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Beat'n Groovy

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Title Screen

Beat'n Groovy

Developer: Voltex
Publisher: Konami
Platform: Xbox 360
Released internationally: October 8, 2008

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

ProtoIcon.png This game has a prototype article

A rather abysmal spin-off of the pop'n music series, which is also one of the few entries to be released overseas. Darn.


Read about prototype versions of this game that have been released or dumped.
Prototype Info

Unused Graphics

Votum stellarum

music/starmine, which contains the files for the song starmine (pop'n mixxx), also contains a vinyl graphic for the song Votum stellarum, which is completely absent from this game, labeled as votum_R.dds:

Beatngroovy-votum R.png

(Source: tikal.)


Each of the game's UI folders hide additional unused graphics:


A background graphic featuring a seemingly early version of the title screen.

Beatngroovy-dialog bg1.jpeg


game_banner_01.dds / game_banner_02.dds
Two very small placeholder banners.

Beatngroovy-gameplay-game banner 01.pngBeatngroovy-gameplay-game banner 02.png

game_play_name1.dds / game_play_name2.dds
A placeholder character name graphic. Both files contain the same content.

Beatngroovy-gameplay-game play name1.png

Despite that the game's difficuly only goes from 1 to 3, there are graphics showcasing difficulties from 4 to 8.

Beatngroovy-gameplay-game play note.png

A placeholder background graphic.

Beatngroovy-gameplay-vs chara bg.png


A very tiny placeholder, reading "banner".

Beatngroovy-live-livetest banner.png


A placeholder banner.

Beatngroovy-dialog-game banner 01.png

Despite that the game's difficuly only goes from 1 to 3, there are graphics showcasing difficulties from 4 to 8.

Beatngroovy-NL note.png


Because this game has no downloadable content support, this goes unused.

Beatngroovy-mainmenu-m download.png

m_test_model_01.dds / m_test_model_02.dds / m_test_model_03.dds
Three placeholder images.

Beatngroovy-mainmenu-m test model 01.png Beatngroovy-mainmenu-m test model 02.png Beatngroovy-mainmenu-m test model 03.png

A different placeholder graphic.

Beatngroovy-mainmenu-m test name.png


A placeholder banner. Has variants from 00 to 06.

Beatngroovy-musicselect-MS banner 00.png

A placeholder graphic. Also has variants from 00 to 06.

Beatngroovy-musicselect-SYS B00 LABEL.png

Another placeholder graphic. Only a "DISC1" variant is noticeable, however.

Beatngroovy-musicselect-SYS DISC0 LABEL.png


A placeholder banner.

Beatngroovy-result-R banner 01.png

A placeholder character graphic.

Beatngroovy-result-R chara samplem.png

A placeholder background graphic. The red text translates to "dummy".

Beatngroovy-result-sys back00m.png

(Source: tikal.)

Unused Text

Starting from offset 0x66BA17 in a decrypted+decompressed default.xex is a "song masterlist" of sorts. Within this list are several unused names:

  • 0x66BA17 - Raspberry Heart
  • 0x66BA2A - HypArcSin(x)
  • 0x66BA42 - Votum stellarum
  • 0x66BA85 - Hell? or Heaven?
  • 0x66BAD1 - 曲12
  • 0x66BADA - 曲13
  • 0x66BAE3 - 曲14
  • 0x66BADC - 曲15
(Source: tikal.)

Unused Charts

Each of the game's songs, whose files are present in the folder music, have at least one set of unused chart data, as listed below:

MOON - Folder aishuu

Unused files: aishuu_bp.txt, aishuu_hp.txt, aishuu_np.txt, aishuu_op.txt

Download.png Download MOON (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-aishuu.zip (37,6 KB) (info)

Missing Cat - Folder alterna

Unused files: alterna_bp.txt, alterna_hp.txt, alterna_np.txt

Download.png Download Missing Cat (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-alterna.zip (28,9 KB) (info)

R.C. - Folder classic2

Unused files: classic2_bp.txt, classic2_hp.txt, classic2_np.txt

Download.png Download R.C. (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-classic2.zip (10,0 KB) (info)

BEYOND THE EARTH - Folder contempo

Unused files: contempo_bp.txt, contempo_hp.txt, contempo_np.txt, contempo_op.txt

Download.png Download BEYOND THE EARTH (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-contempo.zip (52,9 KB) (info)

100sec. Kitchen Battle!! - Folder kitchen

Unused files: kitchen_bp.txt, kitchen_hp.txt, kitchen_np.txt, kitchen_op.txt

Download.png Download 100sec. Kitchen Battle!! (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-kitchen.zip (30,3 KB) (info)

WE TWO ARE ONE - Folder seuro

Unused files: seuro_bp.txt, seuro_np.txt

Download.png Download WE TWO ARE ONE (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-seuro.zip (6,08 KB) (info)

Gotta Get My Groove On - Folder soul

Unused files: soul_bp.txt, soul_hp.txt, soul_np.txt

Download.png Download Gotta Get My Groove On (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-soul.zip (15,3 KB) (info)

SPICY PIECE - Folder spy

Unused file: spy_np.txt

Download.png Download SPICY PIECE (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-spy.zip (2,47 KB) (info)

starmine (pop'n mixxx) - Folder starmine

Unused files: starmine_bp.txt, starmine_hp.txt, starmine_np.txt, starmine_op.txt

Download.png Download starmine (pop'n mixxx) (unused chart data)
File: beatngroovy-starmine.zip (50,1 KB) (info)

(Source: tikal.)

Internal Project Name

According to the game's decrypted+decompressed default.xex file, Beat'n Groovy's internal project name is Popcorn.