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Disney Super Speedway

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Title Screen

Disney Super Speedway

Developer: Graveck
Publisher: Disney Mobile
Platforms: iOS, Unity Web Player
Released in US: December 4, 2012

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
Check the iOS version further.

Another one of those kart racers inspired by Mario Kart, featuring your favorite Disney Channel and Disney XD characters! Not to be confused with the one previously at Walt Disney World.

Unused Character

The Gravity Falls character Soos is present in the files but never seen in-game. He has animations and a model texture, but no vehicle or sounds. Perhaps he was meant to be another racer.

Interestingly, the texture resolution is 1024×1024 whereas the other character models are just 256×256, resulting in Soos being significantly more detailed than everyone else.

Disney SuperSpeedway Soos.png Disney SuperSpeedway Soos back.png

(Source: The Models Resource)


Mabel Texture Remnant

In both the AI and player assets for Mike from Motorcity III, the character texture from the Gravity Falls character Mabel is present. Perhaps he was based off her assets.

Unused Norwegian Textures

In the Localized directory, there are images for Norwegian localizations that were scrapped. All are have art over them, likely done in MS Paint. While they are mostly identical to the original textures without it, some got a little fancy.

Disney SuperSpeedway GravityLogo norwegian.png