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Mobile Armor

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Title Screen

Mobile Armor

Also known as: SIMPLE 1500 series Vol.90 The Sensha (JP)
Developer: Highwaystar
Publishers: D3 Publisher (JP), Agetec (US)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in JP: May 28, 2002
Released in US: October 24, 2002

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
DummyIcon.png This game has unusual dummy files.

Mobile Armor is a tank action game where World War II tanks appear to fire laser beams for no reason.

Debug Menu

The Sensha PS1 debug title.png

Use the following code to display a debug menu after the Highwaystar logo.

Japan US
80124370 000C
80124550 000B

Choosing "GAME MODE" starts the game normally.


The Sensha PS1 vs 1.pngThe Sensha PS1 vs 2.pngThe Sensha PS1 vs 3.png

Switches to a battle test menu, in which stage, player tank and camouflage color are selected, in order. Going back redirects to the DESIGNER VIEW menu.


The Sensha PS1 Matsumoto.png

Would display images, though it ultimately crashes the game.


The Sensha PS1 se test.png

A sound effect test mode.


The Sensha PS1 da test.png

A music test mode.


The Sensha PS1 Designer View.pngThe Sensha PS1 Designer View 2.pngThe Sensha PS1 Designer View 3.png
The Sensha PS1 Designer View 4.pngThe Sensha PS1 Designer View 5.png

A graphics test mode.

  • 2D: Font test.
  • FIELD: Redirects to the VS menu.
  • CHARACTER: The screen turns black.

Build Date

Located in the ELF executable.

Japan US
offset: 0x61204
Jan  9 2002 13:40:15
offset: 0x5F7AC
Aug  1 2002 18:20:22

Unused Sound

Present in DA\DUMMY.WAV is an arrangement of the original Kamen Rider opening theme. This originated from Kamen Rider: The Bike Race and was unused there.

Regional Difference

Japan US
SIMPLE 1500 series Vol.90 The Sensha Title.png SIMPLE 1500 series Vol.90 The Sensha Title US.png
  • While the title screen's background artwork was slightly updated for the American localization, there is a small error; a white line can be found at the very bottom of the screen.