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Run Sackboy! Run! (iOS)

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Title Screen

Run Sackboy! Run!

Developers: Firesprite, XDev
Publisher: PlayStation Mobile
Platform: iOS
Released internationally: October 29, 2014
Released in NZ: September 26, 2014

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

LittleBigPlanet jumps in on the endless runner craze. For some reason, it was released in New Zealand a whole month before anywhere else.

Unused Graphics

Runsackboyrun invertcroc.png

An inverted image of the crocodile outfit.

Unused Paintinator Model

First LittleBigPlanet PSVita, now here.

A model of the Paintinator. It is unknown if it was intended to be a powerup or not.

Unused Sound

SackboyDeathSpike.wav is the sound effect of Sackboy holding to retry. When you get killed by spikes, it plays the gas-death sound instead.

Unused Text Strings

There are a significant amount of text strings found in the root files of the game.

Text String Presumed Purpose
"Ok", "Cancel", "Close" Buttons used for dialogue boxes
"Cannot connect to the network". This goes on for like 8 more times or so. Also if you were trying to access online leaderboards, this would be my assumption of it being used.
"The following application will be suspended. Do you want to continue?" Seems like a message used for the PlayStation®3 system!
"The passcode is not correct" Probably used for when logging into PlayStation Network.
"An error has occurred" Self-explanatory error handling message.
"Starting application" Used on startup of the game.
"No PS4 Found" In assumptions, it was probably that of a feature to connect to your PlayStation®4 system.
"Close the other app connected to the PS4 and try again" Self-explanatory.
"You must update the system software of the PS4" Self-explanatory. This PS4 stuff goes on for loads of more times.
"An invalid character has been entered" Self-explanatory.
"PSN is no longer available" Used if PSN was down.
"Sony Entertainment Network is currently going under maintainence" Self-explanatory.
"The following applications will close" Unknown. Text string is from PlayStation®4.
"In Rest Mode" Unknown.