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Proto:Fire Emblem (Game Boy Advance)

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This page details one or more prototype versions of Fire Emblem (Game Boy Advance).

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the October 2008 Intelligent Systems Leak.
Check the October 2008 Intelligent Systems Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.
To do:
  • Finish story art comparisons.
  • Compare chapter maps (some have different terrain and palettes).
  • Look over items (stats, note graphical differences, a few of the new weapons still use placeholder icons).
  • Look over character stats and inventory.
  • Document the 0206 Prototype. Source

There are two known Japanese prototypes for Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken. They are from very late in development and are very close to the final release in terms of content.

The two builds are themselves very similar overall, with the differences between them mostly being minor revisional ones. The final build is dated March 29, 2003, the anniversary of Fuuin no Tsurugi's release.


Cutscene Artwork
Almost all of the artwork is different from the final game, mostly due to the artwork still being in in-progress stages.
0206 Prototype
Content exclusive to the prototype dated February 6, 2003.
0219 Prototype
Content exclusive to the prototype dated February 19, 2003.

Debugging Functions

Both prototypes have a fairly extensive set of debug features.

A lot of this stuff is identical or very similar to the debug menus in The Sacred Stones' prototype, give or take a few things.

Boot-Up Menu

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: Something causes the portraits on this screen to change to child portraits; no idea what triggers it though.
Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto startup.png

Upon starting the game, it immediately goes to this boot-up menu without much fanfare. The commands available are:

  • リリースエントリ (Release Entry) - This starts the game normally; and begins by showing the game's introductory sequence.
  • どこでも再開 (Continue Chapter) - Restart the game from the currently saved file.
  • 手再開 (Manual Continue) - Restart the game from a suspend. This is notable as suspend files can be at any point in a chapter instead of just the start of the chapter.
  • ファイル初期化 (Initialize File) - Anna appears to ask the player if they want to delete all the save data. Regardless of the player selecting yes or no, the game experiences graphical glitches and save data is not actually deleted.
  • The last unlabeled row is a map select. Press Left or Right on the D-Pad to navigate the list, and press A to select a chapter.

Test Map Variants

There are three variants to the test map in the chapter select, each activated by a held button.

Entering the test map while holding nothing results in a small selection of player and enemy units. Holding Start when entering the test map results in a large selection of units of the playable cast and a set of enemy units representing about half the generic classes in the game. Holding Select when doing this instead produces similar results, but with another large selection of different units of the playable cast and the other half of the generic enemy units.

The L Button

Yes, the L button (once again) is awesome enough to have its own section.

The L shoulder button allows access to one of the more interesting and most versatile debug functions. These functions vary on where it is used.

In a unit's stat screens, it can be used to modify just about any variable a character can have. To change a stat, press L, and a little hand will appear, likely pointing at the Str or Mag stat to start. Place the hand over what you want to change by using any direction on the D-Pad. Once on the desired stat to change, hold A then press Left or Right on the D-Pad to decrease or increase that stat.

If the L button is used like this on the character's inventory, every item and weapon in the game is accessible. In this instance pressing Left and Right while holding A scrolls through the entire game's items in their internal order.

If used on the status screen during a chapter, the player can give themselves a large amount of money or set the chapter's turn count.

Debug Map Menu Commands

Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto map menu.png

Hanging out with the regular options in the map menu are several debug commands.

Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto enemy range.png
  • The first option is an enemy range viewer, one of the more famous aspects of these prototypes. The code for this is actually left in the final release, but goes unused. While later Fire Emblem games have this as a standard feature, this is the first instance of the enemy range viewer in the series.
  • 担当 (Charge) - Allows the player to set what has control of enemy and NPC units. The specific options for each faction are CP, the default, meaning the computer controls them, 人間, human, which gives the player control, and 不参加, nobody, which makes the units do absolutely nothing.
  • デバ (Debug) - Opens a debug menu (detailed below).
  • 記録 (Save) - Clicking on this opens a menu of three options, those being 面セーブ (Map Save), 手中断 (Manual Suspend) and 手再開 (Manual Resume). Map Save opens up the save menu like it does in a normal game and causes the Save Game Glitch as detailed below. Manual Suspend effectively makes a save state within the prototype, which can be loaded from the boot-up menu. Manual Resume resumes the game from the Manual Suspend save state. It sometimes glitches a bit on the load, but it is fully functional.

The デバ (Debug) menu mentioned above has several options appear in a new window.

  • マップ (Map) - The chapter select, which works just like it does on the boot-up menu.
  • デバ情報 (Debug Information) - Toggles a debug value tracker of some sort. The exact meaning of some of the numbers is unknown, but one value on it is the cursor's coordinates on the map.
  • 天気 (Weather) - Inflicts weather conditions on the current map. It does not include Fog, as that is handled differently.
  • さく敵 (Enemy Search) - Toggles Fog of War; seems to only work on chapters that begin in Fog of War.
  • 周回数 (Playthrough count) - Use Left or Right on the D-Pad to decrease or increase the number of playthroughs. The maximum number recorded is 13.
  • クリアずみ (Clear) - Selecting this brings up another window. Selecting the glowing 'confirm' letters doesn't seem to... actually... do anything.
  • The next line is unlabeled, but allows the player to modify the tactician. It defaults to Ice affinity, and A blood type. Press Select to alter their affinity and blood type. Left and Right on the D-Pad changes the tactician's rank (this is, under normal circumstances, used to judge the performance of the player). Pressing the L shoulder button disables the tactician entirely, while pressing the R shoulder button re-enables the tactician. There appears to be no way to set the tactician's name, though judging by the tactician weapons (which have the tactician's name applied to them) the game defaults to マーク (Mark).
  • おやすみなさい (Good Night) - Puts the console into sleep mode. Hold the L and R shoulder buttons to exit.
  • M - Press Left and Right to select the music. ("M" will change to the title of the song that is currently playing.)

Quick Debug Menu

Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto quick debug.png

Hold Select and press Start twice with the cursor on an empty space. This opens a small window that contains the following.

  • Turn - Set the turn count.
  • 2軍CP (2Army Computer) - Turn enemy units' AI on or off; when off, enemies will do nothing.
  • 3軍CP (3Army Computer) - Turn NPC units' AI on or off; when off, NPCs will do nothing.

Character Debug Menu

Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto character debug.png

To open this menu, hold Select and press Start twice with the cursor on a character. The menu includes:

  • ドーピングする? (Dope the unit?) - Maxes out the character's stats. (Apparently with performance-enhancing substances?)
  • HP - Sets the character's max HP.
  • Attack AI - Only does anything for NPC and enemy units.
  • Movement AI - Only does anything for NPC and enemy units.
  • Recovery - Not sure what this does...
  • Condition - Afflicts the unit with a status effect. Choose the status effect by pressing Left or Right on the D-Pad. It should be noted this menu doesn't support any of the new status effects added in Fire Emblem or The Sacred Stones, as the game explodes into a glitchy mess if the player tries to scroll past the Berserk (はっきょう) status effect.

Debug Stat Screen

To do:
Figure out what some of the values stand for.
Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto character stat debug pg1.png

Hold Select and press the R shoulder button while the cursor is on a character to open an alternate set of stat screens. These screens have the same data and more as the regular stat screens.

Fire Emblem GBA 0219 proto character stat debug pg2.png

On page two, the one displaying a character's possible support partners, pressing the L or R shoulder buttons brings up a hand cursor over the names of the support partners. Pressing Left or Right decreases or increases support points, which, for whatever reason, don't increase normally in this build.

The debug stat screen is also interesting in that it can be used to view the stats of player units who are not deployed in the current chapter, as well as dead units. Undeployed units are marked with "隠居" (Retire) on their stat screen. The stat screen also keeps track of if a unit has ended their turn. A unit who has ended their turn has their stat screen marked with 行動ずみ (already moved).

Debug Button Combinations

Miscellaneous combinations that cause useful (or not so useful) effects, though they in themselves don't bring up any menus.

Win Everything

Very usefully, the prototype has a "win the chapter" button combination. Press and hold the R shoulder button and B at the same time, then press Select twice. After this is done, the game will skip to the current chapter's ending scenes.

Full Sound Room Unlock

Holding the L shoulder button before pressing A to enter the game's Sound Room auto-unlocks everything in it.

Disable Tutorials

On the startup menu's chapter select, hold the L shoulder button when entering a chapter to disable the game's forced tutorials (though you'll have to exit the world map debug first to get to the chapter).

Escape the Tutorial

If you, for some reason, didn't disable the tutorials, you can break out of a forced tutorial with another button combo.

Hold any direction on the D-Pad, then also hold A, B, Start, and Select to exit the current forced tutorial segment. Be careful, as this button combination includes the combination for a soft-reset in it, so if you don't hold a D-Pad direction first the game will probably soft-reset.

It's not super useful, as the game will sometimes force you back into the tutorial again depending on what part of the tutorial you exited. This is actually in the final release, too... Who knows why it was left in?

(Source: Serenes Forest)

Title Screen Animation Test

Holding the L button while going to the title screen (either by skipping the intro or backing out of the menus) causes the logo's fly-in animation along with the sword and axe to play. Usually when backing out of menus and such the logo fades in without movement.

Crash Info Display

While this sometimes displays when the prototype experiences an error, it can be brought up at the player's discretion by holding B, the R shoulder button and Right on the D-Pad.

Contains information relating to the state of the game, such as the status of the save files, playthrough count, and status of the tutorial and sound room, among other things.

World Map Debug

Fire Emblem GBA World Map debug.png

When entering a chapter with world map narration, hold the R shoulder button in the 0206 prototype or the L shoulder button in the 0219 prototype and the game will load the game's map with a coordinate viewer with some other features.

Place glowing blue dots by pressing the L shoulder button and R shoulder button at the same time. Holding B allows for fast cursor movement. Pressing A and B at the same time seems to snap the cursor to certain coordinates, though the exact reasoning for the snapping is unknown.

Lyn can also be placed on the map, and she can be made to walk around. Press the L shoulder button and A at the same time, this will make Lyn appear. Holding the L shoulder button and A again will cause Lyn to move where the cursor was, with blue dots trailing behind her. To remove Lyn from the map, press the L shoulder button and B.

Depending on what chapter you enter, pressing Start may produce a crash accompanied by a very nasty screech, so, uh maybe turn down the volume. In chapters where it doesn't crash, pressing Start exits this mode and begins the chapter you selected.

Music Differences

There are a large number of small differences between the music here and in the finished version, including a few songs entirely absent from the final game. Most of these are identical between both prototypes, unless otherwise stated.

ID 0206 Prototype Final Notes
First half of the song is almost identical to final, but second half is completely different.
Minor instrumentation changes throughout.
Minor differences in the horn part at the start.
Minor differences throughout.
Entirely different song.
Slight instrumentation changes.
Different electric guitar.
Different bass guitar.
Different brass instrument in the opening, and a louder section near the end.
Significantly different instrumentation, including a probably-broken square wave.
Much louder drone at the beginning.
Dynamics changes.
Significantly louder crest.
Slight instrumentation changes.
Volume changes.
Generally different, and has a broken instrument.
Minor differences throughout.
Different percussion.
Different percussion.
41 N/A
Absent entirely from the prototype.
42 N/A
Absent entirely from the prototype.
Missing the bassline and has a completely different melody.
N/A This would later be used as the track Prologue in FE8.
Minor changes to the flute in the beginning.
Stronger percussion.
Simpler, with different instrumentation.
Has an intro section absent from the final game.
N/A A wholly unique, unused song absent from the final game.
N/A An earlier version of the song The Inn from the final game, in a different song slot.
Brass section near the end is absent from final, and it goes up a key right at the end.
A copy of the track Safeguard in the prototype.

There's about a dozen songs in the final game beyond index 95, but in the 0206 prototype nothing past that point is included yet. However, the 0219 prototype does have a few differences to the 0206 one:

  • Track 81 is now the final version with no intro.
  • Track 93 is now empty.

Additionally, songs beyond index 95 up through index 111 are now present. This leaves only the last 7 songs unaccounted for. Of these, only two have notable changes:

ID 0219 Prototype Final Notes
In a shocking inversion, the prototype version of a song is now the one missing the introduction!
A copy of Blessing of the 8 Generals I in the prototype.

(Source: Fire Emblem Universe)

Sound Room Differences

0206 0219 Final game
FE7 0206 proto - soundroom.png FE7 0219 proto - sound room.png FE7 Final - sound room.png

The sound room differs between the 0206 prototype, the 0219 prototype and the final game. The 0206 prototype reuses the soundroom from Fuuin no Tsurugi (the previous game), while the 0219 prototype resembles the final version but uses different colors and buttons for the UI.

In the 0206 prototype, the sound room contains 110 tracks. After song 95 the song titles are unintelligible, are made up of only symbols, or are simply missing. Most of these ‘songs’ are sound effects such as chirping birds or white noise.

The 0219 soundroom goes up to 104 songs, of which 99 of those are unique songs. Song 100 to 104 all play the same track, which is the theme of the first map. The title of song 100 translates to 'Last chapter part 1 at time of Athos' death'. The title of song 101 to 104 is the same, 'おまけイベント ゼフィール♡変時' (Bonus Event Zephiel ♡ Transformation Time), likely a placeholder intended for the cutscene that ties in the events of Rekka no Ken to Fuuin no Tsurugi. The heart symbol was used in the 0206 prototype as a placeholder for symbols that still needed to be added, and might have the same function here too.

Save Game Glitch

Attempting to save during a campaign map sends the player to the save file menu where they cannot actually select a save file. Instead, it is possible in this very same screen to move the cursor over the map, open the map menu and even move units around. Playing around with these glitches lead to some interesting scenes, and eventually crashes the game or renders it unplayable. This is present in both of the prototypes and easily reproducable by simply attempting a manual permanent save in the game during a map.

(Source: Serenes Forest, Original TCRF Research)

Item Differences

To do:
  • Properly translate these item names.
  • Show graphics for item icons that are different from final.

Many items are not yet using the unique item icons they have in the final game. This includes all legendary weapons, Emblem weapons and the Emblem Seal, Fell Contract, Heaven Seal, and Flametongue.

Dancer rings are instead scarves, following the same color palettes as the rings in the final game:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-FillasMight.png FE7-FillasMight.png
FE7-Proto-NinissGrace.png FE7-NinissGrace.png
FE7-Proto-ThorsIre.png FE7-ThorsIre.png
FE7-Proto-SetsLitany.png FE7-SetsLitany.png

In the final game, dancer items get their own weapon type, but here they're just set as regular items, and their effects are also not yet implemented.

Additionally, there are 3 items present in both prototypes that are absent from the final. The first of these is ティーナの杖, a staff left over from FE6. The other two are likely both dancer items by icon, 攻撃の衣 and 攻撃の笛, but much like the used dancer items are set as regular items and have no effects implemented. Neither item has any description text set that would further allude to what they were meant to do. 攻撃の衣 reuses the yellow scarf icon, but 攻撃の笛 has a wholly unique icon absent from the final game:


(Source: Fire Emblem Universe)

Character & Portrait Differences

To do:
Document minimug differences (there's a whooole lot of them), as well as differences in default mug expression being smiling vs serious.

There's a fairly large number of portrait differences between the prototypes and the final game, both large and small.

Raven and Heath have different color palettes than the final game:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Raven.png FE7-Raven.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Heath.png FE7-Heath.png

Both Kishuna and the final boss Fire Dragon are using Ein's portrait from FE6 rather than unique ones (or no mug, in the Fire Dragon's case):

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Kishuna.png FE7-Kishuna.png

Puzon is using Glass' portrait, with the minimug of Damas from FE6 used as a placeholder:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Puzon.png FE7-Puzon.png

Aion, Kenneth, and Teodor are using each other's mugs and a Denning recolor. Worth noting, the minimug associated with the portraits that would ultimately be used for Kenneth and Teodor is completely unseen in any other GBA Fire Emblem title, appearing to be based on the NPC priest caring for the orphans in FE6:


Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Aion.png FE7-Aion.png


Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Kenneth.png FE7-Kenneth.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-KennethMorph.png FE7-KennethMorph.png


Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Teodor.png FE7-Teodor.png

Jerme doesn't have his headband, both normally and as a morph:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Jerme.png FE7-Jerme.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-JermeMorph.png FE7-JermeMorph.png

Zephiel has larger eyes and no minimug:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Zephiel.png FE7-Zephiel.png

Natalie has different bangs:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Natalie.png FE7-Natalie.png

Murdock is using his FE6 portrait as a placeholder:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-Murdock.png FE7-Murdock.png

Some lord emotion portraits are slightly different:

Proto Final
FE7-Proto-LynSad.png FE7-LynSad.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-LynSerious.png FE7-LynSerious.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-EliwoodSad.png FE7-EliwoodSad.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-EliwoodStare.png FE7-EliwoodStare.png
Proto Final
FE7-Proto-HectorCloak.png FE7-HectorCloak.png

This Hector emotion portrait has no equivalent in the final game. There are two portraits with this exact face, but neither of them features Hector wearing his armor:


All villagers, generic soldiers, and Anna are using their portraits from FE6, ever so slightly edited to accommodate not having blinking frames, something introduced in this game.


In the final game, character 0x29 is a copy of Nils, but in the prototypes, it’s instead Eleanora. Her stats are identical to the Eleanora in slot 0x35 in the final game (that slot is empty in the prototypes), but here she’s adjacent to all playable characters. In the final game, she has growth rates despite only ever appearing in cutscenes, but if she were intended to be playable at some point that could explain why.


Character 0x2B is a copy of Vaida in the final game, but in both prototypes, it’s instead イグレーヌ (Igrene). Clearly unfinished, she has no portrait at all, all of her base stat modifiers are 4, and her weapon ranks are A Swords, S Lances, and C Axes, though her default class is set to F!Archer. Her affinity is also Anima instead of Ice as it was in FE6.

Given the timeline of events in Elibe, if she was to appear at all it would likely only have been in a cutscene.

(Source: Fire Emblem Universe)

Map Differences

Many differences exist between the prototype maps and the maps of the final game, ranging from different layouts to unit placements to different loot. All differences are present in both prototypes unless stated otherwise.

Chapter 4

Natalie's stats in 0206
FE7 0206 proto - ch4 Natalie stats.png

This map is the same across the versions, however Natalie is different in each game. In the 0219 prototype, it is impossible to view Natalie's stats. In the 0206 prototype, her resistance is overriding the cap, and she also has incredibly high con. In the final game, her resistance has a -1 modifier to the stat, effectively making her resistance -1. This might be a weird leftover from the 0206 prototype. Viewing her stats in the 0206 prototype also occassionally crashes the game. This seems to happen when entering the chapter right after finishing the previous chapter.

Chapter 5

0206 0219 Final Game Removed Shop
FE7 0206 proto - ch5.png FE7 0219 proto - ch5.png FE7 Final - ch5.png FE7 0219 proto - ch5 removed shop.png

This map differs among all three versions. The 0206 and 0219 prototypes both have a shop that didn't make it to the final game. It only sells a Fire tome. The northernmost house in the 0219 prototype and the final game was not initially present in the 0206 prototype. Additionally, when you end the chapter in the 0206 prototype, you do not get the 5000 gold like you do in the other versions.

Chapter 16x

FE7 0219 proto - ch16x flux.png FE7 0219 proto - ch16x staff.png
  • The shop sells Flux instead of Thunder.
  • The western village gives a Rescue staff instead of a Sleep staff.

Attempting to enter the Inn on the right of the map does not trigger the cutscene with Anna. In fact, it does not do anything, and simply ends the unit's turn.

The map has hidden tiles that trigger a conversation with a villager. These tiles are seemingly randomly spread across the map. The conversation is triggered by a unit ending their turn on one of these tiles. Stepping on a tile after triggering this conversation once does not trigger it again, implying it is bound to a village rather than to a house.

Chapter 22

FE7 0206 proto - ch22 Hawkeye.png FE7 0206 proto - ch22 Jasmine.png FE7 0206 proto - ch22 Paul.png
  • Hawkeye starts as a blue unit instead of green.
  • Jasmine and Paul don't have the Guiding Ring and White Gem in their inventories.

Chapter 23b

FE7 0206 proto - ch23b Geitz.png FE7 0219 proto - ch23b Light brand.png FE7 0206 proto - ch23b elysian whip.png FE7 0206 proto - ch23b angelic robe.png FE7 0206 - ch23b placeholder text.png
  • Geitz starts on the map to the left of the armory. In the final he spawns near the bottom right corner.
  • The south eastern village gives a Light Brand instead of an Earth Seal.
  • The north western villages give an Elysian Whip and an Angelic Robe. In the final they give a Silence staff and an Orion's Bolt.

These 3 villages all have the same female NPC as shown in the rightmost picture. She has the placeholder text '村民家は調整中です。' ('The village house is under adjustment.')

Chapter 25b

FE7 0219 proto - ch25b Jerme.png
  • Jerme is a Swordmaster instead of an Assassin. He is also missing his minimug.

Chapter 26

FE7 0206 proto - ch26 Ursula.png FE7 0219 proto - ch26 body ring.png FE7 0219 proto - ch26 sleep staff.png FE7 0219 proto - ch26 bolting tome.png
  • Ursula and Maxime are placed in the bottom left room. Ursula is using a recolour of Brunnya's minimug.
  • The chests in the eastern room contain a Body Ring and a Sleep staff. In the final they contain a Delphi Shield and a Rescue staff.
  • The right chest in the western room contains a Bolting tome instead of a Brave Lance.

Final Chapter

0206 0219 Final game
FE7 0206 proto - chfinal.png FE7 0219 proto - Final.png FE7 Final EN - Final.png

This chapter differs between the two prototypes.

In the 0206 prototype, the map tiles have a different color and the map is a fog of war chapter. The middle two rooms open first, and after a few turns the bottom left and top right rooms open. Jerme is not accompanying Ursula in their room. The morphs have boss icons but do not have their '...' dialogue which is present in the 0219 prototype and final game. The top left and bottom right rooms never open, nor does the final gate at the top, so the map is not winnable without using the instawin debug command.

In the 0219 prototype, an enemy general is placed within the main hall and the map starts with the top left and bottom right room open, coincidentally the rooms that never opened in the 0206 prototype. This is followed by the middle two rooms, and after a few turns the top right and bottom left room. After killing all enemies the top gate does not open, rendering the map unbeatable without the instawin debug command.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Map SAKABA

In the debug chapter select, there's an option titled "SAKABA". It is the second to last map, only followed by the map named 'TEST'. The naming implies it was meant to be a tavern map. Selecting the map attempts to send the player to chapter 0x3C, but in actuality has a variety of effects from sending you to other chapters to just crashing the game. Most of the time, the game simply crashes. Letting the Chapter Intro for the map play out rather than skipping it changes the color of the debug crash screen.

SAKABA Chapter Intro 0219 Crash Screen 1 0219 Crash Screen 2 0206 Crash Screen 1 0206 Crash Screen 2
FE7 0219 proto - SAKABA loading screen.png FE7 0219 proto - SAKABA1.png FE7 0219 proto - SAKABA2.png FE7 0206 proto - SAKABA1.png FE7 0206 proto - SAKABA2.png

Looking at the data for the chapter's map in a map editor reveals its layout:


This map uses a version of the village tileset not present in the final game to achieve the look of the tables and some of the walls. While the map itself does exist in the final game, it has the wrong tileset applied to it.