Undertale/ja |
Toby Fox このゲームには、以下の要素が含まれています。
![]() |
What are you doing?(何をしてるのかな?)
Looking for secrets?(ヒミツ探し?)
Don't put your nose where it doesn't belong.(ここには何もない…… 探し回っても意味ないよ。)
Or you might learn something you DON'T like...(“知りたくないコト” を見つけちゃうかもしれないしね……)
Hee hee hee. (ひひひ……)
UNDERTALEは、「誰も倒さなくていい」インディーRPGゲーム。MOTHER 2、ゆめにっき、洞窟物語などに影響を受けており、キャラクター達の興味深さやサウンドトラックの相互性、そしてスタンダードなRPGゲームに対する巧妙な比喩的表現などから、批評家からも絶賛されている。熱狂的なファンに愛されており、一時期はこのゲームの話題を見ないことのほうが珍しかった。
Prototype Info (untranslated) |
Prerelease Info |
Notes (untranslated) |
Debug Mode Unfortunately, there are no insects to be found in this mode. |
Unused Graphics There are so many dogs in this game! There's even UNUSED dogs! |
Unused Rooms From candy pedestals to talkative NPCs. |
スプライトシートをネット上にアップロードしないでください。 ここにある変なものはほぼ全てゲーム内で実際に使用していて、皆にはゲームのストーリー付きで見てほしいから。 最初の1年は待ってほしい。 Spriter's Resourceとかのためにリッピングしてても、スプライト作成を楽にするのが目的なら良いよ。
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: Is the sprite's name like this in data.win? |
abc_1111には、スプライトをリッピングする人、特に『Spriter's Resource』のユーザー達に向けた、「スプライトシート全体のアップロードは一年待ってほしい」という趣旨のメッセージが含まれている。
Undertaleのような『Game Maker』製のゲームは各スプライトや文字を個別のファイルとして保存せず、大きなPNGファイルのスプライトシートにスプライトを複数格納する仕組みを採用している。よって、スプライトシートをアップロードしたい場合、一番手っ取り早い方法はスプライトシートをそのままアップロードすることだろう。だがそれにより、ネタバレを含む全てのスプライトがそのままアップロードされてしまう。
The odd filename was chosen to force it to the top of an alphabetical file listing and make its presence more obvious...which does no good, as the file listing is only visible if the sprites are separated by their internal names. Oops. This was replaced in later versions.
Version 1.001
俺の一番嫌いなものを 教えてやろう。 </div> それは "bepis" さ。 あの色、 あの匂い、 あの味、 あの舌触り… お前、 よだれが 出てるぞ...
バージョン1.001では、先述のリッピングへの警告が "bepis" についての少々卑猥なメモに置き換わっている。これは、EarthBoundのムーンサイドにいる、プレイヤーが好きな食べ物を嫌う男のセリフを元にしたものである。 Toby Fox氏はEarthBoundのファンであり、Undertaleは同ゲームに深く影響を受けている。"Bepis" とは "Pepsi"(ペプシ)のおかしなスペルミスであり、Undertale開発者達はそれをネタにしたようだ。
''Hello. He-he-he-he-have some respect and don't spoil the game. It's impossible to have mysteries nowadays, because of nosy people like you. Please keep all of this between us. If you post it online, I won't make any more secrets. No one will be impressed. It will be your fault! He-he-he-he-ha-he-he-ha-he-he.''
こんにちは。He-he-he-he…… 尊敬の心を持ち、ゲームを台無しにしないでほしい。 君のようなセンサク好きな人たちのせいで、今じゃヒミツなんて作れやしない。 これは全て、ボクとキミとの間に留めておいてほしい。 もしキミがネット上に投稿でもしたら、これからは隠し要素を作らないようにする。 誰も驚きもしなくなるんだ。 君のせいでね! He-he-he-he-ha-he-he-ha-he-he……
これは8つのテキスト読み上げソフトの声を用いて作成された、ネット上にゲームの “秘密” を投稿しないように伝える音声ファイルである。そんな酷いこと誰が――…… おっと……
先程も記述したように、このおかしなファイル名は、ファイルをアルファベット順で表示した際に一番上に表示させ、このファイルの存在をもっとはっきりと表させるためである。ゲームのフォルダー内に存在する他のOGG形式の音楽や効果音のファイルの名前は、すべて "mus_" と "snd_" のいずれかで始まる。
Toby Fox氏のメッセージ
To do: Changes to this post-1.001. |
Part of this game's charm is the mystery of how many options or secrets there are. If you are reading this, please don't post this message or this information anywhere. Or doing secrets will become pointless. By the way, most of the seemingly unused text/files are used. If you can find the in-game context for an asset, you can show it off. But if you can't, it probably means you haven't looked hard enough. Anything truly unused I'll probably post myself, later. Living in a world like this, where people can simply cheat out the answers from the code... your impatience has REALLY damaged you, hasn't it?
このゲームの魅力の一部は、選択肢や秘密が何個あるのかという謎です。 これを読んでいたら、どうか、このメッセージや情報をどこにも投稿しないでください。隠し要素の意味がなくなってしまいます。 ちなみに、未使用に見えるテキストやファイルのほとんどは実際は使用されてます。 アセットがゲーム内のどこで使用されたのか分かる人はドヤってもらって構いませんが、分からない人はもう少し細かく探してみてください。 本当に未使用なものは、おそらくいつか自分で投稿します。 みんなが簡単にソースコードから答えをカンニングできる時代…… その忍耐力、こんな時代じゃ今までつらかったでしょう?
このメッセージは、スクリプト "attention_hackerz_no_2" に含まれている。同スクリプト内の変数 "demonx"、"demony"、"demonz"、"demond" には、それぞれメッセージが設定されている。 メッセージの内容はご想像通り、クラッカーに向けた警告である。このスクリプト名により、メッセージは内部のストリング一覧のはじめに表示され、存在に気づきやすくなっている。
Greetings. You have made yourself completely clear. Understood. I, your humble servant, will follow you to the utmost...
どうも。 あなたは自分自身を完全に理解しました。 よろしい。 私...あなたの謙虚な下僕があなたを追いまわすだろう...
先述した変数の名前も "demona"、"demonb"、"demonc"、"demond" に変更されている。 不思議なことに、バージョン1.00のメッセージの1行目は関連付けられている変数と共に残されているものの、名前設定時のイースターエッグを操作するスクリプトである "scr_namingscreen_check" 内に移動されている。
Star Foxで使用された楽器で構成されている。同ゲームの他の音楽には "Mario Paint" や "Final Fantasy VI"、"Chrono Trigger"、"Mega Man X"、"EarthBound" などで使用された楽器で構成されたものが複数存在するため、この音楽が唯一特殊というわけではない。
Toby Fox氏によると、この音楽はゲーム内キャラクター『マジク』のオーブがHP回復になった際に使用される予定であったが、ゲーム内ロケーション『コア』のBGMがバトル中も流れ続けるため実装が難しいと判断し、没になったらしい。
Undertale DemoでNルート中にトリエルを殺した場合、ゲームの最後に再生される。サウンドトラック内の最後の曲として登場する(タイトルは『おやすみなさい』)が、製品版では登場しない。
Audio file that's, obviously, silence.
A generic gunshot sound.
An unused longer loop of mus_f_wind2.
An unused lower pitch variant of mus_f_newlaugh.
An unused longer loop of mus_woofenstein_loop.
Removed Sounds
obj_rainbowbolt_realgen references a sound with the file path music/sfx/sfx_menu_error.ogg, which doesn't exist and is never played by the object anyway.
タイトル画面で、ShiftキーまたはXボタンを5回押すことで、この画面に行くことができる。 各テキストの表示条件は…… Activity Level A = Nエンド後。 Activity Level B = Pルート完了後。 Activity Level C = サンズとの戦闘を2回、または殺害した場合。 条件を一つもクリアしていない場合は "No Information(情報なし)" と表示される。 同スクリーンでBALLとキー入力をすると、音声が再生される。
* Check * Whisper * Touch Glove
* Error
At the very end of the ACT menu strings is this yet again generic error message, a placeholder for the ACT options of the fight against Asriel's true form.
RG03 and RG04
Their battle revolves around them being old friends who had a falling out, and the Pacifist solution is to get them to make up. The guards themselves are slightly incomplete, both using Aaron's defeated sprite as a placeholder, along with not having unique bullet graphics and unique bullet patterns for ACTing, unlike 01 and 02.
Gaster has a complete set of stats in the code, all ridiculously high (to the point an enemy given these stats is borderline impossible to damage and getting hit insta-kills Frisk) and consisting only of numerous 6s. They are as follows:
HP: 666666 AT: 66666 DF: 66666 EXP: -6666 GOLD: -6666
ID | 敵 #0 | 敵 #1 | 敵 #2 | エンカウント時のメッセージ | 日本語(ほぼすべて公式) | コメント |
1 | TestFroggit テストフロギー |
TestFroggit テストフロギー |
TestFroggit テストフロギー |
* TestMonster and its cohorts draw near! |
* テストモンスターと そのなかまが にじりよってきた! |
TESTROOMで現れる。この翻訳は唯一公式に翻訳されていない。 |
14 | Vegetoid ベジトイド |
Loox ルークス |
* Vegetoid and Loox attacked! |
* ベジトイドと ルークスが おそってきた! |
31 | Chilldrake いきがりバード |
Chilldrake いきがりバード |
* Chilldrakes flutter forth! |
* いきがりバードが パタパタとんできた! |
33 | Icecap ヒョー坊 |
Snowdrake オワライチョウ |
* Icecap and Snowdrake pose like bad guys. |
* ヒョー坊と オワライチョウは ワルっぽいポーズをとった。 |
33 | Icecap ヒョー坊 |
Chilldrake いきがりバード |
* Icecap and Chilldrake pose like bad guys. |
* ヒョー坊と いきがりバードは ワルっぽいポーズをとった。 |
前記したエンカウンターの、オワライチョウが殺害されていた時用のバージョン。 | |
34 | Jerry ジェリー |
* Jerry clings to you! |
* ジェリーに つきまとわれている! |
61 | Final Froggit ファイナル・フロギー |
* Final Froggit was already there, waiting for you |
* ファイナル・フロギーが まちかまえていた。 |
The encounter message is incorrectly formatted if spawned in-game, with the comma appearing on its own line. | ||
63 | Whimsalot ナキムシャ |
* Whimsalot rushed in! |
* ナキムシャが かけつけた! |
69 | Bomb ばくだん |
* Defuse the bomb! |
* ばくだんを かいじょしろ! |
This Bomb is a unique unused enemy that lacks a time limit but otherwise behaves like the used dog-Bomb. | ||
79 | Vulkin かざんちゃん |
Vulkin かざんちゃん |
* A strange parade blocks the path. |
* きみょうな しゅうだんに ゆくてを ふさがれた。 |
127 | Whimsalot ナキムシャ |
Parsnik パースニック |
* Whimsalot and Parsnik appeared. |
* ナキムシャと パースニックが あらわれた。 |
131 | Parsnik パースニック |
Astigmatism ランシー |
* Not only potatoes have eyes. |
* “め”に どくが あるのは ジャガイモだけじゃない。 |
133 | Astigmatism ランシー |
Migospel ミ=ゴスペル |
Moldessa カビヨ |
* Looks like a real party. |
* これぞ まさに “パーティ”だ。 |
134 | Whimsalot ナキムシャ |
Parsnik パースニック |
Moldessa カビヨ |
* Party from Hell. |
* じごくの “パーティ”だ。 |
Sans' battle has some unused attacks. They, along with used attacks, are handled in the obj_sansb_body object.
Vertical Platforms - The attack is handled by obj_vplatgen. It has bones along the bottom, with platforms randomly placed and scaled scrolling from top to bottom. Some platforms wave from left to right slightly as well. To dodge, you are to stay on the platforms and not fall to the bottom into the bones. There are 3 variantions to this attack, controlled by obj_vplatgen's (0-indexed) type
variable, type 1 to type 2 are simply sped up versions of type 0. Type 2 is directly accessible as attack type (variable a_type
) 9 in obj_sansb_body. There's also a unused 6th Alarm event to the generator objects, which spawns randomly positioned bones in the middle of the screen to dodge every 50 frames. Because the platforms are randomly generated in size and position, it can be impossible to avoid getting hit.
Vertical and Horizontal Bones - Fixed bullet patterns with bones coming from positions vertically and horizontally. To dodge, you must maneuver around the bones. Accessible as attack type 10 in obj_sansb_body. There also exists a variantion, accessible as attack type 11 in obj_sansb_body, which is faster and has a different pattern. There is also a "hell" variantion of the first kind of the attack, accessible by setting the hell
variable in obj_sansb_body to true, which is harder.
Random Gaster Blasters Variant - The sprites for the blasters are squished to be thin, much like one of the final version's variants, although this time the blasters spawn and shoot faster. This can be seen if a obj_gasterbl_gen is spwaned with type 0, which is not utilized by any coded attack in obj_sansb_body.
Final Attacks Variants - There is also "hell" variants of some of the final attacks. The attack where you have to short hop in between a gap in bones (attack type 1) and the one where you hop over a small white bone with a long blue one right after (attack type 3) is faster when the hell
variable in obj_sansb_body is set to true. The platforming attack with bones and platforms scrolling across the screen horizontally has a variant where the platforms scroll slower, which is type 0 of obj_3platgen.
Worth to note that there exists an unused pitch for Megalovania in the code, which is also demonstrated in the video in result of the usage of the skip
debug variable. Here's the related code, in the Create event of obj_sansb:
if (skip == true) { con = -1 with (mypart1) bounce = 1 obj_borderparent.visible = true global.msg[0] = scr_gettext("obj_sansb_90") // * Skipped ahead. global.mnfight = 3 global.myfight = 0 global.faceemotion = 0 normalfight = 1 obj_heart.visible = true global.flag[271] = 1 caster_loop(global.batmusic, 0.95, 0.95) // <-- here }
Mettaton EX
The Mettaton EX battle has some unused attacks. These can be seen if obj_mettattackgen is spawned with the respective attack types set in a global variable called global.attacktype
To do: Explain better |
Attack type 1 - Columns of boxes
Attack type 2 - Columns of boxes weaving from left to right
Attack type 3 - Some arms weaving from left to right?
Attack type 4 - Literally just legs
Attack type 5 - Activated legs weaving from left to right
Attack type 6 - Boxes and bombs scattered everywhere
Attack type 7 - Boxes and bombs scattered everywhere, but faster
Attack type 8 - Tightened bullet board, bombs appear from left and right
Attack type 9 - Less tightened bullet board, bombs appear from left, center and right
Attack type 10 - Columns of boxes and bombs approaching fast. The pattern is replayed after a while
Attack type 11 - Columns of blocks that go upwards when shot
Attack type 12 - Columns of blocks that go upwards when shot, plus sparkle bullets which only appear in the Alphys Lost Soul fight in the final game
Attack type 13 - A lot of mini Mettatons throwing hearts
Attack type 14 - Another lot of mini Mettatons throwing hearts
Attack type 15 - Mini Mettatons throwing sparkles
Attack type 16 - Mini Mettatons throwing sparkles again
Attack type 50 - Some arms with moving yellow block?
Attack type 51 - Fast disco ball
Attack type 52 - Boxes and bombs scattered everywhere, again; also kinda fast
Attack type 55 - Yet again, literally just legs
エラー画面の片方(左の動画)の音楽には "mus_dance_of_dog" がランダムなピッチで使用されており、もう片方には "mus_sigh_of_dog" が使用されている。
Unused Items
ID | Name | Short Name | Serious Name | Description | Use Text |
2 | Croquet Roll | CroqtRoll | CroqtRoll | Heals 15 HP
Fried dough traditionally served with a mallet. |
You hit the Croquet Roll into your mouth. Serious Mode: You ate the Croquet Roll. |
5 | Rock Candy | RockCandy | RockCandy | Heals 1 HP
Here is a recipe to make this at home: 1. Find a rock |
You ate the Rock Candy. |
6 | Pumpkin Rings | PunkRings | PmknRings | Heals 8 HP
A small pumpkin cooked like onion rings. |
You ate the Pumpkin Rings. |
8 | Stoic Onion | StocOnion | Onion | Heals 5 HP
Even eating it raw, the tears just won't come. |
You ate the Stoic Onion. You didn't cry... Serious Mode: You ate the Stoic Onion. |
9 | Ghost Fruit | GhostFrut | GhstFruit | Heals 16 HP
If eaten, it will never pass to the other side. |
You ate the Ghost Fruit. |
18 | Puppydough Icecream | PDIceCram | Ice Cream | "Puppydough Icecream"
Heals 28 HP. Made by young pups. Note: This item's name is too long to show up properly when using a dimensional box. The use text has no Serious Mode variantion. |
Mmm! Tastes like puppies. |
Unused Item Drop
In the internal monster setup code, there are mentions of item rewards and the chance for an item to drop. This never happens within the game, leaving these global variables unused: itemrewardid and itemrewardchance. Below is an example of the variables in the code.
global.monstername[myself] = scr_gettext("monstername_3") // monstername_3 = "Froggit" global.monstermaxhp[myself] = 20 global.monsterhp[myself] = 20 global.monsteratk[myself] = 4 global.monsterdef[myself] = 1 global.xpreward[myself] = 10 global.goldreward[myself] = 20 global.itemrewardid = 1 global.itemrewardchance = 50
Old Toriel Dusting Data
scr_getvapordata contains a piece of ASCII pixel art of Toriel's death sprite, spr_torielboss_kneelsmile2, (mostly) composed of 0s (representing black) and 1s (representing white). Along with other data contained in the script, this was meant to be interpreted by an old version of the game's sprite duster, obj_vaporized, which produces dust particles according to it; the final game instead uses obj_vaporized_new like all monsters other than Undyne and Glad Dummy. (The following representation of the data cuts it to lines with 72 characters each, which is half of 144, the original sprite's width.)
000000000000000000000000000110000000000000110000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000001100000000000000011000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000001110111111111110111000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000110001111111111111000110000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000011111111111111111111111111100000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000111101111110111110111111011110000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000111101111111111111111111011110000000000000000000000 000000000000000000001111101101110111110111011011111000000000000000000000 000000000000000000001111100111000111110001110011111000000000000000000000 000000000000000000001111100111111111111111110011111000000000000000000000 000000000000000000001111110011111011101111100111111000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000111110001111111111111000111110000000000000000000000 000000000000001111000111111000110100010110001111110000000000000000000000 000000000000111110001011111000001111111000001111101000000000000000000000 000000000000111100001000000000000000000000000000001000100000000000000000 000000000001111100001000000110000011100011110000001000111000000000000000 000000000011111110000000000001110010010111100000001000111100000000000000 000000000011111111111111110111000111000000000000010100111110000000000000 000000000111111111111111111011111111100000000000100100011111000000000000 000000000111111111111111111100111111100100000001000100011111100000000000 000000000111111111111111111110011100001110000010000100011111110000000000 000000000011111000000000000111000000000000000100000100011111111000000000 000000000011110010000001111000000011100000001000011000011111111000000000 000000000000100100000000000110000000000000100011100110001111111100000000 000000000000000100000000000000100000000010001110010010001111111110000000 000000000000001000000000000000000011110000111101000001000111111110000000 000000000000001000000000000000110000000111111000000001000111111111000000 000000000000001000000000000001111000111111000000000001000111111111100000 000000000000010000000000000011000011000000000000000000100111111111100000 000000000000010000000000000100000000000000000000000000100111111111110000 000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000100111111111110000 000000000000010000000000000000000000000000000000000000100111111111111000 000000000000010000000001111000000000000000000000000000100111111111111000 000000000000001000000000000000110000000000000000000000100111111111111000 000000000000000111111111111100000000000000000000000001001001111100011100 000000000000011111111111111111110100000000000000000010000111111111100110 000000000000011011101110000000000000111111111111000000011100011101101100 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 2
Obscured Assets
Snowdin Building Mockups
Placeholder Snowed Inn Lobby
Hidden under the image for the Snowed Inn lobby is a mockup of the rooms layout made of the Snowdin tiles.
Placeholder Snowed Inn Rooms
Like the lobby, there is a placeholder layout for the rooms in Snowed Inn, featuring some not so comfortable beds...
Placeholder Librarby Inside
A mockup of the inside of Snowdin's Librarby, being made of snow and bits of trees.
Early MTT Hotel Outside
Hidden under the MTT Hotel outside image in the respective room (room_fire_hotelfront_2) is an early version of the hotels outside, being made up of tiles instead of being one image. The ground tiles are placeholders, using the ice cave ground, a tile that was used as a placeholder throughout the entirety of Hotland.
Early CORE Entrance
To do: Relocate this somewhere, this doesn't seem to fit here. |
Hidden in the right side of the room for CORE's entrance (room_fire_precore) is what seems to be a placeholder version of the entrance, made of Hotland assets. Yes, the background (should) loop like that in the game.
Annoying Dog's Sale Price
The Annoying Dog can be sold for 999G and haggled up to 1251G (the highest sale price of any item in the game!), but it will disappear if taken out of the room it spawns in, so this can never be seen on a normal playthrough.
Mettaton's House
Mettaton's bed, upper walls, and TV have collision, but it's impossible to get in that section of the room.
Death By Glamour Speed
Mettaton EX's battle theme, Death By Glamour, is played at 0.95x speed after the pre-battle intro cutscene, but plays at 0.97x speed instead if Mettaton's dialogue is skipped; this is the value set in scr_battlegroup, the script that defines all of the encounters in the game. The version in the OST plays at full 1x speed, matching neither of these.
Inu Slots Coin Donation Saving
When you save in the Xbox One version, the game stores the value of flag 299 (the amount of coins you donated to the casino Dog Shrine) to global.xbox_coins_donated
, then writes the latter into the save file. When you load, the number is read into the latter, and only to the latter for some utterly baffling reason. What's more, the global variable doesn't appear to be used otherwise.
Toy Knife Room Name
The room in the Ruins where the Toy Knife can be found is internally called room_ruins18OLD. This is the only instance of a room labelled as old being used, and there's no non-old version of the room.
Internal Sound File Names
To do: Make the explanation simpler. |
There are alternate file names for some sounds and music in the game's code, in the format music/*.ogg
, from the phase of development where the game used GameMaker 8 and played external sounds and music through an extension. When the game was migrated to use GameMaker: Studio, it was changed to use GameMaker's native sound system for that instead. So to not change already existing code using the sound extension, compatibility scripts were made, one being caster_load, which converts the filenames that were originally used to pointers to GameMaker sounds by calling scr_getmusindex.
Music/Sound Metadata
As with the demo, music/sound files have some metadata. The ENCODER
field seems to be always overwritten by GameMaker: Studio, but there's still some information from FL Studio's LAME encoder.
(all OGG files, v1.08) | |
Name | Content |
encoder |
Lavc56.12.101 libvorbis |
(all OGG files, v1.11) | |
Name | Content |
encoder |
Lavc libvorbis |
(all WAV files, v1.08) | |
Name | Content |
Lavf56.14.100 |
abc_123_a.ogg (v1.001+) | |
Name | Content |
encoded_by |
LAME in FL Studio 10 |
140 |
date |
2016 |
snd_ballchime.ogg | |
Name | Content |
encoded_by |
LAME in FL Studio 10 |
251 |
date |
2015 |
mus_computer.ogg | |
Name | Content |
FL Studio 10 |
mus_wrongworld.ogg ("Wrong Enemy ?!") | |
Name | Content |
encoded_by |
LAME in FL Studio 10 |
224 |
date |
2015 |
mus_mysteriousroom2.ogg ("Premonition") | |
Name | Content |
LAME in FL Studio 10 |
115 |
2014 |
mus_express_myself.ogg ("Last Goodbye") | |
Name | Content |
encoded_by |
LAME in FL Studio 10 |
180 |
date |
2015 |
snd_hit, snd_victor | |
Name | Content |
Don Ralke; Sherman Bros. |
1972 |
Snoopy, Come Home |
snd_spearappear | |
Name | Content |
2013 |
snd_wrongvictory | |
Name | Content |
2014 |
The "Snoopy, Come Home" metadata refers to the fact that both snd_hit and snd_victor are sampled from the song "Snoopy, Come Home" from the eponymous soundtrack, which Toby seemingly took from an online rip of the original vinyl without changing the metadata.
Developer Oversights
Mettaton EX Battle Essay
Mettaton EX has an "essay" question where you can type in text and have him comment on it. Unfortunately, typing "x" or "z" ends the essay unless CTRL is held down, leaving some words (in most playthroughs) untypable. This was corrected in the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Switch versions of the game, as they use an on-screen keyboard.
The following words can't be triggered:
- sexy
- foxy
- tantaliz (covers both "tantalizing" and "tantalize")
Naming the Fallen Human
In the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita versions of the game, entering the name "Gaster" will result in a crash, rather than the intended restart of the game.
The Undertale series
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Windows, Mac OS X, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch | Undertale (Demos) • Deltarune (Demos) |
Linux, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, Xbox Series X | Undertale |
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