemjellybeans ncount X - Number of Jellybeans.
- set statusitemgryffindorpts ncount X - Gryffindor House Points (This is a valid command but does not affect the game as there is no calculated score).
Engine Debugger
If the F2 key is pressed while debugging is active, a menu with tabs related to different features appears.
- Load New Map: Opens a simplified verison of the Level Select menu activated with F1.
- Connect to..: Connects to a server (no function).
- Screenshot: Takes a screenshot in .bmp format under Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askaban\System.
- Flush: Flushes engine cache.
- Test GUI: Unknown.
- Exit: Quits the game.
Render Modes
- Wireframe: Activates wireframe (no textures on polygons, only colored tris).
- Zones: Colors the different map zones by replacing all map textures with a plain color.
- Flat Shaded BSP: Uses color as reference for flat BSP shaded map textures.
- BSP Splits: Used for BSP shading (not here, replaces all map textures to white when non applicable).
- Regular: Reverts rendering to normal.
- Unlit: Removes all lighting.
- Lighting Only: Renders Only lighting (all textures are white and shaded).
- Depth Complexity: All of the screen becomes red and almost no normal 3d rendering becomes possible.
- Top Down: Activates wireframe rendering and removes the Y-Axis Rendering.
- Front: Activates wireframe rendering and removes the X-Axis Rendering.
- Side: Activates wireframe rendering and removes the Z-Axis Rendering.
Render Commands
- Blend: Toggles Highlighting of meshes tris locations either by yellow lines (static meshes) or multiple colored dots (animated meshes).
- Bone: Toggle rendering of every bone outline for animated meshes.
- Skin: Toggles rendering of skins on every mesh.
- Actor Collision: Toggles the rendering of actor hitboxes.
- Volume: Toggles map border collision rendering.
- Collision: Toggles collision rendering of everything (if camera in range).
- All: Shows all existing engine variables.
- None: Hides all existing engine variables.
- Show All Graphs: Shows all graphics (no real function).
- Hide All Graphs: Hides all graphics.
- Configure Graphs: Make your own graphics.
- (The rest of the options do not need documentation.)
Show Commands
- Toggles rendering of different things.
- Video: Set resolution and brightness.
Karma Physics
- Collision shows map collision while the rest of the options don't seem to do anything.
- CutLog: Basic console screen showing complete cutscene executions.
- Add..: Does not seem to have any effect.
- Debug: Pops up a bar at the bottom of the screen with a Run Button, but no interaction with the window is possible.
- Lang: Shows every file located in AllDialog.uax complete with facial animation prompts (calm, angry, fear) and complete documentation for grunts and shouts.
Unused Graphics
To do: Engine.u, HP3_SystemIcons.utx, kwGame.u, and the rest of HP3_Placeholder.utx. |
Bad.bmp - The Bad Size marker from Sorcerer's Stone returns.
FrameAnim.animpcl.bmp - A placeholder for multi-frame animated textures.
Filename | Graphic |
S_Counter.bmp | |
S_SpecialEvent.bmp | |
sptlight.bmp | |
SunIcon.bmp |
Filename | Graphic |
LumosTriggerIcon.bmp | |
PortraitPasswordTriggerIcon.bmp | |
SecretTexture.bmp | |
SpongifyTargetTexture.bmp |
Everyone's favorite flavors of texture guides return for a third time. The blue guide appears three times under a few different names and the one at the end is new.
Brick textures with a white box and text displaying the file name.
A bunch of textures with "Placeholder" slapped onto them.
Placeholder signs for levels that were still a work in progress.
Unused Models
A few models, though there aren't a whole lot like the previous games.
The Bloody Baron's model was ripped straight from Sorcerer's Stone in all of his Unreal 1 low poly count.
A very simple untextured box from the UE2 prefabs.
These were likely supposed to be placed in the "Animal luggage" section of the first level with the snakes and spiders.
Model | Animation |
A rather simple looking bell; purpose unknown.
The Carpe Retractum pillars are used, but because of the effect, the sphere is never seen.
Cette réplique en bois d'un détraqueur était probablement utilisé pour la leçon sur le patronus, mais pour des raisons inconnues celui-ci fût remplacé par une simple cible.
The fat friar, the ghost of the Hufflepuff house, was also ported from Unreal 1.
This statue is similar to the rabbit and dragon statues from the Lapifors/Draconifors challenge. Hmmm...
Un bloc de glace pouvant fondre et se figer.
The Gnome used in the previous games was supposed to be used, but they got replaced with imps from Chamber of Secrets for some unknown reason. It has no textures at all in this game.
Like both of the other house ghosts, Nearly Headless Nick was also ported straight from the 1st game.
A blob made out of ectoplasm. An unused spell projects this model forward.
Un simple vase, qui aurait pu être placé n'importe où
- Hermione always uses the "run" animation when strafing or backwalking, but her animations are present like everybody else. These unused animations look rather clunky, with her strafing animation showing her thighs clip through her skirt, so this appears to be a deliberate workaround.
- If you hold Left Shift, you can walk. It also decreases the jump height by half and affects the Lapifors and Draconisfors statue animals. This isn't a simple leftover from Unreal 2, since the characters have a separate animation from walking. The key isn't assignable in the input menu either, which means it has no use in-game and was most likely forgotten by the developers. It is worth noting that the walking animations are very similar to Harry's used walking animations in Chamber of Secrets on the PS2.
This video shows the forgotten walking feature in the game.
Aragog uses the same model from Chamber of Secrets and all his animations are present. He is only seen in a cage in the Dementor lesson level, downscaled to the size of a normal spider, motionless.
Here is where he can be seen.
Unused Music
To do: The rest of the tracks are mostly used, but a lot of them have their original versions accompanied with edits. Check which are used and not used. |
Interestingly, some tracks have www.soundrangers.com in their header, which is a royalty-free music server...
The used track for the bean bonus room is called beanbonus_introcutscene and never changes. It borrows a few tracks from the previous games.
This looping track is unused in Sorcerer's Stone and also goes unused here.
This orchestrated track from the second game (Arrival at Hogwarts) is never used in this game. It was partially used in the second game on PC and fully used in the PS2 game.
This orchestral piece is similar to the theme heard in the credits, but with a few subtle differences such as missing instruments. There is also an 11 second variation called CUE5_hogwarts_intro_11_sec.
Begins exactly like the previous entry, except that it blends the introduction cutscene's music piece (called he_intro01) at the end.
This short melodic track is used in the GameCube/Xbox/PS2 version of Sorcerer's Stone when Harry enters the room with Fluffy (alongside the flute heard in the PC game). How it was supposed to be used here remains a mystery, but since drac stands for "Draconfors", it was probably intended for that respective challenge.
A suspenseful cue in the shack.
This seems a bit odd since there are no spiders in the book, film or game, but this suggests that a spider was supposed to drop from somewhere in the Shrieking Shack. Used in the PS2 version of Chamber of Secrets when Harry has to fight through spiders in the Forbidden Forest to get to Aragog.
An orchestrated version of the menu theme from Chamber of Secrets, used in that game for Dumbledore's office.
A short happy fanfare. Used in the console versions.
Unused Videos
The Know Wonder logo intro is not present in any Harry Potter game, but it can still be found in the game's files.
Ce jeu utilise des écrans de chargement statiques, donc celui-ci n'est jamais utilisé. Une version de plus faible qualité existe aussi sous le nom de "HourGlassBac".
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- Games published by EA Games
- Games released in 2004
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused enemies
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with unused abilities
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with hidden level selects
- Works In Progress
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- Harry Potter series
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