Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks |
Developers: Midway Studios Los Angeles,
Paradox Development
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To do:
Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks is Mortal Kombat II as a brawler. Fun!
Notes |
Debug Menu
Applying the below code will replace the in-game options menu with a debug menu.
PlayStation 2 USA Code: Replace Options With Debug Menu In Game 204C6FE0 0000019F 204C6FE4 001AAE80
Menu Text | Notes |
RELOAD LEVEL | Reloads the current level. |
MAP SELECT | Opens a map select menu. |
SAVE MENU | Opens the save menu. |
GOD MODE ON | Refills your health when toggled on. |
P1 FATALITY LEVEL | Sets player one's fatality level. |
P2 FATALITY LEVEL | Sets player two's fatality level. |
WARP PLAYER | Warps you to various points in a map. |
This allows you to warp to various maps on demand.
The EXTRA category contains several test maps.
Extra Map 1
The first extra map will crash the game when it is selected.
Extra Map 2
The pathway leading up to Shao Kahn's arena. An odd green skull can be found placed in the center of the arena and while it has some sort of collision, it can't be stood on. A Tarkata enemy can also be found attempting to climb up although he'll quickly fall out of the map.
Extra Map 3
A map similar to the chamber where the player fights Baraka. Much like the last map, a Tarkata will try climbing up at the player and will fall out of the map.
Extra Map 4
One of the game's many test rooms. A few grabbable objects can be found here as well as some untextured blocks with image resolutions printed on them.
Extra Map 5
Pretty similar to the first parts of the Living Forest area. The map is devoid of enemies and the statue nearby cannot be destroyed even with the Fist of Ruin ability.
Extra Map 6
Reptile's boss fight arena. The columns are intact albeit with glitched out textures while the final floor segment is glitched and lacks any sort of collision. Players who try to walk there will fall through the floor. Before you ask, Reptile's pet snake does not make an appearance.
Extra Map 7
Pretty similar to one of The Tower's rooms. No lever is present, we can't break the windows at all and there's no exit points programmed into the room exits.
Extra Map 8
Quite an interesting one, this room. It shares the same development testing textures as the test room and it has a functional exit to the Soul Tombs in front of the soul gate.
Extra Map 9
One of the Wu Shi Academy maps. Pretty similar to the original but without enemies, events or working traps.
Extra Map 10
An unfinished version of Level 2 of the Survival Mode. There are no enemies and the walls don't have collision.
Extra Map 11
Similar to Extra Map 4 with more throwable objects including a glitchy shield. No Tarkata trying to climb into the map this time, though.
Extra Map 12
Similar to Extra Map 10 but now the walls have collisions and there's an odd glow effect surrounding both the player and the area.
8 VS
A cut versus map named "8 VS". Apparently the game was going to have some sort of 8 player versus mode. Surprisingly the map is fairly complete, with basic collision detection and a floating platform present.
Practice Map 9
A VS mode-friendly version of Map 10. The VS mode fight intro camera is bugged but is pretty functional. Enemies are also programmed to spawn in every so often.
Survival 10
The hidden survival mode apparently had more to it than first thought. Level 10 has quite a few unexpected and even exclusive surprises. The player would have to fight not only four Shadow Priests, but Old Shang Tsung as well, who is otherwise unfought in the game. The Priests respawn upon death and the player must destroy the large soul prison in the room to stop them from respawning. Old Shang Tsung lacks special moves and merely blocks the player's attacks. You would have to perform a fatality to put him down for good.
An exit appears upon victory but is completely nonfunctional.
Survival 27
The Dead Pool AKA where the area where the pole swing ability is obtained. The poles work but no enemies spawn, no exits work and the acid is completely harmless.
Survival 29
Kano's boss fight arena, just without Kano and Sonya. The lever nearby lacks collision and the elevator platform (up to the Arena) repeatedly moves up and down.
Recently, it was discovered that within the files of the game was a placeholder for an unused Soul Tombs area, which has 2 doors leading to different parts normally available in the Soul Tombs. This level is unaccesible through Debug Mode.
This level is probably used to test the "Test Your Might" feature. The portals surrounding the arena have no interaction triggers. The cells, switches and the glowing spheres do not have collision. This level is unaccesible through Debug Menu.
Survival Mode
Survival Mode is something that was apparently not finished and was removed from the main menu and normal accessibility. Because this is Mortal Kombat and nothing can ever be that simple, some wag hid a hidden means of accessing it in the game. It takes a lot of work, but it's there!
- Start in the Foundry.
- Grab the Axe (the one you follow while it is being made).
- Go into the room with the lava (you must break the wooden door to enter this area; this is in the hallway where two arrow guards bust through the walls, there is a part of the wall on the left side you can break by throwing an enemy through). Jump into the lava, then jump back out.
- Go into the hall to the right of the save statue and smash the barrel at the end of the hall using Circle (PS2) or B (Xbox).
- Go up the ramp, and take two lefts and smash only the barrel on the right.
- Go to the area with the kama (the small cubby to the right/straight of the top of the ramp) and smash the barrel on the right.
- Go to the area with the stones that drop from the ceiling and smash this barrel (it is left of the cubby).
- Go back to the area with the kama and smash the left barrel.
- Go back to the left of the top of the ramp and smash the left barrel using Circle (PS2) or B (Xbox).
- Hold Circle (PS2) or B (Xbox) to smash the ground. You should see a green glowing area behind where the barrels were if you did everything correctly.
- Step into the glowing area and press R2 (PS2) or BLACK (Xbox) to enter Survival Mode.
Survival Mode Stages
- Level 1: Baraka, Nomads, Masked Guards in the area Liu Kang was killed in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance.
- Level 2: Demons - Handlers, Archers, Generals, Captains in a new area.
- Level 3: Two Oni bosses and Warlords in Goro's Lair.
- Level 4: Reptile and Bloody Skeletons at the bottom of the Pit.
- Level 5: Inferno Scorpion and three Orochi Hellbeasts in the Armory.
- Level 6: Clay Soldiers and Brothers of the Shadow in the Living Forest.
- Level 7: Kano and Black Dragon Mercenaries in the Wastelands (the area where Raiden shocked the enemies with lightning in the Pool area).
- Level 8: Goro and Kintaro in Kahn's Arena.
- Level 9: Reptile, Ermac, Scorpion, and Sub-Zero in the Warrior's Shrine.
Unused Playable Characters
The characters aren't quite unused playable choices so much as they have button assignments to them and they're all the same. Unfortunately, many of them can cause the game to crash. Using a cheat device can not only allow you to play as monks and bosses but even discover unused enemies though for reasons unknown, a few of these characters have a strange neon glossy texture placed on them when used.
The characters actually do work in cutscenes so you can play with one in Co-Op, though because their models (especially the females) don't match the animation skeletons of the normally playable characters, as they'll look very warped. Also, if you save using one of these characters, that save file will treat it as any other normally-playable character, meaning when you load the file again, you'll resume play as them regardless of whether you're using a cheat device. You can remedy this by switching the character mod to the normally playable characters and then save again using that character. You'll be required to since you will need to at two points in the game perform a Fatality and a Mutality.
Pressing a shoulder button in conjunction with a face button or two will allow you to use their special attacks, and they consume the Stamina Gauge like normal. It's also possible to play as characters who don't have any attacks at all. If you stop after a run, the model will briefly spasm as they have no animation for skidding to a stop.
- Goro: Works.
- Kintaro: Works.
- Jade: Works.
- Boss Kitana: Works.
- Mileena: Works.
- Boss Reptile: Requires a joker command.
- Ermac: This is a strange case. Whenever you use a cheat device to access Ermac, you instead use a lower-res model than the one you fight with slightly different textures and has no attacks. A joker code is required to use the right model. All of his moves are available except for one (the forcefield) which doesn't appear to be mapped to any button combination.
- Inferno Scorpion: Works. His area flame attack only works in the Netherrealm.
- Shao Kahn: Also requires a joker.
- Jax: Works.
- Kano: Works.
- Smoke: Glitches after stopping from a run. Normally emits smoke when idle. Has no attacks.
- Old Shang Tsung: Similar to Smoke.
- Young Shang Tsung: Works. Using the Morph ability will simply render Shang Tsung invisible, and he will not turn into anyone else.
- Noob Saibot: No attacks.
- Skull: Works, but has no glow and does not disappear after connecting a hit.
- Stone Johnny Cage: Works.
- Mask Guard: Works.
- Black/Red Dragon Merc: Works.
- Demon characters: Works.
- Tarkata: Works.
- Brotherhood of the Shadow: Chance of crashing. Has a strange bright green texture over him.
- Bloody Skeleton/Putrid/Undead Corpse: Using the self-destruct causes you to fall through the level.
- Elemental Knight: Works.
- NULL 1: A large demon with distorted animations but working attacks that include fire breathing and lobbing arching fireballs. May have been a prototype for the Orochi Hellbeast.
- NULL 2: Working unused Oni-like demon similar to the large boss fought at the Pit Bottom. Has distorted animations, but attacks work.
- NULL (Nagiri Swamp): Working unused naga enemy that attacks with a bow and arrows as well as her tail.
- NULL (Banshee): Working unused enemy that attacks by spewing a black mist.
- NULL (Green Tarkata): Similar to the Tarkata enemy but has green-colored blades.
- NULL (Shokan): Working unused enemy that might have been used as a normal enemy. It has a hunched-over appearance and has a grab attack similar to Goro.
Unused Text
To do: Figure out how to access it. |
Present at 0x474A30 in SLUS_210.87 (PS2 US) is some text for a debug menu.
Level Select Room Select Player Select Difficulty Player 1 Select Player 2 Select Versus Arena Focus Group Load Game Ermac Battle Reptile Battle KMJ Battle Baraka Battle Goro Battle Scorpion Battle Final Battle Start WuShi Start Evil Monastery Start Tombs Start Forest FE Menu Frontend Menu
Mortal Kombat II Debug Menu
To do: Codes for other versions. |
The emulator for the Mortal Kombat II arcade game contains a very basic debug menu. To access it in the US PS2 version, enable the following GameShark code while the game is paused:
00213968 00000004
The first option goes back to the game, the second option toggles v-sync, and the third option displays some player status icons at the bottom of the screen.
Regional Differences
The intro in the German version has all blood and gore removed. Of note are the moments where a Tarkatan is decapitated by Kung Lao and when Sub-Zero rips a guard's entire spine and skull out of their body. Instead of simply removing these scenes or anything to that effect, they decided to blur them out with a poor blurring effect. Even then, the spine can still barely be made out, and seems to have had all blood scrubbed off it despite already being blurred out.
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Midway Studios Los Angeles
- Games developed by Paradox Development
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Midway Games
- PlayStation 2 games
- Xbox games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 2005
- Games released in September
- Games released on September 16
- Games released on September 30
- Games with unused areas
- Games with unused characters
- Games with unused text
- Games with debugging functions
- Games with hidden level selects
- Games with regional differences
- To do
- Mortal Kombat series
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Games > Games by content > Games with debugging functions
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden level selects
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused characters
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer
Games > Games by developer
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Warner Bros. Games > Games developed by NetherRealm Studios > Games developed by Midway Games > Games developed by Midway Studios Los Angeles
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Warner Bros. Games > Games developed by NetherRealm Studios > Games developed by Midway Games > Games developed by Midway Studios Los Angeles > Games developed by Paradox Development
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
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Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Warner Bros. Games > Games published by Midway Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2005
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 16
Games > Games by release date > Games released in September > Games released on September 30
Games > Games by series > Mortal Kombat series