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Resident Evil 2 (2019)

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Title Screen

Resident Evil 2

Also known as: Biohazard RE:2 (JP)
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch (Cloud Version)
Released internationally: January 19, 2019 (WIN/PS4/XB1), June 13, 2022 (PS5/Series X), November 11, 2022 (Switch)

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.

Cactus 2.0!
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Help us out and add them.
So very stubbly.
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The 2019 Resident Evil 2 is the long-awaited remake of the original 1998 game. It was built under the RE Engine, the same engine used in Resident Evil 7.

To do:
* Compare the final product with the "1-Shot Demo" that was originally available before the game was released source.
  • Check out these videos that feature beta footage and cut content, which includes concept art, the fixed camera similar to the original game, different models, etc. The unused content seems to be archived from the "Resident Evil 2 Remake Round Table" videos on YouTube.
  • Check out "TGS 2018 - Story Trailer", which seems to include different/alternate cutscenes from the final product. Also check out the E3 2018 Announcement Trailer, and the E3 2018 Trailer that was shown at the Sony Playstation Media Showcase. See if the Resident Evil 2 Launch Trailer has any differences as well.
  • Compare the final product with the E3 2018 Gameplay Video for any differences. The video is notably darker than the final game, though this might be due to the video capture that was used in the E3 video.

Unused Playable Character Data

Almost all of the NPCs in Resident Evil 2 have unique grunts and voices for being played as. Using a Trainer or cheat engine this can be seen. It should be noted that not all of the NPCs are playable in the Ghost Survivor, leaving these voices unused. Some but not all of these characters have facial animations as well. The following characters that have playable data that are not used are Marvin, Annette, Irons, and Ben. Prior to the Ghost Survivors update, Robert Kendo also had unused playable data. As for the others that would be eventually featured in Ghost Survivors, they would crash the game when their data was selected.

Unused Animations

Player Characters

Leon and Claire both have animations for using weapons exclusive to the other character. For instance, Leon has animations for using the GM 79 Grenade Launcher, even though he can never access it in a normal game.


Tyrant has a number of unused animations in RE2. Some are relatively minor, such as a few gimmick animations that involve him performing movements like vaulting over a low wall (possibly the window in the observation room that the licker breaks through?), though he never enters any areas that might have him use an animation like this.

As documented below, Tyrant also has a complete set of animations for reacting to the Spark Shot, which ends in him going down to one knee regardless of how much damage has been dealt to him previously.

Additionally, Tyrant has an animation for a secondary grab attack, unlike the one he typically uses, which is split into five animations (initial grab, killing the player, and reacting to the flash grenade, HE grenade, and knife sub-weapons respectively).

Tyrant's secondary grab attack is all in one animation, he has no animations present for reacting to sub-weapons or the player otherwise being able to escape from this secondary grab, and judging from the animation itself the grab would be an instant kill like his usual one.

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Is there any instance in the game where Tyrant uses the vaulting animations and/or the secondary grab? I haven't personally found any.

Unused Behavior

Using the Spark Shot against Tyrant

The Tyrant has an interesting, fully programmed response to the Spark Shot. In a normal game, by the time you can obtain the Spark Shot as Claire the Tyrant no longer spawns, as he is killed in an earlier cutscene.

If shot anywhere aside from the head, he plays a unique and unused animation, and the cables that connect the weapon to the needles snap immediately, a behavior that isn't seen anywhere else apart from shooting the gun at something that isn't an enemy.

If shot in the head, and the bars are filled completely, Tyrant immediately falls to one knee but gets back up just as quickly, disregarding the usual 30 seconds worth of breathing room a player gets when downing him in any other way. A second dosage of volts seems to put him down for the usual amount of time, though.

It should be noted that this is only unused in the main game. This animation is actually used in "The Tofu Survivor" and "The Ghost Survivor" if one plays as Flan or Ghost and uses the Spark Shot on the Tyrant that appears in the RPD or NEST respectively.

Early Orphanage

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Find possible extra sections of the early orphanage.

The Early Orphanage is in the Bedroom map for the Orphanage. It is somewhat extensive, including an early version of the bedroom, a closet, and a laundry room. The area is partially finished, including some lighting and textures. All of the stage props, such as plushies or cabinets, have no textures at all. The collision is iffy, none of the stage props have collision except for a blockade in the bedroom, the stairs have strange collision, acting more as a slope then stairs. It is missing some rooms, indicating this would have multiple maps.

Resident Evil 2 Biohazard 2 Screenshot 2021.01.23 -