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Nazo Puyo: Arle no Roux

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Title Screen

Nazo Puyo: Arle no Roux

Developer: Compile
Publisher: Sega
Platform: Game Gear
Released in JP: July 29, 1994

SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

The third and final Nazo Puyo game to be released for the system, Nazo Puyo: Arle no Roux has a less linear level progression through the use of an RPG-like overworld and incorporated the enhanced visuals used in the console's version of Puyo Puyo Tsuu.

To do:
Doucment the prototype, which includes a level editor.

Sound Test

Nazo Puyo Aruru no Ruu Sound Test.png

At the title screen, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, 2, 1.

(Source: SMS Power)