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Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo

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Title Screen

Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo

Also known as: Castlevania: Rondo of Blood
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Platform: TurboGrafx-CD
Released in JP: October 29, 1993
Released in US: March 15, 2010 (Wii Virtual Console)
Released in EU: March 19, 2010 (Wii Virtual Console)
Released in AU: March 19, 2010 (Wii Virtual Console)

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article
NotesIcon.png This game has a notes page

Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo was one of the few Japan-only installments of the Castlevania series. It was later reimagined for the SNES as Castlevania: Dracula X, localized to the PSP as part of Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles, and given a sequel in the form of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.

To do:


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info
Miscellaneous tidbits that are interesting enough to point out here.

Level Select

Akumajou Dracula X Chi no Rinne Level Select.png

Enter X-X!V''Q as a save slot name to enable a stage select option in the menu. If this password seems familiar, it's also used in Symphony of the Night for that game's High Luck mode.

Boss Select

After the "Stage Select" option is available in the main menu, choose any stage you want, then highlight "Game Start". Now, hold Left + II + Select + Start on controller 2 and press II on controller 1. If done correctly, you'll jump straight to the boss of the level you selected.

If you enter the same code on Stage 0, you'll trigger an end-of-demo message. The text translates to:

ADX TGCD Stage DemoMessage Unused-0.png

For the PC Engine SUPER CD-ROM²
Akumajou Dracula X: Chi no Rondo
Coming Fall 1993
Stay tuned!!

(Source: yamada_arthur (cheat code))

Unused Sprites

CVROB Icons.png
Various icons. The first one has 龍 (dragon) written on it, while the third has 肉 (meat).

CVROB LittleMan.png
An odd little man.

CVROB SmallPlatform.png
An unused platform.

CVROB NoCardCharacter.png
Perhaps meant for the "Peke" mini-game when the wrong system card is used while booting the game.

CVROB EarlyMariaSubWeapons.png
Early Maria sub-weapons (with final weapons below for comparison).

Unused Enemy

To do:
The dragon's body can be seen by scrolling past the end of the first area. Does any unused code remain?

DraculaX-Lizard-Pieces.png DraculaX-Lizard-Mockup.png

Unused sprites for a rather large lizard-like monster with what appears to be a beam attack. The image on the right is a mockup of how it would look in-game.

AkumajouDraculaX PCE Stage 1 Unused Lizard Boss.png

Partial data for this unused enemy is stored in the first section of Stage 1, and can be accessed if the game is forcibly scrolled past the end of the screen.

(Source: FlyingMudBlock (The Castlevania Dungeon Forums), setz (jul.rustedlogic.net))

Unused Stages

To do:
Finish documenting these.

There are three full stages hidden in the game's data, which appear to be earlier versions of Stages 3, 4, and 5. They can be loaded by altering the game's asset sector address table. These stages are fully playable, but there are sound effect and sprite glitches, presumably due to them not being totally compatible with the newer core game code. There is also a Stage X, but it is not playable.

Earlier Stage 3

Minor changes can be found throughout the level, but the lower path is dramatically different and far more bland. Interestingly, this less-polished look better matches the design of the Stage 3 minotaur boss sub-stage, which looks somewhat out-of-place compared to the later Stage 3 design.

Unused Stage 3 Normal Stage 3
ADX TGCD Stage 3 Unused-0.png ADX TGCD Stage 3 Normal-0.png
ADX TGCD Stage 3 Unused-1.png ADX TGCD Stage 3 Normal-1.png
ADX TGCD Stage 3 Unused-2.png ADX TGCD Stage 3 Normal-2.png
ADX TGCD Stage 3 Unused-4.png ADX TGCD Stage 3 Normal-4.png

Earlier Stage 4

Large heart items mark the exits. Miscellaneous level layout changes.

Stage X

CVROB StageX.png

These sprites show that a stage was in the works with small objects. The hiragana fonts actually form a sentence: "God, give me strength" (神よ力を与え給え), which is the title for the game's second stage.

Super CD-ROM² System Card Error Easter Egg

If you try to boot the game using a 1.0 or 2.0 System Card instead of a Super CD-ROM²-compatible system, you will be shown a different castle than usual.

Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rinne (NTSC-J) -KMCD3005--0007.png
After a few seconds, the title will appear. The title is spelled slightly wrong in Japanese, as if being mispronounced.

Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rinne (NTSC-J) -KMCD3005--0001.png

Japanese Translation
あくまぢょおどらきゅら X Demon Castle Dracula X

The "X" has the furigana "ペケ" (peke), which is Kansai dialect for an X mark (a symbol often used to indicate wrong answers or "don't do this" warnings - or, in this case, an incorrect System Card).

Pressing the Run button while the castle is visible starts a game at "Stage X" with a very different art style.

Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rinne (NTSC-J) -KMCD3005--0002.png

Japanese Translation


"The fated bloodline will fail

without a SUPER CD・ROM²"

Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rinne (NTSC-J) -KMCD3005--0003.png
The enemies consist of these purple guys you can kill with your chain whip.

Maria is present at the end of the stage, saying "ゴメンネ" ("Sorry!") and jumping around. For better or worse, this is the end of this little mini-game.

Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rinne (NTSC-J) -KMCD3005--0006.png
Akumajou Dracula X - Chi no Rinne (NTSC-J) -KMCD3005--0005.png

Japanese Translation
このCD ROMディスクは
This CD ROM is a
video game. Please set the
and try again.

In the versions of Chi no Rondo present in The Dracula X Chronicles and Castlevania Requiem, the message at the end was changed due to the different unlock conditions of this mode in each of them:

The Dracula X Chronicles Castlevania Requiem
Press START button to quit this game Castlevania Requiem does not support extra lives codes. Press Options to quit, cheater.
(Source: YouTube, Castlevania Wiki)