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Proto:LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of LittleBigPlanet (PlayStation 3).


Lbp1 March08 english seaside empty large.png
June 2008 Recovery
A partial build from June 2008 that was recovered from a PS3 devkit.
Lbp1betaEngland garden badge.tex.png
Private Beta
Private beta from September 2008.
Lbp dlc potc medallion icon.tex.png
Water Beta
Private beta for the Pirates of the Caribbean Kit.
Lbp1 earlycrown he icon.tex.png
SCEE review build dated Aug 28, 2008. Likely built off of a localization build of the game.
Lbp1 pumpkinpod.png
Deploy Build
Dated Sep 17, 2009. Originally compiled for TGS 2009 to show off PlayStation Move functionality, this build has a treasure trove of LBP1 and pre-alpha LBP2 content, the latter of which being during the phase when it was the infamous "dlc_arcade".