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Grand Theft Auto IV

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Title Screen

Grand Theft Auto IV

Developers: Rockstar North (PlayStation 3), Rockstar Toronto (Windows)
Publishers: Rockstar Games (US/EU/AU), Capcom (JP, PlayStation 3), CyberFront (JP, Windows)
Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, Windows
Released in JP: October 30, 2008 (PS3, X360), March 20, 2009 (Windows)
Released in US: April 29, 2008 (PS3, X360), December 2, 2008 (Windows)
Released in EU: April 29, 2008 (PS3, X360), December 3, 2008 (Windows)
Released in AU: April 29, 2008 (PS3, X360), December 3, 2008 (Windows)
Released in KR: February 15, 2012 (PS3, X360)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.
PiracyIcon.png This game has anti-piracy features.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page
BugsIcon.png This game has a bugs page

Grand Theft Auto IV poses an all-important question: What does the American dream mean today?

...not exactly what it meant during development...


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.
Read about notable bugs and errors in this game.

Downloadable Content

Lostanddamned johnny 256x256.jpg
The Lost and Damned
The Lost may be forever, but the cut content isn't.
Theballadofgaytony luis 256x256.jpg
The Ballad of Gay Tony
Guns, Fame, Drugs... Welcome to Liberty City.


GTAIV Zombiemode gunhud.png
Unused Mission-Related Content
"Yokel, fatty Roman's cousin. I have some extra business for you to take care of..."
Unused Player Features
Unused, unfinished, and removed features that were planned for the main character.
GTAIV Clothing preview.png
Unused Customization
The hidden fashions of Liberty City.
GTAIV UnusedPeds.png
Unused Pedestrians
Pedestrians from a lost part of Liberty City.
GTAIV-plank hold-stand carry.gif
Unused Pedestrian Features
Feeling like the pedestrian actions nicely varied? Let's see what developers hid from us.
GTAIV Testtexturebumpmap.png
Unused Textures
The hidden side of Liberty City.
Unused Models
The OTHER hidden side of Liberty City.
Unused Audio
The noisy side of Liberty City.
Unused Text
The textual side of Liberty City.
Unused Animations
Early design and just animations that you won't see during the normal gameplay.
GTAIV interiorspreview.png
Removed, unused and edited content related to game interiors.
GTAIV-Prerelease-LCPD Recruitment-Soldiers Plaza.png
Development Oversights
The side of Liberty City as seen on TV.
Version and Platform Differences
A slightly different side of Liberty City.


Download.png Download BuildLog.htm
File: GTAIV_(Windows)-BuildLog.zip (7 KB) (info)

A shader compiler log, along with batch commands, can be found in the common\shaders directory in the Windows version.


Unused Choppers

Exclusively in the Windows port, The Angel, Daemon, Diabolus, Hexer, Lycan, Nightblade, Revenant and Wolfsbane chopper bikes all have their models and textures present in the base game, despite not being finished until The Lost and Damned. They can be used as normal bikes by modding.

Scrapped Vehicles


A couple of leftovers from this vehicle can be found in the files, such as text string in the .gxt file, and a couple of the audio files which are labeled as GOLF KART that contains unused golf cart noises. This vehicle was later added in The Ballad of Gay Tony.

CADDY = Caddy


Another vehicle that was later added in The Ballad of Gay Tony is the Buffalo. From leftovers there is unused police car radio voiceline

and a billboard texture that features this vehicle.

GTAIV buffalobravado.png

Majestic and Previon

Another vehicles from San Andreas that were going to re-appear in IV, but didn't make it in the process. From leftovers we have:

  • Unused police car radio voiceline for these two vehicles;
  • Horns in the sounds.dat15 file;
  • Previon mention in the .gxt files.

PREVION = Previon

Scrapped Vehicle Components

Alternate Packer Ramp

A different, unused ramp component for the Packer vehicle exists and can be spawned in-game using modifications. Unlike the other ramp which is seen in-game, this ramp extends lower down and is attached to the rear of the vehicle, as opposed to on top of it.

Despite it looking visually normal, the collision detection for the ramp does not match its physical appearance. The solid parts of the ramp object are significantly higher up than the object itself. The gap in-between both ramp planks is also erroneously solid. Because of the wrongly raised collision detection, when driving the vehicle with this component attached, the underside of the physical ramp object does not collide with elements such as bumpy terrain. (Uneven roads, sand, grass verges, and so on.)

Due to the collision detection oddities, it is quite difficult to drive other vehicles up the ramp. The fact that the collision detection is not in line properly with the object, and is solid in the ramp plank gaps, may suggest that this component's usage was scrapped somewhat early on in development.

(Source: Grand Theft Wiki)

Scrapped Weapons

There are some scrapped weapons from earlier in development that didn't quite make it to the final process[1]

Wooden Bat

  • The wooden Bat can be seen on the in-game TV and the audio file used for the final Aluminum Bat is still named WOODEN_BAT.wav


GTAIV heavyweapons2 c vert.png

Several are mentioned in the game's default.ide file:


  • There is an audio leftover of the police baton that can be found in the game files.

Pool Cue

  • Can be spawned with a trainer but it's somewhat glitchy and has the same behavior of the Baseball Bat.

Silenced Pistol

  • Can be seen in a prerelease screenshot and still has sound files leftover. Interestingly, the texture used for the cutscene prop version of the Glock features a silencer.


A flamethrower, camera, bomb, and minigun are also mentioned but it is currently unknown if these weapons were meant to reappear in the game or if they're leftovers from Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Unused Graphics

Unused Loading Screens

In pc/textures there are two files with unused loading screen textures loadingscreens_360.wtd and loadingscreens_ps3.wtd. Although these loading screens are very similar to the console ones, there is some that the developers decided to replace in final version of the game. It is also worth to mention that these loading screens are not divided into several parts, that is, they were motionless, unlike final console and PC loading screens.

Unused Icons

Various icons that never appear in the game but are present in the files.

Filename Oddities

In the game's files, certain locations, characters, radio stations, and vehicles are internally named/referenced differently to what actually appears in-game.


  • In the .gxt files, Beechwood City is referred to as Grayfords.
  • In the .gxt files, Firefly Projects is referred to as Hedgebury, also some road signs in Firefly Projects mentions this district name.

GTAIV brooks2 4.png

  • In the .gxt files, there are couple mentions of a Goatherd district, as well as some road signs in Firefly Projects indicates that the district was located somewhere on the South Slopes place.

GTAIV brooks2 3.png

  • In the .gxt files, there are couple mentions of The Concourse district, as well as some road signs in Bohan indicates that the district was located on the Boulevard place.

GTAIV The Concourse.png

  • An unused PeepThatShit.com webpage refers to Outlook Park as Overlook Park.
  • In a phone call from Mallory before mission "Hostile Negotiations" starts, she refers to Chase Point as Hunt Point.


  • LOD sign texture of the Westdyke Memorial Hospital refers that the hospital was located in Leftwood, which is more correct considering that the hospital is indeed located in Leftwood.


  • In the .gxt files, Cherise Glover is referred to as Bernice.

Radio Stations

In the audio files, the radio stations following different titles can be found:

  • Tuff Gong Radio is listed as Babylon.
  • The Beat 102.7 is listed as Beat 95.


  • The Combat Shotgun is full of oddities: in weapons.img model of the shotgun is named w_pumpshot, the texture of this shotgun is named ec_tac_700, the audio, animations, WeaponInfo.xml files have this shotgun named Baretta.
  • In the resident.rpf file, shotgun sounds are swapped; sound of the Baretta (Combat Shotgun) is used by Pump Shotgun, and the sound of the Pump Shotgun is used by Combat Shotgun.
  • In the anim.img file, animation of the SMG is named gun@mp5k.wad, the model of the SMG itself is named as mp5.


  • In the .gxt files, Roman's Taxi is referred to Albany.
  • The handling.dat file and some audio files refer to the Freeway as Bobber.
  • The model file for the Contender is named E109.
  • The model file for the Marbelle is named Marbella.
  • The model file for the Securicar is named Stockade.
  • The headlights of the Intruder car are called endo_lights_glass.
  • The headlights of the Ingot car are called flatpack_lights_glass.
  • The headlights of the Sabre are called carlito_lights_glass.
  • The headlights of the Sabre GT are called sabreturbo_lights_glass.
  • In the sounds.dat15 file, Faggio horn sound is named Faggio-Z.
  • The tire texture of Manana are named as Virgo tire, which means that this texture originally belonged to Virgo.

GTAIV virgo tyrewhitewall.png

Scrapped Radio Songs

To do:
There is more scrapped songs that needs to be added here.

American.gxt lists 4 additional songs intended for Liberty Rock Radio, Radio Broker, and The Vibe. It's possible that Rockstar wasn't able to obtain permission to use these songs.

Liberty Rock Radio 97.8

  • The Rolling Stones - "Fingerprint File"

TM_82_250 = ZiT! Spotted THE ROLLING STONES: Fingerprint

Radio Broker

  • The Virgins - "One Week of Danger"
  • Celebration - "Fly the Fly (Holy Fuck Remix)"

TM_82_204 = ZiT! Spotted THE VIRGINS: One Week Of Danger

TM_82_252 = ZiT! Spotted CELEBRATION: Fly The Fly (Holy Fuck Remix)

The Vibe 98.8

  • Cassie - "Me & U"

TM_82_76 = ZiT! Spotted CASSIE: Me & U

The sound would appear in Grand Theft Auto V, on Non-Stop-Pop FM.

(Source: Grand Theft Wiki Liberty Rock 97.8, Grand Theft Wiki Radio Broker, Grand Theft Wiki The Vibe 98.8, Grand Theft Wiki Non-Stop-Pop FM)

Unused Test Maps

In the Windows version, there are some test maps left in the game's files called CJ_Test and AnimViewer While another unused test map named InteriorTest is listed inside of the game's code, it won't load as it doesn't have the proper files in the data.

Unfinished Weather

According to several files, the game was supposed to have winter. Based on these leftovers, here's what is known about it.

In common\data\Ambient.dat file, there is a bit known as >IsSnowing. This could mean snow was a weather condition.

# 		IsRaining 
#		IsSunny
#		IsNight
# 		IsSnowing
#		IsWindy

In common\data\effects\materialFx, weaponFx, vehicleFx and pedFx.dat files, there is a several mentions of SNOW being an unique part of the surface with its own configuration, which was never finished.

SNOW 9999.9 - - 1 1 0 0100.0 0.01 0 0.0 9999.9 9999.9 - 9999.9 9999.9 - 0

SNOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 908 908 930 820 908

SNOW footprints_01 footprints_01_normal footprints_01 footprints_01_normal 1 2 0 1 0100.0 0.01 1 0.1 0.24 0.24 - - - - 0100.0 0.01 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 - 0.3 ped_foot_water

SNOW 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0132 0132 0132 0132 0 0

In pedVariations.dat file, there is a leftover from a removed pedestrian called M_Y_WINTER. This is an interesting moment, as it could mean that winter may not have affected all of Liberty City, but was in some specific area where this pedestrian was supposed to be used.

feet,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,		1
lowr,		0,		0,	0,	0,	0,	0,	-1,	-1,	-1,	-1,		1

Regional Differences

To do:
Check the Japanese version. EFLC has cutscene changes.

Australian Console Release

When the game was still in development, and out of paranoia from the developers to avoid delaying the game due to the lack of an 18+ rating on the Australian classification board, Rockstar decided to produce and submit an edited version of the game to make it on time and get an MA15+ rating. Later, after the PC version was submitted and then released uncut in Australia with the same rating, the PS3/Xbox 360 versions received a title update which undid all the changes done to the game and the later-released DLC episodes were also uncut:

  • After picking up prostitutes and going somewhere isolated, normally one would pick from three services with a differing price ($20, $50, and $70) to then enjoy the action. In the Australian version, it automatically chooses the most expensive option, and they will start doing it without even asking us for confirmation ala 3D era GTA titles, the implementation of this cut is noticeably flawed as making short stops while trying to park a vehicle can make the player lose money multiple times since the game gets confused on when to initiate the script. Also, when the girl does her job, the Australian version removes the ability to freely move the camera and instead sets it down and behind the vehicle in a similar style to the 3D era games minus the ability to rotate the camera, and while this doesn't let the player see the inside, the player can freely move the camera by the use of a bug and it reveals also that unlike the uncut version, the animations that Niko and the ladies do inside the vehicle have been disabled. Sheesh.

Some of the game's blood effects were removed but others like splatter and making blood tire tracks are untouched:

  • After killing NPCs, no blood pools spill from them in the Australian version.
  • On the Australian version, the ability to make bloody footprints on the surface by stepping on the blood of the dead peds was cut.
  • Normally when getting injured by bullets, Niko and the NPCs would get light blood patches on the area of their bodies that they got shot, in the Australian versions, they remain clean no matter how much they get shot.


An array of anti-crack protections are present in the PC version. If the game detects that the SecuROM copy protection has been tampered with, then a number of after-effects trigger two or three minutes after entering the game:

  • The camera permanently activates a stronger version of the disorienting zoom and wobbling that normally occurs when Niko is out drunk with his dirtbag friends, so be ready to have a headache. There is a trick in-game to disable it, however.
  • Any vehicle you enter, except for helicopters, has its accelerator permanently held down and the ability to drive in reverse removed, making navigation considerably difficult (even without taking into account the camera or vehicle fragility).
  • Any vehicle will have its engine health immediately reduced from 1000 to 100 as soon as the player enters it, putting it in the belching-black-smoke state (and one fender-bender away from setting ablaze). The vehicles can be fixed by going to a Pay N' Spray... however, due to the inability to reverse, you won't be able to get it out and keep using it if you parked it forward!
    • If the player gets a vehicle backward on the garages' interiors by drifting, you'll only find out that they have been also modified to not close and repair your vehicle if it's facing the exit. Talk about bad service.

In addition, some specific mission scripts have their own anti-piracy measures to mess with crackers that somehow defeated the previous tricks:

  • In Clean Getaway, the mission gets stuck in the sequence where Niko locks the car doors after entering the Blista Compact and so the phone call to Vlad after taking Jimmy's car doesn't trigger, and calling Vlad's number won't work either as he won't answer, leaving the player to follow the originally-prescribed route to a garage that doesn't open. To add insult to injury, if you get out of the car, you're locked out and can't get back in!
  • In Uncle Vlad, the cutscene after killing Vlad is replaced with an endless loading screen.
  • You are unable to use computers. Attempting to use one will just make the "Press (button) to use the computer" prompt reappear. This renders several missions (Logging On, Out of the Closet, Wrong is Right, Final Interview and I'll Take Her) unwinnable and leaves any other content available through them inaccessible.
  • Similar to above, attempting to use police computers will just make the prompt disappear and nothing will happen. This also renders multiple missions (Search and Delete, Portrait of a Killer, and Smackdown) unfinishable and all the Vigilante odd jobs locked out.
  • In No. 1, the Comet you have to pick up before entering the race is permanently locked and un-stealable.
  • In Three Leaf Clover, the bank's front doors don't open after emptying the vault, blocking progression.
  • In Hating the Haters, Bernie's distance parameters are messed up, making him perpetually unhappy with how close or far away Niko is shadowing him. This inevitably results in the mission's failure after a certain point.
  • In A Dish Served Cold, the "Get Off The Ship" objective won't trigger as the mission script purposefully breaks when the player reaches the ship's kitchen area, which makes it impossible to trigger the mission's completion.
(Source: Vadim M, Zolika1351)

Episodes from Liberty City

The DLC packs kept fighting the good fight with varyingly-subtle anti-piracy protections.

  • The drunk-camera and vehicle sabotage return from the main game, without any changes.

The Lost and the Damned

  • In Bad Cop Drop, the crooked cops will wisely refuse to take Johnny's bait and chase him to the ambush. They'll just sit in their spawn location firing at you from their car, which has locked doors and infinite weight, making it impossible to budge. This renders the mission unwinnable. Amusingly, they'll only start driving after Johnny dies.
  • In Off Route, the prison bus has its engine's health lowered from 1750 to 50 upon spawning, making it much more likely to explode after ramming through cop cars like the game encourages you to. This doesn't render the mission unwinnable, though - just much harder. This may be an oversight - the bus still has its bulletproof protection.
  • In Angels in America, there is a debug string for a "PHONE CALL LOOP" booby-trap that seemingly never got coded. Presumably the plan was for Billy's mission-advancing phone call to never trigger on cracked versions of the game.
  • As in the main game, you are unable to use computers, although this DLC does not have any story missions that are broken by this.
  • Similarly, using police computers is also disabled, although again, this doesn't matter since most of the police computers' interesting features are disabled in this DLC.

The Ballad of Gay Tony

  • In Practice Swing, the game will never register that your golf balls have hit the tied-up union rep. They'll just bounce off like they hit the golf cart he's tied to, preventing the game from progressing further. You're also unable to exit the minigame, leaving you with no options outside of reloading your save or quitting.
  • In No. 3, you are unable to raise or lower the platform holding the sportscars at the start of the mission, leaving you unable to get in your vehicle and proceed with the mission.
  • In Party's Over, Tony will suddenly die after you've killed your third enemy during the club-defense section, failing the mission. This renders the mission unwinnable.
  • Once again, using police computers is disabled, although as with The Lost and the Damned, this doesn't matter since most of the police computers' interesting features are disabled in this DLC. Oddly, the normal computers aren't disabled.
(Source: Vadim M, Zolika1351)