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Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time

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Title Screen

Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time

Also known as: Plants vs. Zombies 2
Developer: PopCap Games
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Platforms: iOS, Android
Released internationally: August 15, 2013 (iOS)
Released in AU: July 9, 2013 (iOS), October 2, 2013 (Android)
Released in CN: September 12, 2013 (Android)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
This page sucks.
If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome.
Specifically: This page has a lot of strange formatting, organization, and is overall quite messy, not to mention very outdated. This should really get some more work done on it
To do:
Development directories in CDN TAR files.

A new Plants vs. Zombies game? It's about damn time.

This game notably found a release in China that has completely different mechanics, assets and content. For more details, click here.

To do:
  • There are two pages on the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki that have more unused content and more upcoming information than this page. Add them here. (Also, update this page to be in line with the latest release.)
  • Apparently, I have heard about concept art for plants that never made it into the final game (like the mammoth nut), can someone put it in a prototype/prerelease article?
  • Icons (and descriptions) for subpages.
  • Update history.


Unused or Prototype Plants
Unused/Prototype plants leftover in the game.
Unused Powerups
Unused powerups leftover in the game.
Unused Levels
Unused levels leftover in the game.
Development Leftovers
Developer Documentations
XML Files
You could once name Penny?
Removed Content
Stuff once in the game that's been removed since.

Unused Items

####### Gravestones ########
objclass		GridItemType				aliases
gravestone_pirate	Pirate_Gravestone	PropertySheets	GridItemGravestonePirate
gravestone_cowboy	Cowboy_Gravestone	PropertySheets	GridItemGravestoneCowboy
gravestone_future	Future_Gravestone	PropertySheets	GridItemGravestoneFuture

The unused gravestones appeared to be finished and fully functional but they were not used for the game, it seems at one point during development of Plants vs. Zombies 2 every world was originally gonna use these gravestones before they went scrapped due to the flavor of Ancient Egypt and Dark Ages gravestones.

####### Grid Items ########
barricade_up	GridItemBarricade	Barricades	PropertySheets	BarricadeUp
barricade_down	PropertySheets	BarricadeDown
barricade_up_noncolliding	PropertySheets	BarricadeUpNonColliding
barricade_down_noncolliding	PropertySheets	BarricadeDownNonColliding
lilypad	GridItemLilyPad	PropertySheets	GridItemLilyPadDefault	alises
vase	GridItemVase	PropertySheets	GridItemVaseDefault	VaseBreakerGroup	VaseBreakerAudio

Unused Zombies

Zombie Proto

Obviously some sort of test zombie judging by the file name. Only sprites exist for it, which consist of a single dot, and has a idle, walking, eating and death animation.

Cleopatra Zombie

To do:
Split all of the Cleopatra Zombie's animations into their own separate gifs.

A unused zombie that looks like the real Cleopatra and was meant to appear in Ancient Egypt, she would have summon zombies just like the Dancer Zombie in the first game, but not only she can spawn zombies around her, she can also summon zombies vertically, horizontally, in a square, and in front of her. It's unclear why she was scrapped but it was probably because she was to hard for the first world.

Unused Music

Early Pirate Seas Music

An early version of Pirate Seas' music, composed by Laura Shigihara, can be heard in Crazy Dave's second transmission. The track was later uploaded by Shigihara to her YouTube channel due to high demand.

Early Wild West Music

An early variant of the Wild West Mid Wave B soundtrack can be heard in Crazy Dave's last transmission. This track is used in Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars.

Early Far Future Music

An early composition of the Far Future First Wave soundtrack is found in the v1.5 files.

Early Dark Ages Music

Audio Notes
First Wave
Mid Wave A
Mid Wave B

Slightly different compositions of Dark Ages tracks found in v2.3.1 files. They can be heard in the early trailers for Dark Ages.

Early Neon Mixtape Tour Music

Some real world songs such as "Walk Like an Egyptian" from The Bangles were used as placeholders. The soundtrack can be found here.

Early Modern Day Music

Audio Notes
Mid Wave B
Final Wave

Some early Modern Day soundtracks lack some instruments and have different endings than the final versions.

Big Wave Beach Demonstration Minigame Music

The unused Big Wave Beach Demonstration Minigame soundtrack composed by Peter McConnell (the composer of most PvZ2 soundtracks) which was first surfaced from the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 in late 2023.

Early and Internal Names


  • Iceberg Lettuce is internally referenced as "iceburg".
  • Tile Turnip is internally referenced as "powerplant", hinting that the artwork was originally different and probably was not gonna be a turnip.
  • Rotobaga is internally referenced as "xshot", however in earlier versions it was temporary named "x-shot" before the final artwork and name came in.
  • Red Stinger was internally called "columnpod" in earlier versions before it was changed into "redstinger".
  • Gold Leaf is internally referenced as "goldtileturnip", probably because both the Tile Turnip and Gold Leaf make tiles.
  • Perfume-shroom was referred to as "dinonip" in the prototype codes for Jurassic Marsh.


  • Several zombies have internal names that don't reflect their actual in-game names:
    • Conehead Zombie, Buckethead Zombie, and all of their variants from other worlds share the same ending suffixes: _armor1 and _armor2 respectively.
      • Knight Zombie, Blockhead Zombie, Jurassic Fossilhead, and Centurion Zombie share the _armor3 suffix.
      • Brickhead Zombie, Pyramid-Head Zombie, Barrelhead Zombie, Cart-Head Zombie, Holo Head Zombie, Amberhead Zombie, and Bust Head Zombie share the _armor4 suffix.
    • Barrel Roller Zombie as "barrelpusher" in earlier versions.
    • Chicken Wrangler Zombie as "chicken_farmer".
    • Shield Zombie as "future_protector".
    • Jester Zombie as "dark_juggler"
    • Parasol Zombie as "lostcity_jane", likely a reference to Jane Porter from Tarzan.
    • Turquoise Skull Zombie as "lostcity_crystalskull"
  • Bug Bot Imp's original in-game name was "Spider Bot Imp" in earlier versions.

Penny's Early Name

Penny is internally referenced as "Winnie".

PC Release Text

Hardware Acceleration cannot be enabled on this computer.
Your video card does not
meet the minimum requirements
for this game.
Windowed mode is only available if your desktop was running in either
16 bit or 32 bit color mode when you started the game.
If you'd like to run in Windowed mode then you need to quit the game and switch your desktop to 16 or 32 bit color mode.
No Windowed Mode
3D Acceleration
Full Screen
Your video card may not fully support this feature.
If you experience slower performance, please disable Hardware Acceleration.

Debugging Material

To do:
Code and text for Zombie Spawning Debug and a portion of other debugging functions are present in older versions of the game to v3.1.1. Despite the cheat menu isn't loaded, maybe the functions exist to enable them?

Various game files mention a cheat menu, preferably in the main game data, this video showcases one from the Chinese release: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=alrD7qNX8mg (ingame) and this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0geM5gF2Mo showcases one from PVZ's YouTube channel livestream (map). Unfortunately, the menu is stripped from nearly every public release.

Developer Mentions

arcade_config.rton mentions developer directories (going by dev) used to test certain scripts, these include: beghouled# (1-3), beghouled_endless and vasebreaker_peapodtest.