Bubble Bobble (Sega Master System)
Bubble Bobble |
Also known as: Final Bubble Bobble (JP), Dragon Maze (BR)
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On par with the NES and MSX versions, this port includes a bunch of extra levels and bosses while still retaining good arcade-color fashion (something the NES and MSX couldn't achieve correctly). Also the basis of the Game Gear version.
Unused Graphics
This bubble art is found at address AD73, and may have been replaced for the current bubble art for the main menu.
Debug Features
Food Sprite Viewer
On the main menu, press Pause. Then, press Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Up, Up, Left to activate the food sprite viewer. In the sprite viewer, Up and Down change graphic banks.
Sound Test
On the main menu, press Pause. Then, press 2, 2, Left, 1, 2, Right, 2, Left to activate a sound test.
Unused Sound
This unused sound sounds very similar to the jingle from the NES version of Bubble Bobble.
Unused Items
Artwork | Name | Description |
Level 50 Door | This door still has data that would advance you 20 levels if you don't lose a life. Replaced by the Green Orb door. | |
Potion with Bubbles | Appears in Sprite Viewer. Unknown as to what this item would do. | |
Trophy | Appears in Sprite Viewer. Unknown as to what this item would do. | |
Fireball Bubble | Has a 1/4096 chance of appearing in the Arcade version. It would give you 100,000 points and 5 rounds of fireballs. It is not seen in this version. | |
Blue Lamp | Is supposed to activate when 15 continues have been used but resets to 0 when Red Lamp is activated after 10 continues. Gives the effects of all 3 rings at once on 1 level. | |
Yellow Lamp | The Yellow Lamp has an unknown way of activating it, but even when criteria is met, it does not activate. works the same way as picking up all 3 candies at once. | |
Chuhai | The Chuhai is supposed to activate when 2 chakun hearts are collected, but is overwritten by the Green Chest for some reason. All drops turn into lollipops for 700pts each. | |
Flamingo | The Flamingo is also supposed to activate when 2 chakun hearts are collected, but is overwritten by the Green Chest for some reason. All drops turn into Poop-Kun for 700pts each. | |
Red Necklace | The Red Necklace is supposed to activate when 2 Purple Lamps are obtained, but won't activate. Gives out 10 EXTEND letters. | |
Blue Chest | The Blue Chest is never seen in game, but gives out 1,000pts, a 50,000pts diamond, and light blue diamonds for 700pts each. | |
Red Chest | The Red Chest is never seen in game, but gives out 1,000pts, a 60,000pts diamond, and red diamonds for 700pts each. | |
Yellow Chest | The Yellow Chest is never seen in game, but gives out 1,000pts, a 70,000pts diamond, and yellow diamonds for 700pts each. | |
Purple Chest | The Purple Chest is never seen in game, but gives out 1,000pts, a 80,000pts diamond, and purple diamonds for 700pts each. |
Early Levels 48, 80, 148 & 180
These levels still have data for them before they were transitioned into boss levels. Level 48's enemy/item data is still there, and Level 80's is too, but with different level data for the Hidegon boss. Level 80's level data is used for level 193.
Unused Rooms
These rooms are duplicates to the Treasure and the Item rooms, occupying levels 204 and 206. The Treasure room uses an unused level tile graphic, and the Item room uses the first tile of the Bubble Bobble title screen graphic.
Regional Differences
Japan | Europe |
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The ® symbol was removed from the Sega logo, and the Taito logo and copyright was updated for the European release. "Final" was removed from the title.
Several food and item graphics were replaced between the Japan (top) and Europe (bottom) versions. Sushi pieces became a burger or cake, etcetera. Unfortunately, all of the replacements were copied from other existing food items, making the altered ones redundant.
The Japanese version's game over screen displays hint messages, 64 in total. 32 in levels 1-100 and 32 in levels 101-200. For levels 1-100ː
Number | Hint | Translation |
01 | さいて~っ! しゅぎょうが たりないよ! | Rock bottom! You need more practice! |
02 | いろいろな ひんとを みたいなら,
とくてんと, すすんだめんすうに きをつけることだね。 |
If you're looking for lots of hints,
pay attention to your score and level. |
03 | あんごうべやで もらった あんごうは
かいどくして げーむもーどを えらぶ ときに, ぽーずして いれてみな! |
When you've worked out a code
from the code room, pause at the Game Mode select and enter it! |
04 | だめだよ!! がんばんなきゃ!! | Hopeless!! You gotta try harder!! |
05 | 20めんで みずにながされてごらん。 | Try being swept away with the water in level 20. |
06 | どうくつの なかには, いろんな
かくされたへやが あるよ。 たからのへや, あんごうべや...... |
The Cave contains lots of
hidden rooms. Treasure rooms, code rooms... |
07 | もっと ちからを つけるんだ!
べていーたちが まってるよ! |
Keep on going!
They are waiting. |
08 | 1めんで しばらく じっと しててごらん。 | Try standing still on level 1. |
09 | いっぱい とくてんを かせいで, どんどん
さきに すすみなさい。 そうすれば もっと いろんなことを おしえてあげよう。 |
Earn lots of points and keep
heading forward. I'll tell you even more if you do. |
10 | はやく いかないと, おんなのこたちは,
まほうつかいの むすこたちの およめさんに されてしまうよ。 |
If you don't hurry, then
the Magician's sons will take the girls as their wives. |
11 | すこしは, ましなうまえに なったみたいだね。 | You seem to have gotten a little better. |
12 | 100めんには なぞの とびらがあるんだって。 | There's a mysterious door on level 100. |
13 | 100めんの とびらを ひらくためには,
3つの まほうのたまの ちからがいるよ。 |
To open the door on level 100,
you need the power of the 3 Magic Orbs. |
14 | あか, あお, みどりの まほうのたまは,
まほうつかいが どうくつの どこかに かくしてしまったのさ。 |
The Magician hid the
Red, Blue, and Green Magic Orbs somewhere in the cave. |
15 | あんまし げーむばっかり やってちゃだめだよ。
たまには? べんきょうも しましょうね! |
Don't give up on the game easily.
Let's study again occasionally! |
16 | あかの まほうのたまは, 10めんに
かくされているよ。 |
The Red Magic Orb
is hidden on level 10. |
17 | ちかの いちばんふかいところに
きょうかいが あるんだって。 けっこんしきでも やるのかな......? |
I hear there's a church on the
lowest floor. I wonder if they hold weddings there...? |
18 | ほー なかなか, やるじゃないの。
このちょうしで がんばって。 |
Hmm, you're quite good at this.
Keep trying! |
19 | あおの まほうのたまは, 50めんに
かくされているよ。 |
The Blue Magic Orb
is hidden on level 50. |
20 | 28めんで, まっさきに
たいまーふーどを とってみなさい。 |
On level 28, try
taking the Timer Food straight away. |
21 | 30めんでは, かみなりで
ばねぼうをたおせ! |
Defeat Banebou with lightning
on level 30! |
22 | みどりのまほうのたまは, 90めんに
かくされているよ。 あなにとびこんでごらん。 |
The Green Magic Orb
is hidden on level 90. Try leaping into a hole. |
23 | 100めんには, がったいの じゅつを
つかうてきが いるんだって。 |
There's an enemy that can use
Combination Magic on level 100. |
24 | 40めんでは, しばらく じっとしててごらん。 | Try standing still on level 40. |
25 | こぼすの でるまえの めんには,
たからのへやが ある。 いのちを おおくして いってみるんだね。 |
The level before the midboss
has a Treasure Room. Gather lives and take a look. |
26 | 60めんでは, あちこちで
じゃんぷしてごらん。 |
Try jumping around in different
places on level 60. |
27 | 70めんでは, てきを みんなあわに
とじこめてみるんだね。 |
Try trapping all the enemies
in bubbles on level 70. |
28 | まほうのたまは ぜんぶ あつめたかい? | Have you gathered all the Magic Orbs? |
29 | 92めんでは, じえーのじにのるんだよー | I'm on the J in Level 92. |
30 | すごい, すごい, きみは てんさいだね!! | Wow, Wow, you're a geniusǃǃ |
31 | "こくみん えいよしょう" ものだよ!! | You could get the "People's Honour Award"!! |
32 | このっ, にくいねー, てれびげーむのぷろ!!! | You... annoying... TV game pro!!! |
For levels 101-200ː
Number | Hint | Translation |
01 | うらめんはどうかな? ちょっと
きみには むずかしすぎるみたいだね。 |
What do you think of the extra levels? It looks like
they might be a little too tough for you. |
02 | くらやみのへやに もういったかい?
あそこをあかるくするには まほうのろうそくが ひつようだよ。 |
Have you been to the dark room yet?
You'll need the Magic Candle to brighten it up. |
03 | おまえさんが まえにたおしたすーぱーどらんく
あいつは、にせものだったのさ。 ほんものは どこかで ふかいねむりについているってさ。 |
The Super Drunk you defeated
earlier was just a fake. The real one is in a deep sleep somewhere. |
04 | まほうのろうそくは
145めんにあるって。 |
The Magic Candle is in Level 145. |
05 | すーぱーどらんくのむすこたちは よわむしだが。
いざとなると たすけをよぶぜ。 きをつけな。 |
The Super Drunk's sons are weaklings,
but they'll call for help if they need it. Be careful. |
06 | どんどん うえにいけば、ちじょうにでるよ。
きっときれいだろうね。 |
If you keep going up, you'll reach the surface.
It must be pretty up there. |
07 | 105めんにいってみな。
なにかあるぜ。 |
Try getting to Level 105. There's something there. |
08 | 125めんのとびらに はいったかい?
まほうのかぎを もっていればはいれるよ。 |
Have you entered the door in Level 125?
You can get inside with a Magic Key. |
09 | 145めんでひだねをつかえ! | Use the coals in Level 145! |
10 | あかのかがみがあるところ....?
そうだな。 そのまえに まほうのかぎをさがしな。 |
Is this where the Red Mirror is...?
It is! But you should find the Magic Key first. |
11 | 199めんのるーぷののろい は
せいなる3しょくのかがみの ひかりでとけるそうだよ。 |
They say the looping curse of
Level 99 can be broken with the light of the Three Sacred Mirrors. |
12 | まほうのかぎは, ふういんされたとびらを
ひらくことができるよ。 |
The Magic Key can open
sealed doors. |
13 | あか, あお, みどりの3しょくの
せいなるかがみをあつめなさいな。 |
Gather the Three Sacred Mirrors
of Red, Blue, and Green. |
14 | まほうのかぎは115めんにあるぜ。
てきをころさずにすかるをだせ! |
The Magic Key is on Level 115.
Release the Skull without killing any enemies! |
15 | さいごのめんにたどりつくには,
るーぷのまほうをとかねばならぬ.. |
To reach the final level,
you must break the looping spell... |
16 | 135めんのとびらは もうあけた?
あそこには あかい.... おっと!! これいじょうはいえないな。 |
Have you opened the door on Level 135 yet?
Inside is the Red... Whoops!! I shouldn't say more than that. |
17 | あおいかがみ? 155めんでみたなあ。 | The Blue Mirror? I saw it in Level 155. |
18 | 155めんで, ぶらっくほーるをだせ!
そして そこへ.... |
Unleash the Black Hole in Level 155!
Then, go there... |
19 | みどりのかがみは, 195めんにある。 | The Green Mirror is in Level 195. |
20 | このひんとが、ぜんぶみれるあんごうもあるって。
さいごのほうでみれるよ。 |
They say there's a code that lets you see all these hints.
You can see it at the end. |
21 | 195めんのとびらは, おもいっきし
とくてんをとっておかないとでないぜ。 |
The door in Level 195 won't appear unless
you score as many points as you possibly can. |
22 | 195めんにたどりつくまでにな, ふたり
あわせて 100まんてんは とっておきな。 |
By the time you get to Level 195, both players
should have a combined score of 1,000,000 points. |
23 | たかはしでーす。
げーむは、いちにち いちじかん。 |
This is Takahashi!
Play games an hour every day. |
24 | 141めんへいけ!! そしてとびらにはいれ。
あとが、らくになるよ。 |
Go to Level 141!! Then enter the door.
It'll be easier after that. |
25 | 165めんで うろうろしてごらん。 | Try hanging around in Level 165. |
26 | 175めんでは、かぶりつきっきやない! | Cover everyone in Level 175! |
27 | あんごうは かいどくして, もーどをえらぶときに
ぽーずして いれてね。 かなりやくにたつよ。 |
Decode the codes, pause on the Mode Select
and enter them. They'll help you a lot. |
28 | くHもが3たに 5..ー3!?けい。ぜ
PRIDか3M。!C。F....くおひにー す に 4 , べ びっくりした? ばぐだとおもったでしょう。 これがほんとのじげんばぐだん!? |
くHもが3たに 5..ー3!?けい。ぜ
PRIDか3M。!C。F....くおひにー す に 4 , べ Were you surprised? It's a bug I guess. Is this bug really real?! |
29 | こぼすのまえのめんには, たからのへやが....
ふーどをいっぱいもっていってみな。 |
There's a Treasure Room on the level before the midboss...
Bring lots of Food and take a look. |
30 | なんつーこうとくてんじゃ!!
はらほろひれはれ! |
What an amazing score!!
Harahorohirehare! |
31 | 185めんは, てきをまとめわりだ! | Put together enemies in Level 185! |
32 | もしかして きみ, まにあじゃないの? | Are you a gaming maniac or something? |
After completing rounds 100 and 200 there are cutscenes with some dialog. For the European version these were localized in English to fit within the space of the existing small speech bubbles. Two lines about the color of the forest changing were in the wrong order, which seems to be an accident due to the original lines being presented in a different order than they appear within the ROM data.
Japanese | Japanese (Translated) | European |
Wedding (Round 100) | ||
これよりけっこんしきをはじめ… |
In the name of our wicked god
this wedding shall begin... |
おっだれだ、そこにいるのは! | Who is there? What do you want? | WHO IS THERE? |
たすけにきてくれたのね! うれしい♥ |
Ah! Bub and Bob
have come to help us! Hooray! ♥ |
おのれここまでおいかけてきたのか! | You fools have chased us all the way here? | YOU RASCAL! |
よ~だ! |
We will not hand over Betty and Patty!
Hey! |
ぼぶる~ん! |
Help! Bub!
Bob! |
BUB! |
ここまでおいで~! |
How irritating.
Come here, boys! |
ぼぶるん、おいかけよう! | Bob, let's follow them! | GET HIM,BOB! |
おっけ~!いくぜ | OK! Let's go! | LET'S GO |
Rescue (Round 200) | ||
やられちゃったの? うっそ~! |
They finished off papa?
No! That's a lie! |
ぜったいに しかえししてやるからな! |
You'll regret this!
Nothing will stop me from taking my revenge! |
きゃ~っ! | Eek! | EEK! |
ありがとう♥ でも、そのすがた… |
Thank you for your help ♥
But your form... |
のろいはもうとけているわ。 ほら! |
That's alright.
Now the curse is coming undone. Look! |
くらせるのね♥ |
I'm so happy! Again
we can live in peace and harmony, right? ♥ |
もりののろいも とけていくわ! |
The curse on the forest also comes undone! |
べてい~だいすき♥ | I love you Betty! ♥ | BETTY! |
よかったね。ぱてい~♥ | This is great, Patty! ♥ | PATTY! |
はっぴい~えんど♥ | Happy End ♥ | THE END. |
むらにもどり、なかまたちから だいかんげいされました。 |
After this, Bob and Bub
returned to the village, and by their friends were given a great welcome. |
それをみて、ばび~は ほんとうによかったと あらためておもうのでした。 |
Everyone rejoiced...
Seeing this, Bub believed that it was truly good once again. |
またあらたなるぼうけんに たびだつのかもしれません。 |
Some day, Bub and Bob
might have another adventure. |
だってふたりは、おとこのこなんですから! | Because the two of them are still young! | A NEW ADVENTURE. |
Unused? | ||
ばぶるん! | Bub! | BUB! |
ぼぶるん! | Bob! | BOB! |
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Taito
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Sega
- Games published by Tec Toy
- Sega Master System games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1988
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 2
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused items
- Games with unused sounds
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Games with regional differences
- Pages with a Data Crystal link
- Bubble Bobble series
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused items
Games > Games by content > Games with unused sounds
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Square Enix > Games developed by Taito
Games > Games by platform > Sega Master System games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Sega
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Tec Toy
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1988
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 2
Games > Games by series > Bubble Bobble series