Disney Infinity 1.0 Gold Edition
Disney Infinity 1.0 Gold Edition |
Developer: Avalanche Software
This game/console's online features are no longer supported. While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of March 3, 2017) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content. |
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Disney Infinity 1.0 was Disney's answer to the toys-to-life series, acting as a spiritual successor to Toy Box mode from Toy Story 3 except with characters and settings from other franchises. It did well to last two sequels, therefore making this game semi-obsolete in terms of content.
A legacy version called the Gold Edition was made available on Steam in December, along with 2.0 and 3.0. It was based on the release version, meaning any additions after release would be removed and bugs that were fixed returned. It included all the play-sets and figures.
Unused Graphics
Error Textures
There are textures that would appear when something is missing a texture in the files in errortextures/errortextures.zip. Interestingly, the textures badyellowred, blackcube, and errorcube are used in Toy Story 3, which this game was somewhat built off of.
Debug Textures
There are two textures in textures/textures.zip that seem to have been used for debugging by their name.
Missing Textures
Many models have these missing material textures.
Early Title Screen
settings_video.zip contains an image of an early version of the title screen, which contains concept art for many characters. Whats most notable is the character cast being different, with many final characters being absent, and there being some cut characters such as the Abominable Snowman, Iron Man, and Captain America in the image.
Placeholder Hud Graphics
hud_placement.zip contains some placeholder hud UI images. Some of these contain unused placeholder text.
An early dialog box. The text reads as follows:
Hey look, here's some mission dialog and what not. Let's hope you can finish this mission, cause it's a tough SOB. Anyway, read the text and weep. I know I did...
Placeholder callout text, which reads "Callout Text Goes Here".
A placeholder leaderboard, which contains 4 players, those being named "MickeyMaus", "Lob_Bowe", "LadiesMan217", and "Savage_Catfish".
An early character icon UI, which is using Mr. Incredible, with the username LadiesMan217.
An early UI for when you collect a quest item. The icon used seems to be of a lantern.
A placeholder popup box for a combo meter. The text reads as follows:
Here's the combo meter... when we figure out what that is, we'll let you know.
A UI element for an unknown star item. It's possible that this is an early version of the level UI.
An early UI for a turbo meter.
A placeholder UI for a coin currency.
An early version of the timer UI.
Unused Characters
There exist many unused characters inside the files of Disney Infinity 1.0, being either playable or NPC characters.
Monsters University
There is a folder for an unused NPC monster from the Monster University playset titled "mu_monster02". It uses a missing material texture as its texture.
Toy Story in Space
Emperor Zurg
While Zurg is technically not unused, as he appears as a boss at the end of Toy Story in Space, he was planned to be a playable character, having unused voice lines relating to being playable. One of the games creators also has said that Zurg was supposed to be playable, though the idea was scrapped due to him being the boss of his playset.
Phineas and Ferb
Ferb Fletcher
There exists a model for Ferb Fletcher from the show Phineas and Ferb in the files of Disney Infinity 1.0. Ferb could be seen being played as in early gameplay footage of Disney Infinity, though was never added. He also has a player icon. Despite being unused, Ferb does have a costume for Townspeople.
Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz
Like Ferb, a model for Doofenshmirtz from the same show exists, going unused. Doof, however, didn't appear in any gameplay footage. It is likely that Doof was never going to be a playable character due to the absence of a player icon, and perhaps he was intended to be a boss in a scrapped Phineas and Ferb playset. Doofenshmirtz also has a Townsperson costume.
Victor Frankenstein
Victor, the main protagonist of the film, was planned to appear in the game as a playable character, along with a Frankenweenie Play Set, but was scrapped, possibly due to the film's bad performance. Victor was modelled for the game, and also had finished Idle & Idle break animations, which were shown in a Video by Nigel Style. In the final game, he only appears in the image for the 'New Holland Skyline' Hexagonal Power Disc and the 'Electro-Charge' Ability Disc.
Toy Story 3 Leftovers
Toy Story 3 was a game released on the PS3, Xbox 360, Windows, and Wii. It had a toy-box mode that inspired play-sets from Disney Infinity, and was likely used as a basis for Disney Infinity. As such, there exist leftovers from it.
Early Toy Story Icons
There are talking icons for Slinky, Hamm, Rex, the Aliens, and the Army Men that are the icons used in Toy Story 3.
Toy Story 3 Skydomes
In the files of Disney Infinity 1.0, there are skydomes that were used in the Toy Box mode for Toy Story 3.
Models and textures exist for the cows from Toy Story 3 in the folder cow_collapse. The folder contains zip files for all 3 cow types, being the normal cow, the brown cow, and the dark brown cow, along with their pupil texture in the normal cow file.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Avalanche Software
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Disney Interactive Studios
- Windows games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2016
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 9
- Games with unused characters
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused models
- Defunct online content
- To do
- Disney series
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Games > Defunct online content
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused graphics
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Warner Bros. Games > Games developed by Avalanche Software
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by The Walt Disney Company > Games published by Disney Interactive Studios
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2016
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December
Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 9
Games > Games by series > Disney series