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Babel user information
fr-N Cet utilisateur a pour langue maternelle le français.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
es-4 Este usuario tiene un conocimiento casi nativo del español.
it-0 Questo utente non è in grado di comunicare in italiano (o lo capisce solo con notevole difficoltà).
zh-0 这位用户不懂或很难理解中文
Users by language
Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: How this mofo is still alive after 2 Epileptic Seizure - Epilepsy
To do:
  • Contribute to every TCRF page in the Contributions list. - swipley
  • Survive to Epilepsy. - Anti-Epileptic Drug
STOP making fun to 🥖 French people, they're cool!
