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Link: The Faces of Evil

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Title Screen

Link: The Faces of Evil

Developer: Animation Magic
Publisher: Philips Media
Platform: CD-i
Released in US: October 10, 1993
Released in EU: 1993
Released in FR: 1994
Released in DE: 1994
Released in NL: 1994

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

In Link: The Faces of Evil, Ganon takes over the island of Koridai and Link (of course!) has to stop him and conquer some diabolical heads. And Zelda somehow gets kidnapped, so Link has to save her, too.

One of three Zelda titles for the CD-i, this and Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon were developed and released simultaneously, but aren't particularly liked among fans (the cutscenes and actors tend to be mentioned more than the gameplay itself). Not even Nintendo likes to talk about them.

It's also one of only two games in the franchise to have "Link" in the title but not "Zelda", the other being Link's Crossbow Training.

Note: This will not cover changes made in the unofficial remaster.


Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Audio

Used Unused

An unused, more formal variant of the "disk is dirty" message. The dubbed versions replace this line with a copy of the used message.

Unused Graphic

I won!

The very last frame of the ending cutscene isn't shown in-game; the fade to black happens on the frame before it.

Obscured Background Parts

To do:
Rip the other off-screen parts.


The roof of Toyku Lighthouse's last area cannot be seen through normal means, as Link can't see anything above the lighthouse's lamp and no other floor above the wooden platform exists.

Similarly, the top parts of Goronu 4, Toyku Lighthouse 2, and Lupay 4 are too high up for the player to see.

Copyright/Abstract/Bibliographic Text

Link - The Faces of Evil

This game and its characters are based on
Nintendo's Legend of Zelda games.  Travel
through the Faces of Evil, until you reach
the wicked Ganon. Defeat him, free Princess
Zelda and return the kingdom to harmony.

This text is stored inside the file "ABSTRACT" and describes the game's story.

			Link - The Faces of Evil

Producer 			-- Dale DeSharone
Script				-- Jonathan Merritt
Programmers 		-- Linde Dynneson,
					-- John O'Brien
					-- John Wheeler
Graphic Design 		-- Rob Dunlavey
Video Production 	-- Animation Magic, Inc.
Audio Production 	-- William Havlicek
Music   			-- William Havlicek and Tony Trippi

This text is stored in the file "BIBLIOGRAPHIC" and lists people who made the game.

Link - The Faces of Evil
Copyright (c) 1993
Philips Interactive Media of America
All rights reserved.

No part of this disc may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying,
recording, or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher.

This copyright message can be found in the file "COPYRIGHT".

Regional Differences


English/French German Dutch
Facesofevilmenuenglishfrench.png Facesofevilmenugerman.png Facesofevilmenudutch.png

The French and English versions share the same exact inventory box appearance, but the German and Dutch ones don't: in the German version, the inventory box is slightly wider, while in the Dutch version the inventory box fills nearly the whole screen. The icons and digit positions also differ between versions.

Cutscene Audio

Four of the game's cutscenes had sound effects changed or removed in their dubbed equivalents. The cause of this discrepancy is unknown, though it's possible Philips' localization teams were given an earlier, unfinished set of dubbing tracks.

Hamsha Gives Water of Life
English Dutch
French German

The ascending chime that plays before Hamsha freezes in her Water of Life cutscene was removed, shortening the audio by around half-a-second.

Gwonam Introduces Harlequin (excerpt)
English Dutch
French German

In the English Harlequin introduction cutscene, both the "You Lose!" voiceline and the Koridian's sniffles are stock sound effects ("You Lose! (electronic)" from RadioMall's The O'Connor Crazies and the two male sniffles from Sound Ideas' General Series 6000, respectively). The dubs replace them with proper voice-acted ones.

Droolik's Advice (excerpt)
English Dutch
French German

In the Droolik cutscene, the sound made when Link unsheathes his sword was removed.

Gwonam Introduces Lupay (excerpt)
English Dutch
French German

The translated versions of Lupay's introduction cutscene replace the sound of the Koridian transforming with a more ambient one that plays twice. Interestingly, the German dub reuses the English version's Moblin howl instead of having the voice actor do a second one.

In addition, the dubbed versions of Link: The Faces of Evil give Lupay a more masculine voice.