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Angry Birds Friends (WebGL)

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Title Screen

Angry Birds Friends

Developer: Rovio
Publisher: Rovio
Platforms: HTML5, Windows, iOS, Android
Released internationally: August 12, 2019

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

To do:
There's a crackton of dev/testing levels. Builds of the game on development servers were archived, search them for possibly even more.

Angry Birds, with your Friends has been superseded to a Unity engine remake, to keep the game alive rather than straight up discontinuing it.

Minus a lot that made the Flash original so great. This game eventually became the base project for remaking "Classic Angry Birds" games like the remake of the first game and Reloaded in the modern era.

Unused Graphics

AngryBirdsFriends Modern UnidentifiedFallbackBlock.png

Possibly a missing block texture placeholder?

Unused Text


List any modifications made to .json files here

-- karma:


	slingBoneBurst : "delay":0
	slingBouncyBurst : "delay":0
	slingDiamondBurst : "delay":0
	slingGlassBurst : "delay":0
	slingGoldBurst : "delay":0
	slingStoneBurst : "delay":0
	slingWoodBurst : "delay":0
	slingXmasBurst : "delay":0


	"BouncySling": {
	"birdCollisionSoundOverride": "rubbery_bounce",
	"birdCollisionExtraParticle": "slingBouncyCollision",
	"birdBouncinessOverride": 0.8,


	sling<slingtype>Flight particles:
	"simulation": "world"
	"loop": true
	"rateOverDistance": 2
	"ignoreLimits": true,


	"loop": true
	"delay": from 1.01592 to 0
	"particles": [




	made new particle fuseBurst, copy of original powerupBurst

	"fuseParticles": "fuseBurst"
	"particleEffect": superSlingTrail to "slingSuperFlight",
	new particle "wingmanFlight", copy of slingSuperFlight

	quake : scaling 		"maxScaleBegin": 2.2, to "maxScaleBegin": 0.8,
							"maxScaleEnd": 0.4, to "maxScaleEnd": 0.2,
	quake_smoke : scaling 	"maxScaleBegin": 1.62, to "maxScaleBegin": 0.81,
							"maxScaleEnd": 0.6, to "maxScaleEnd": 0.3,

	INGAME_BIRDS_1.json + sprites renamed
	"sprite_75": { "id": "SLINGSHOT_PIXEL_DARKBROWN"

	created a new damage factor for cannonProjectiles so that they will destroy each other with ease
	"CannonDamageFactors": {
				"damageMultiplier": {
					"cannonProjectile": 100

"KingSling": {
            "icon": "INGAME_SLINGSHOT_NORMAL",
            "challengeConditionIcon": "",
            "challengeName": "King Sling",
            "slingshotFront": "SLING_SHOT_01_FRONT",
            "slingshotBack": "SLING_SHOT_01_BACK",
            "slingshotPixel": "SLINGSHOT_PIXEL",
            "slingshotHolder": "SLING_HOLDER",
            "slingshotSpecial": "SLING_SHOT_KINGSLING",
            "activationAnimation": "slingSuperActivation",
            "activationBurst": "slingSuperBurst",
            "particleEffect": "slingSuperFlight",
            "activationAudio": "super_slingshot",
            "stretchAudio": "slingshot_rubber_stretched",
            "shootAudio": "super_shot",
            "power": 1.19,
            "factors": {
                "default": {
                    "default": 1
    "activationAnimation": superSlingActivation to "slingSuperActivation",
    "activationBurst": superSlingBurst to "slingSuperBurst",
    "particleEffect": superSlingTrail to "slingSuperFlight",
    "particles": [

-- tk
boomerangBird: "swishSound" : "boomerang_swish"

-- st:
EggGranade: "destroyedScoreInc": 0
PortalRed:  "enterSound": "portal_enter",
            "exitSound": "portal_exit",
            "particles": "teleportRedBuff",
PortalBlue: "enterSound": "portal_enter",
            "exitSound": "portal_exit",
            "particles": "teleportBlueBuff",
BasicBird2: "explosionSound": "special_explosion",
WingmanBird: "appearSound": "wingman_appears_slingshot",
              particles     "slingSuperFlight"

PowerPotionBubbles: "gravityY": 50, (instead of -50)
                    "simulation": "world",
                    "loop": true,
                    "rateOverTime": 1.5,
                    "ignoreLimits": true,
quake: "menuParticle": true, (was false)
quake_smoke: "gravityY": 0, (was 30)

POWERUP_TNT: 		"launchSound": "tnt_released_01"
 			"particlesActivation": "boomBoxActivation",
			"particlesDestroy": "boomBoxBuff2",
			"particlesDestroySeeded2": "boomBoxBuff2PP"

POWERUP_TNT_PARACHUTE: "deploySound": "parachute_deployed_01"
            		"particlesBurst": "powerupBurst",
            		"particlesBuff": "powerupBuff"

SnowFall.json & SnowFallLowGravity:
    "simulation": "world",
	"loop": true,
	"rateOverTime": 5

    "additionalSprites": [

fairyDust particle : 	
	"simulation": "world",
	"loop": true,
	"rateOverTime": 10
            "additionalSprites": [
            "specialSound": "fairydust_particle",
            "particles": "fairyDust",
            "specialSound": "fairydust_ball_explosion",

--st piglette sounds, material
"piglette": {
            "idleSound": "piglette",

A note on what assets were modified?

Zendesk Translation Note

The string ID, usdk_cf_360005075117_validation_message only has the below text:

Validation Message Translated

Debugging Functions

Various files and code in the game mention debugging content that was mostly removed and/or dummied in public releases.

Level Editor

The game has a mention to load a level editor scene in Scenes/LevelEditor called LevelEditorStartScene but a call isn't coded and the file isn't present. However, a number of related prefabs for it are left over which probably show off small portions of what the scene would look like.