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Castlevania: Order of Shadows

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Title Screen

Castlevania: Order of Shadows

Developer: Konami Digital Entertainment[1]
Publishers: Konami (US), Connect2Media (EU)
Platform: J2ME
Released in US: September 18, 2007
Released in EU: 2010

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

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Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Shadows is an oddball entry in the classic Castlevania series, brought onto our feature phones by Konami Digital Entertainment America (directed and designed by Victor and Tyrone Rodriguez of Nicalis infamy). The game follows the non-canon adventure of Desmond Belmont as he fights Dracula, Rohan Krause and the game's poor controls and questionable graphics and writing - all topped by a surprisingly nice MIDI soundtrack.

The game was released by Konami in North America in 2007, which was followed by a very belated European release courtesy of Connect2Media in 2010, after the high-quality European-developed 2009 Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow port that made this game pale in comparison. It appears that only one of the preserved J2ME full versions is of the North American release, while the rest are dumps of the later European versions.

Unused Music

The game contains 2 entirely unused tracks and 2 partially unused ones.

Imposing Wall

The file named 187 is the unused track Imposing Wall.

Coarse Grind

196 is the unused track Coarse Grind, which appears to share a motif with the boss theme.


195 is the intro theme, but only the first 38 seconds or so are heard in the game - the best parts are cut off.

Staff Roll

203 is the credits theme. About 1 minute and 6 seconds of it is heard in the game, which is the majority of the song, but it does have a bit more in store.

Unused Graphics

CastlevaniaOoS UnusedKonamiLogo.png

The file named 2 is a small PNG of the Konami logo that doesn't seem to appear anywhere.

Regional Differences

Oddly, the European releases introduce the ability to skip the lengthy fade-ins when entering areas by pausing and unpausing the game. Since pressing the pause button on a fade-out when exiting an area will instead restart the fade-out, this might have been unintentional.
