Doom Eternal
Doom Eternal |
Developers: id Software,
Panic Button (Switch)
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This page sucks. If you could make it suck less, that would be awesome. Specifically: Why are there so many YouTube videos? Why are there no images of the unused pistol? Why do two YouTube videos appear twice? What is content from the The Ancient Gods DLC doing on this page and not on a subpage of its own? Why is this page so damn MESSY!? |
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. |
To do: Some bullet points to help clean-up article:
In Doom Eternal, the Doom Slayer meets his most horrible nemesis yet: An actual plot.
Notes |
Unused Voices You can't just shoot a hole i--well, I suppose you can... |
The Ancient Gods You like plot? Well, we're gonna shove it down your damn throat! |
Unused Levels
Unfinished Master Levels
To do: Footage of the other unused master levels and the "Use or Lose" challenge for the Super Gore Nest master level. |
With the help of mods, players can access four unfinished master levels included in the game's files and two clearly unfinished modes for the Super Gore Nest master level, which had a full release as part of the Update 4 patch (released December 11, 2020).
Two of these unfinished levels, "Hell on Earth" and "Exultia", are practically finished and can be played through fully thanks to some minor fixes applied by modders. Interestingly, the other two levels are "Sentinel Prime" and "Doom Hunter Base", which are considered boss levels in the base game. As such, unique "Gold" variants of the Doom Hunter and Gladiator bosses that are significantly more difficult than their standard counterparts exist within the game files, and have been used extensively by modders to recreate their respective master levels. Provided is a video showing the restored Doom Hunter Base master level, which concludes with a fight against the "Gold" variant of the Doom Hunter.
The unused challenge modes for Super Gore Nest are called "Time Mode" and "Use or Lose" mode respectively. In both of these, reloading the last checkpoint will bring you to the normal version of the Super Gore Nest master level. That combined with the nature of these challenges has led many to believe that these modes, should they ever be finished and fully released, will only be playable on Ultra Nightmare difficulty or something similar to it.
In "Time Mode", the player needs to beat the level as fast as they can while a timer counts down. The timer starts at 60 seconds, and the player will be granted more time whenever they perform certain actions (such as reaching checkpoints marked by a green gate, granting the player an extra 60 seconds) or destroy enemy weakpoints (such as a Revenant's Rocket Launchers or a Mancubus' Arm Cannons, which grants 5 seconds). If the timer reaches zero, the player will be knocked down to a measly 5 health, making completion much harder.
In "Use or Lose" mode, if a given weapon's ammo hits zero that weapon cannot be used for the rest of the level. For example, if you use up all your rockets, you won't be able to use the rocket launcher for the rest of the level. In the case of weapons that share ammo, you will only be prevented from using the weapon that fired the last of your ammunition (for instance, running out of shotgun shells while using the Combat Shotgun will strip you of using the Combat Shotgun any longer, but you'll be able to use the Super Shotgun just fine once you refill your ammo supply).
Below, the cut Master Levels are displayed.
The above video showcases the "Time Mode" challenge for the Super Gore Nest master level.
Mars Core Developer Room
In the Mars Core mission, glitching or cheating your way back into the area in which the level's opening cutscene plays and touching the door that the player initially emerges from at the start of said cutscene will teleport you to a Developer Room. This small, greyboxed room contains teleporters to each section of the level, teleporters to the start of the level either with or without the intro cutscene, and a BFG-9000 pickup. The pickup is clearly unfinished, lacking the rotating animation or shader effects seen on all other weapon pickups; this may be related to the fact that the weapon is acquired in a cutscene in the final game.
Interestingly, the teleporter labeled "PHOBOS: Supergun" takes you to an area only seen as part of the cutscene in which the BFG-9000 is acquired. As it turns out, the area is fully set up as a playable area with collision and a working "bottomless pit" trigger in the event that the player falls off the bridge.
Unused Tutorial Rooms
There are two unused tutorial rooms. You can get into them through noclip and infinite jumps. The first is a hallway with no collision in which a secret can be triggered. It removes control from the Slayer for a moment causing him to fall. The other one also has no collision except for four untextured models of a switch from the "Foundry" level from Doom 2016, which can be used to skip “practices", but it appears these do not work. There are also two invisible portals and invisible monkey bars which work. There is also a visible portal that does not work.
Unused Music
The complete soundtrack from the 2016 Doom is present in the sound banks, in the soundmetadata file under music\music_doom2016\, and is still set up for the dynamic music system. These files are completely different from the jukebox tracks and "BFG Division" reprise on the Fortress of Doom level, which are present with the rest of the Fortress of Doom's music in music\music_ghost\music_menu\music_ghost_switch\hub_music\hub_music.
Some duplicates of the Doom and Doom II MIDI recordings used for the Doom Classic sourceport on the Fortress of Doom's computer are present in music\music_ghost\music_menu\music_ghost_switch\tutorial_switch. The version of "The Healer Stalks" present here was used in pre-release public demos in the greybox tutorial level used to teach players about the movement and combat mechanics before shoving them straight into Mars Core; the other tracks may have held a similar place in internal prototype builds.
- 23152823.ogg - The Healer Stalks
- 345049405.ogg - Opening to Hell
- 368052137.ogg - Nobody Told Me About id
- 666756676.ogg - Dark Halls
- 987902872.ogg - The Demons from Adrian's Pen
- 1052110793.ogg - Adrian's Asleep
The second half of 679091008.ogg (filed under music\music_ghost\music_menu\music_ghost_switch\icon_music\music_ghost_states\boss_end), after the used cutscene music, is a brief cover/arrangement of Into Sandy's City from Doom II. It eventually ended up being used in the same place in the ill-fated official soundtrack release, with the ending King Novik monologue overlaid over the ending.
473482882.ogg (filed under debug\prototype_music_Tlocke_do_not_use) is a strange clip of music from an unknown source. "Tlocke" probably refers to Tim Locke, the game's technical designer.
Unused Visuals
Cut Graphical Effects
Various cut graphical effects. These likely would have been changeable in the settings menu.
An effect in which the HUD was meant to stretch around the edges of the screen.
A very subtle anamorphic lens flare effect.
The Doom Slayer was meant to have a shadow. Understandably, this was cut because the Slayer having a shadow but no legs or torso looks goofy as hell.
The Slayer was meant to kick up dust when he landed after a jump.
It is unclear if this gritty-looking shader was intended to be enabled by default or if this is a earlier version of the "gritty" shader already in the game.
Early Cutscenes
If The Ancient Gods, Part 2 is installed, in DOOMEternal\base\video\cineractive\e5m4_tech_boss\death_of_dark_lord there are early drafts of the scenes depicting the remaining demons being obliterated following the death of the Dark Lord. The draft appears to be a fairly early version of the cutscene, as it lacks visual effects, features unfinished animations, and lines from the debug console can be seen at the top-left of the screen. Interestingly, the sounds are embedded with the video unlike the rest of the pre-rendered cutscenes, which are silent and rely on in-game sounds.
These drafts can be found labeled as such:
- dark_lord_death_s130.bk2
- dark_lord_death_s140.bk2
- dark_lord_death_s150.bk2
Marauder Moveset
This page or section needs more videos. There's a whole lotta words or pictures here, but not enough videos. Please fix this. Specifically: Add footage of these animations in action. |
The Marauder has many unused animations in which he uses his axe to block attacks as opposed to activating the red energy shield seen in-game.
Mecha Zombie with Mask
In the game files you can find a model of the Mecha Zombie with a metal mask, similar to the one it normally wears in the game.
Leftover Doom 2016 Imp Glory Kills
Leftover Glory Kill animations from Doom 2016 in which the Slayer is assisted by the environment, albeit without the Slayer's legs.
Unused Gameplay Mechanics
Unused Projectile Behavior
There are two types of projectile behaviors that are unused. Both types cause projectiles to bounce when coming in contact with surfaces. The first type flies in an arc and bounces on the floor, while the second type has no arc and bounces on walls.
This behavior can be seen, restored, in the below video at 0:36.
Unused Damage Parameter
"RapidHitScale" increases the damage dealt by a weapon every time a shot is fired.
It's speculated that this was added as part of a scrapped change to the Combat Shotgun's "Full Auto" mod, as this was a popular idea being thrown around to improve the weapon within the game's community (and apparently the development team as well) during early-mid 2021. During this time, the game's passionate community regarding high level play was ripe with discussion about whether the weapon would need to be improved in some way to better compete with the rest of the Doom Slayer's arsenal, since most felt it simply wasn't worth using. As stated before, this parameter was likely born as a result of id themselves testing out some of the suggestions made by the community.
Provided is a video by Doom Eternal speedrunner/modder BloodShot9001 from around this time that depicts something similar to what this parameter's usage likely would have looked like, should it have been used. (Seen at the 1:15 timestamp.)
Microwave Beam Multi-Targeting
During development, id initially had a different weapon mastery upgrade in mind for the Plasma Rifle's "Microwave Beam" mod. Instead of causing a massive shockwave that falters enemies upon killing a demon with the beam, the player would have been able to aim and fire the beam at two targets simultaneously, similar to the mastery for the Rocket Launcher's Lock-On Burst mod as seen in the final game. The description for this unused upgrade reads "Beam splits into two streams to target more than one enemy".
Playable Dread Knight Charged Attacks
The playable Dread Knight seen in Battlemode has an unused ability that allows it to charge its basic attacks. This charge ability functions and looks very similar to the Ballista's Destroyer Blade mod, giving further evidence to support the idea that this attack was built off of the Destroyer Blade's code.
Unused Tyrant/Cyberdemon Weakpoint
At one point in development, the Tyrant was supposed to have a targetable weakpoint that functions like the ones present on a few other demons in the game; it's fully functional, but entirely disabled. When re-enabled, the Tyrant's rocket launcher can be destroyed in a similar fashion to other weakpoints such as an Arachnotron's turret. Upon being destroyed, the Tyrant is rendered unable to use its lock-on beam. This also hinders its basic attack (firing a small volley of rockets straight towards you) by making them travel and fire significantly slower.
Dual Equipment Launcher
Unlocking all six equipment upgrades would have unlocked a dual equipment launcher that copies the actions of the first one. For example, if the player were to launch a grenade, they would fire two at the same time. This behavior carries over to the Ice Bomb and Flame Belch as well.
The strings within the game's files that reference this unlockable upgrade state that upgrades to the Slayer's equipment would've needed the player to "Unlock all 4 Suit Upgrades and 2 Argent Cells Upgrades in a Category." The fact that Argent Cells, a resource found in the 2016 Doom, are referenced implies that this idea was scrapped very early in development.
Dual equipment launcher can be activated by console command
Unused Weapons
Unused Pistol
To do: Get some images of the Pistol. A video is fine, but it doesn't have to be a full gameplay video. It can just be a video showcasing the Pistol's attacks and its damage against basic demons, for example. |
Using a memory editor like Cheat Engine to gain access to disabled commands, entering g_enablepistol 1 into the game's console while already in a level before the Update 1 patch (released May 14, 2020) would let you use an otherwise-unused Pistol weapon - which, surprisingly, is actually new and not just a leftover from Doom 2016. Its primary fire is a three-round burst, while alt-fire zooms in for a more powerful shot. Although not mentioned in the patch notes, the aforementioned update removed the Cheat Engine method, and the pistol is currently only accessible using a modloader such as EternalInjector.
The fact that the weapon is pretty much complete suggests it was cut late in development, though it's not clear why.
Unused Super Shotgun Mastery Model
In the files, there is a model for the Super Shotgun that has a "double hammer trigger." It does nothing gameplay-wise, but the fact that it's called "supershotgun_mastery" in the files implies that it was supposed to be used when the Super Shotgun was fully upgraded. The trigger is also present in some early concept art.
Super Shotgun Model | supershotgun_mastery Model |
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Quakecon 2018 Leftovers
Quakecon 2018 Super Gore Nest Intro
This animation used as the intro of the Super Gore Nest level at Quakecon 2018 remains in the game. It can be displayed using a console command.
Quakecon 2018 Mars Core Intro Voices
The original voice lines from Mars Core's intro cutscene still remain in the game. They can be played instead of the final voice lines through a console command.
Archvile's Mars Core Intro
Another leftover from the same Quakecon 2018 gameplay showcase of Mars Core, this time of the Archvile's intro. It can also be activated using a console command.
Removed "Doog Eternal" Easter Egg
To do:
With the release of the The Ancient Gods, Part One DLC on October 20, 2020, an Easter egg was added where pressing the dedicated Chainsaw button four times while on the Runes tab of the Dossier would display up a "Doog Eternal" logo. This is a reference to Inugami Korone, a Japanese Virtual YouTuber and member of Hololive who livestreamed Doom 64 and the 2016 Doom and, among other things, found great joy in the Chainsaw weapon and gained a nickname of "Doog Slayer" (a play on the fact that she's a dog). The logo actually combines two separate images of "Doog" and "Eternal".
The v3.1 update (released October 23, 2020) removed the Easter egg. The update's blog post acknowledged this and praised the community for finding it so quickly, but never actually gave a reason for its removal.
The Doom series
| |
DOS | Doom (1993) (Prototypes) • Doom II: Hell on Earth (Prototypes) • Final Doom |
Windows | Doom (1993) (Prototypes) • Doom 3 (Prototypes) • Doom (2016) • Doom 64 • Doom Eternal • Doom + Doom II |
Mac OS Classic | Doom (1993) • Doom II: Hell on Earth • Final Doom |
Mac OS X | Doom 3 |
Linux | Doom (1993) (Prototypes) • Doom II: Hell on Earth • Doom 3 |
Jaguar | Doom |
32X | Doom (Prototypes) |
3DO | Doom |
SNES | Doom |
PlayStation | Doom (Prototypes) • Final Doom |
Sega Saturn | Doom |
Nintendo 64 | Doom 64 (Evaluation Prototype) |
Game Boy Advance | Doom • Doom II: Hell on Earth |
J2ME, BREW | Doom RPG • Doom II RPG |
Xbox | Doom • Doom II: Hell on Earth • Doom 3 (Prototype) |
Xbox 360 | Doom • Doom II: Hell on Earth |
PlayStation 3 | Doom Classic Complete (Doom, Doom II: Hell on Earth, Final Doom) |
Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PlayStation 4 | Doom (1993) • Doom II: Hell on Earth • Doom (2016) • Doom 64 • Doom Eternal • Doom + Doom II |
Google Stadia | Doom (2016) • Doom 64 • Doom Eternal |
Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5 | Doom Eternal • Doom + Doom II |
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- Games developed by Panic Button
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- Games released on March 20
- Games released in December
- Games released on December 8
- Games released on March 26
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused graphics
- Games with unused cinematics
- Games with unused items
- Games with revisional differences
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- Doom series
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