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Skylanders: Swap Force (Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

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Title Screen

Skylanders: Swap Force

Developer: Vicarious Visions
Publisher: Activision
Platforms: Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 Xbox 360, Xbox One
Released internationally: November 22, 2013 (Xbox One)
Released in US: October 13, 2013 (Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360), November 15, 2013 (PS4)
Released in EU: October 18, 2013 (Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360), November 29, 2013 (PS4)
Released in AU: October 16, 2013 (Wii U, PS3, Xbox 360), December 5, 2013 (PS4)

CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

Skylanders: Swap Force is a sequel to Skylanders: Giants, now featuring toys with alternating upper and lower halves, a better portal to support them, and the ability to… jump.

Notably, the first Skylanders game to be released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4.

Early Character Names

As with Giants, many of the characters have their names used from the development phase left on their related files, however this only applies to most of the characters brand new to this game, as the originals now use their official names.

Final Early
Boom Jet Aviator
Blast Zone Fire Knight
Bumble Blast Bee Tree
Countdown DaBomb
Doom Stone Statue
Drilla Grilla Gorilla
Free Ranger Stormbird
Fire Kraken Fireworks
Freeze Blade Freeze
Grim Creeper Reaper
Hoot Loop Fortune
Magna Charge Magnet
Night Shift Vampire
Pop Thorn Puffer
Punk Shock Eel Girl
Rattle Shake Cowboy
Rip Tide Swordfish
Roller Brawl Topsy Derby
Rubble Rouser Miner
Scorp Scorpion
Scratch Cat Gryphon
Slobbertooth Lockjaw
Smolderdash Sun Girl
Spy Rise Spyder
Star Strike Fan Girl
Stink Bomb Ninja
Trap Shadow Panther
Wash Buckler Pirate
Zoo Lou Shaman

Chase Variant Checks

In addition, several of the chase variants the game will recognize as 'Special' or 'Rare' and separate from regular toys have official descriptors within the portrait and toydata files, otherwise not seen or mentioned.

Name Description
Amazon Specific to the 'gold' Flameslinger sold as an amazon.com promotion
Glow Glow in the dark
Flocked White snow-like fiber covering the entire toy
Iridescent Metallic purple finish
Sparkle White sparkly finish
Stone Black with gray streaks

Older toys from before Giants have no descriptor due to lack of a flag to check for such, while others such as 'Halloween' Eye Brawl were released after the game was in production.

In addition, the game also has a check designed for a 'Legendary' Fright Rider (figures exclusive to ToysRUs), though unlike the other toys does not designate it as Legendary, and no actual named Legendary Fright Rider exists. However, the same check *does* also refer to it as a glow in the dark toy, which does exist.

	<object refname="FrightRider_Legendary_variantIdentifier" type="CVariantIdentifier" root="true">
		<var name="_decoId" value="kTfbSpyroTag_DecoID_GlowDark"/>
		<var name="_yearCode" value="eSG_Giants2012"/>
		<var name="_variantText" value="Special"/>
		<var name="_toyCollectionMaterial" ref="Collection_FrightRider_Special.Collection_FrightRider_Special"/>

	<object refname="FrightRider_ToyData_variants" type="CVariantIdentifierList" root="true" count="1">
		<listitem ref="this.FrightRider_Legendary_variantIdentifier"/>
VVind-Up in gameplay.

A similar check is also done for a special version of Wind-Up, called "VVind-Up" and presumably a play on Vicarious Visions. However, unlike the above no special text is assigned to the toy as a descriptor, meaning while the game looks for it, it doesn't indicate it as anything different than a regular Wind-Up.

	<object refname="igLocalizedString" type="igLocalizedString">
		<var name="_string" value="VVind-up"/>
		<var name="_object" ref="Windup_ToyData.Windup_Vicarious_variantIdentifier"/>
		<var name="_field" ref="metafield.CVariantIdentifier::_toyName"/>

However it is possible to play as VVind-Up using an emulator or by using an NFC card with the correct data on a portal that doesn't block counterfeit NFC cards. He appears as a red and white Wind-Up with the V from the Vicarious Visions logo as his crank.

Template Template

'Template Template' is an unused playable "SWAP Force" character in the game, and served as the starting file for all characters that made use of the swapping functionality, thus Template being the name of both his upper and lower halves. Unlike Debug in Giants, Template Template is fully formed, appearing as a green bodied humanoid with large eyes, a purple shirt, jeans, black shoes, and a tail. He has no textures, and thus appears with mostly solid colors. The Wii version renders tints using a different system, thus due to not being fixed he is colored white all over. He makes use of several placeholder items, including a specific temp portrait and strings for his upgrade paths. In addition to all this, he is fully animated; when you check the upgrade screen he will scratch his behind, pressing A will do a short hop that has him slam forward with both fists, B will do a spin attack, and X has him push his hands outward to sissy-slap enemies. Unfortunately he can't actually *hit* anything, making his attacks useless. He has 5 missions and has all emotion animations except sadness.

Unused Music

To do:
Find the other 67 music tracks.

An unused music track for Iron Jaw Gulch.