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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Title Screen

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Also known as: Zelda no Densetsu: Breath of the Wild (JP)
Developer: Nintendo EPD
Publisher: Nintendo
Platforms: Wii U, Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: March 3, 2017
Released in KR: February 1, 2018
Released in TW: February 1, 2018

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, our intrepid hero struggles not to starve to death while managing 5 different stables.

To do:


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Areas and Hidden Objects

TLOZ-BreathoftheWild-MysteryFlowers.jpg BotW-DekuTreeFlower.png

On both platforms, unused flowers can be found out of bounds inside the Great Deku Tree (which has a partially modeled room) and underneath the Yiga Clan Hideout. It's possible these were either an easter egg by the developers or a way of marking areas to test in the development process.


Another thing that can be seen outside the boundaries is in the Test of Strength shrines, where an enormous pit/room seems to be located underneath the floor. This room extends past the walls of the arena and connecting rooms above ground, and is sometimes separated from the main playing area by another layer of small pits and walls the player can walk through.

(Source: Gaming Reinvented)


There's also a room behind the locked door at the top of Hyrule Castle. However, this door never opens in normal gameplay, so the purpose of the room behind it is unknown.

(Source: Boundary Break (YouTube))


Finally, the pit Master Kohga falls into actually does have a bottom modeled, complete with textures. However, the player is never able to see all the way into this pit, nor access it in any way.

The area outside of the Major Test of Strength + shrine in DLC Pack 2 also has a ton of unused rooms and content outside of the boundaries. For instance, there's a gigantic empty chamber underneath the floor, in which going near the back wall causes Link to infinitely die and respawn. There are also two large areas filled with water to the left and right of the start and 'end' rooms, another layer of empty space underneath the floor (with openings into said rooms), as well as various pits of water between these areas that Link cannot escape from.

(Source: Gaming Reinvented)

Mount Agaat is fully modeled with collision in most places too, despite being at a location players can't actually visit or climb due to the edge of the world barrier. What's more, there are various plateaus and walkable areas behind the mountain too, which the player would normally have no way of seeing due to the aforementioned barrier. This may imply the developers intended the player to be able to explore this area at one point in development.

Interestingly, the one place this mountain doesn't have collision is the summit, which despite being modeled, cannot be walked on for more than about 20 feet. Given that every other area can indeed be walked on (including the plateaus and mountainsides at the very edge of the map), it's unknown why this is the case.

Usually, unseen plants can also be found out of bounds near the Lakeside Stable, in the water layer underneath Hyrule. Presumably, these were placed there for the developers to move somewhere else later on, and they didn't remember to delete/move them when the time came to do so.

Additionally, the cliffs to the west of Rito Village also seem to have full collision too. These areas can not only be explored on foot as Link, but used to summon your horse or the Master Cycle Zero, or to place down the Travel Medallion for a future shortcut. Given that you can't usually even see these areas (let alone get past the invisible walls to visit them), it's unknown why they're explorable or even fully modeled like this.

(Source: Gaming Reinvented)

Unused Graphics


To do:
"Also found in the files is the picture that would have been used if this cutscene did exist in the game, the picture found in Impa's House" (referring to this image) used to be in the article. Work out what it meant and re-add it if appropriate.

The \UI\Album folder contains the memory location images taken by Zelda. It has one peculiar unused image.


Link is seen doing a pose next to Zelda in what seems like other past memories, however, he is wearing the "Hero of the Wild" hat and tunic rather than the Champion's Tunic. The length of the sleeve and design on the cufflink were revised for the finished game; rolled up slightly and a thinner version of the pattern seen in the unused image. The gold trim on his hat is a more subdued green in the final game, likely to distinguish it from the Cap of the Hero obtained from the 8-Bit Link amiibo which has a similar gold trim. The JPEG metadata also differs a bit from the other images.

This image was taken at the Great Plateau, just outside the Shrine of Resurrection on the path down. A Tree Branch weapon can be seen behind Link in the image, which can be found where the photo was taken.


The \UI\Review folder contains the thumbnails used for the Memories tab in the Adventure Log. It contains two unused files.

Demo109_2 (Unused) Demo109_1 (Used)
Legend-of-Zelda-Breath-Wild-UI-Demo109.png BotW Demo109 1.png
E3 2016

Demo109_2.sbreviewtex is an early version of the thumbnail for the Master Sword memory, featuring "temp" written on the top-right. The main points of interest are the subdued lighting, the Master Sword being much higher on the pedestal, and the two flowers on the left, one of which was removed in the final game. Curiously, the second flower is still present in the trailer shown at E3 2016, suggesting its removal was quite late in development.

Mr. Sanke Carp was hiding the existence of the secret ending just for you!

Demo139_0.sbreviewtex is the thumbnail for Demo139, the "secret" ending cutscene after recovering all of Link's memories. Perhaps it was meant to be visible at one time in the Memories tab and this was used as some sort of placeholder in-joke?

Hyrule Compendium

The \UI\PictureBook folder contains the photos used for the Hyrule Compendium when a player would buy them from Symin in the Hateno Tech Lab. It contains many unused files.

BotW-Hc-ChuchuMid.jpg BotW-Hc-ChuchuSen.jpg BotW-Hc-IceChucuMid.jpg

BotW-Hc-ElecChucuMid.jpg BotW-Hc-FireChuchuMid.jpg BotW-Hc-FireChuchuSen.jpg

Enemy_Chuchu_* - These went unused as only the Junior versions of the Chuchu and its variants are required in the final compendium. The Chuchu Senior picture was seemingly taken early on in development, as there are some unusual stone structures in the background not found in the final game.

BotW-Hc-FishA.jpg BotW-Hc-FishE.jpg

BotW-Hc-FishH.jpg BotW-Hc-FishZ.jpg

Animal_Fish_* - These appear to be early versions of fish in water, taken before being updated with clearer shots on land.


Item_Mushroom_C - A picture of a Sunshroom. This would have been included among the pictures Symin sells you, but to be able to buy pictures for the Compendium, players are required to already have an entry for the Sunshroom, and since you can't overwrite your own pictures with those of the Hateno Ancient Tech Lab's Guidance Stone, this goes unused.


GameRomHorseEpona - This is a picture of Epona. In the final game, Amiibo content isn't included in the Compendium, so Epona having once had a spot in it implies that it may have originally been planned for her to be available in regular gameplay instead.


TBox_Dungeon_Iron - This is a picture of water, likely a placeholder image. The filename suggests that it was supposed to be a treasure chest found in a shrine.


Npc_Hidden_Korok_Ground - This is a picture of a Korok found in Kakariko Village. It is possible that the player was originally going to be able to track Koroks using the Sheikah Sensor, later being replaced by the DLC item the Korok Mask. The Korok's face is blank.

Unused image Final Vah Naboris
BotW-Hc-MiniGuarJr.jpg BotW-VahNaborisComparison1.png

Enemy_Guardian_Mini_Junior_Dark - This photo shows an early design of Vah Naboris. There are many differences, including an early version of Malice and the lighting. This photo is intended as an entry for the Guardian Sentry, as taken over by Ganon, but it went unused in the final game.

Editor Icons

The Pack\TitleBG.pack\tera_resource.Cafe_Cafe_GX2.release.ssarc (Wii U) \Pack\TitleBG.pack\tera_resource.Nin_NX_NVN.release.ssarc (Switch) archive contains images of what seems to be some map editor remains. It contains 35 unused files. The Switch version of the file also uses the exact same texture files as the Wii U version.


Icon Description
BotW-Icon-brush linear.png Brush_linear - A linear brush.
BotW-Icon-brush lower.gtx.png Brush lower - A low curved brush.
BotW-Icon-brush upper.png Brush upper - A upcurved brush.
BotW-Icon-brush normal.png Brush normal - A curved brush.
BotW-Icon-brush saw.png Brush saw - A 'saw' brush.
BotW-Icon-brush wave.png Brush wave - A wave-shaped brush.

Heightmap Tools

Icon Description
BotW-Icon-edit add.png Edit add - A heightmap rising tool.
BotW-Icon-edit sub.png Edit sub - A heightmap descend tool.
BotW-Icon-edit flatten.png Edit flatten - A heightmap flattening tool.
BotW-Icon-edit gradient.png Edit gradient - A heightmap gradient tool.
BotW-Icon-edit smooth.png Edit smooth - A heightmap smoothing tool.
BotW-Icon-edit sharpen.png Edit sharpen - A heightmap sharpening tool.

Unused Items

Cutscene Master Sword

To do:
Add rips of the graphics and sound effects

The broken Master Sword (as seen in the Memories) exists as a normal equipable weapon (Weapon_Sword_056). This plays a unique sound effect not heard elsewhere when it's taken out its sheath, and seems to do the same amount of damage as the regular Master Sword.

(LegendofLinkk: https://twitter.com/iLegendofLinkk/status/1134203561485766667)

Ice Cream

Careful, you'll lose an eye.
This page or section needs more images.
There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this.

An ice cream meal item exists, which is used in place of any elixirs with corrupted/non existent effects. It's possible to get this by accident via the Inventory Slot Transfer glitch, but the Weapon Modifier Corruption glitch lets you get it consistently.

(Source: ElDuende)

Unused Cooking Recipes

To do:
Add details and a full explanation of the Item_Cook_ actor organization. Post original japanese names, get a better translator than Google. Decipher the extracted Cooking recipe file from the same source, which is currently still in the form of actor hash and tag hash lists effectively unreadable.

Dummy ActorLink files remain referencing five removed recipes; ActorLink files contain an often-early Japanese name of the actor:

  • Item_Cook_B_03: Stir-Fried Mixed Mushrooms (likely a basic mushroom recipe, given its slot lineup in group B opposite Item_Cook_B_13: Copious Mushroom Skewers)
  • Item_Cook_B_04: Decoction, and its "copious" variant, Item_Cook_B_14: Strong Decoction (both of which were likely very basic recipes, again given the lineup in group B)
  • Item_Cook_G_07: Thai Rice
  • Item_Cook_G_08: Salmon Rice.

All five of these recipe names were translated from Japanese. The Japanese names all end with "(scheduled for deletion)".

(leoetlino: https://github.com/leoetlino/botw/blob/master/Actor/ActorLink/Item_Cook_B_03.yml)
(leoetlino: https://github.com/leoetlino/botw/blob/master/Actor/ActorLink/Item_Cook_B_04.yml)
(leoetlino: https://github.com/leoetlino/botw/blob/master/Actor/ActorLink/Item_Cook_B_14.yml)
(leoetlino: https://github.com/leoetlino/botw/blob/master/Actor/ActorLink/Item_Cook_G_07.yml)
(leoetlino: https://github.com/leoetlino/botw/blob/master/Actor/ActorLink/Item_Cook_G_08.yml)

Two additional empty slots in the Item_Cook_ groups were clearly meant to contain something.

  • Item_Cook_G_01 has no apparent remains in the files, but based on its position as the first item in group G (which contains almost all of the simpler rice recipes) and being followed immediately by the various rice balls, it was likely a plain Rice Balls recipe (or perhaps a Fruity Rice Balls since fruit is the only major category not represented in group G... but basic Rice Balls is more likely, as it would correspond to the basic Wheat Bread that is the only thing in Group M)
  • Item_Cook_A_06 unfortunately lacks any evidence of its intended contents whatsoever besides likely being a very basic recipe based on its placement in group A.

Brightcap Mushrooms

Tears of the Kingdom started off with the Breath of the Wild item "groups" (e.g. Item_Fruit_A, _B, _C, etc), deleted a bunch of stuff it didn't use, and added new stuff onto the end. However, one single item was added in one of the empty slots in the middle of a group instead of in new slots on the end: Item_Mushroom_K became the Brightcap Mushroom, implying that Brightcaps were once planned for Breath of the Wild.

Other empty spaces in the item naming patterns

To do:
Everything. Make a table for Insects and Fish, and the numbered cooked and chilled fish variant tables. Make a table for Weapons. Make a table for Armor. Make a numbered table for meat. Make a list for enemy drop items. Make a list for cooked item dummy actorlink files to illustrate the collections better. Copy or move relevant data to TotK or create some kind of subpage of both pages for content relevant to item list positions since most of them are shared between both games. Etc.

Item names in the ActorLink files are typically of the form Item_(type)_(letter or number or both). Missing spaces reveal that one or more items were deleted during development, with slots remaining completely unfilled.

Letter Item_Ore_@ Item_Fruit_@ Item_Plant_@ Item_Mushroom_@
A Diamond Apple Hyrule Herb Stamella Shroom
B Ruby Wildberry Hearty Radish Chillshroom
C Sapphire Voltfruit Big Hearty Radish Sunshroom
D Topaz Hearty Durian Rushroom
E Opal Fleet-Lotus Seeds Cool Safflina Hylian Shroom
F Amber Hydromelon Warm Safflina Hearty Truffle
G Luminous Stone Palm Fruit Mighty Thistle
H Rock Salt Mighty Banana Armoranth Zapshroom
I Flint Spicy Pepper Blue Nightshade
J Star Fragment Fortified Pumpkin Silent Princess Silent Shroom
K Acorn (TotK: Brightcap)
L (TotK: Zonaite) Chickaloo Tree Nut Electric Safflina Razorshroom
M (TotK: Large Zonaite) (TotK: Hylian Tomato) Swift Carrot Ironshroom
N (TotK: Unused Zonaite) (TotK: Sun Pumpkin) Big Hearty Truffle
O Swift Violet Endura Shroom
P (TotK: Golden Apple) (TotK: Skyshroom)
Q Endura Carrot
R (TotK: Sundelion)
S (TotK: Stambulb)
U (TotK: Korok Frond)
To do:
figure out whether the Chilly and Warm Elixirs are in the right order or if the jpnames are reversed... somehow.
Number Item_Cook_A_## Item_Cook_B_## Item_Cook_C_## Item_Cook_D_## Item_Cook_E_## Item_Cook_F_## Item_Cook_G_## Item_Cook_H_## Item_Cook_I_## Item_Cook_J_## Item_Cook_K_## Item_Cook_L_## Item_Cook_M_## Item_Cook_N_## Item_Cook_O_## Item_Cook_P_## (TotK: Item_Cook_Q_##) (TotK: Item_Cook_R_##) (TotK: Item_Cook_S_##)
01 Mushroom Skewer Fried Wild Greens Stamina Elixir??? Salt-Grilled Mushrooms Poultry Pilaf Creamy Meat Soup Seafood Meunière Fruit Pie Curry Rice Meat Stew Monster Stew Wheat Bread Seafood Paella Dubious Food Fragrant Mushroom Sauté Simmered Tomato Cheesy Omelette [sic] Cheesy Curry
02 Steamed Mushrooms Simmered Fruit Hearty Elixir??? Salt-Grilled Greens Prime Poultry Pilaf Creamy Seafood Soup Seafood Rice Balls Porgy Meunière Apple Pie Vegetable Curry Prime Meat Stew Monster Soup Fruitcake Rock-Hard Food Herb Sauté Fruity Tomato Stew Veggie Porridge Cheesy Meat Bowl
03 Steamed Fruit Stir-Fried Mixed Mushrooms (cut) Salt-Grilled Fish Gourmet Poultry Pilaf Veggie Cream Soup Veggie Rice Balls Salmon Meunière Egg Tart Seafood Curry Pumpkin Stew Monster Cake Vegetable Omelet Spiced Meat Skewer Steamed Tomatoes Noble Pursuit Prime Cheesy Meat Bowl
04 Steamed Fish Decoction (cut) Salt-Grilled Meat Fried Egg and Rice Creamy Heart Soup Mushroom Rice Balls Meat Pie Poultry Curry Clam Chowder / Snail Chowder Monster Rice Balls Mushroom Omelet Prime Spiced Meat Skewer Tomato Mushroom Stew Hylian Tomato Pizza Gourmet Cheesy Meat Bowl
05 Steamed Meat Fish Skewer Chilly Elixir??? Salt-Grilled Prime Meat Meat and Rice Bowl Carrot Cake Prime Poultry Curry Gourmet Meat Stew Monster Curry Gourmet Spiced Meat Skewer Tomato Seafood Soup Fragrant Seafood Stew Dark Stew
06 Meat Skewer Warm Elixir??? Salt-Grilled Gourmet Meat Prime Meat and Rice Bowl Pumpkin Pie Meat Curry Cream of Mushroom Soup Cooked Stambulb Deep-Fried Drumstick Dark Rice Ball
07 Fruit and Mushroom Mix Electric Elixir??? Pepper Steak Thai Rice (cut) Hot Buttered Apple Prime Meat Curry Cream of Vegetable Soup Buttered Stambulb Deep-Fried Thigh Dark Soup
08 Fish and Mushroom Skewer Swift Elixir??? Pepper Seafood Salmon Rice (cut) Honeyed Apple Gourmet Poultry Curry Carrot Stew Crunchy Fried Rice Deep-Fried Bird Roast Dark Curry
09 Meat and Mushroom Skewer Salt-Grilled Crab Gourmet Meat and Rice Bowl Honeyed Fruits Gourmet Meat Curry Milk [cooked] Cheesecake Melty Cheesy Bread Dark Cake
10 Omelet Crab Stir-Fry Seafood Fried Rice Plain Crepe Cheesy Risotto Cheesy Baked Fish Cheesy Tomato
11 Glazed Mushrooms Copious Fried Wild Greens Mighty Elixir??? Curry Pilaf Wildberry Crepe
12 Glazed Meat Copious Simmered Fruit Fortifying Elixir??? Mushroom Risotto Nutcake
13 Glazed Seafood Copious Mushroom Skewers Sneaky Elixir??? Vegetable Risotto Fried Bananas
14 Glazed Veggies Strong Decoction (cut) Enduring Elixir??? Salmon Risotto Egg Pudding
15 Copious Seafood Skewers Fireproof Elixir??? Meaty Rice Balls Fish Pie
16 Copious Meat Skewers Fairy Tonic Crab Omelet with Rice Honey Candy
17 Meat and Seafood Fry Elixir Crab Risotto Honey Crepe
18 Prime Meat and Seafood Fry
19 Gourmet Meat and Seafood Fry
20 Meat-Stuffed Pumpkin
21 Sautéed Peppers
22 Sautéed Nuts
23 Seafood Skewer

Note that Group C entries 01-15 may or may not be unused; all of them have a tag indicating they're meant to be used as item names, but it's not known at this time whether they're actually referenced for the final game's dynamic cooking result naming system or just a remnant of an earlier form of it.

(leoetlino: https://github.com/leoetlino/botw/tree/master/Actor/ActorLink)

Unused Music

In Demo149_0_SoundTrack.bfstm lies the staff roll soundtrack from Skyward Sword:

Unused Text

Unused Notifications

The file MainScreen_00.msbt in folder LayoutMsg contains all the text used on the HUD while playing the game, such as the pop-up notifications and location and boss names. Entry 0028 contains an interesting message:

The Master Sword has returned to the forest.

This notification is used when the Master Sword is dropped, which is normally impossible without glitches. It's not clear when or how this would've been used, but it's possible the Master Sword would've returned to the Korok Forest after running out of energy.

(Source: versat13 - Glitch discovery)

Also in said file is a line seemingly left over from a demo build (Entry 0061):

In this demo version, you can't advance any farther.

(Source: MrCheeze (text dump))

Unseen Statue Dialogue

The text for interacting with Goddess Statues, located in the file Demo034_0.msbt in folder DemoMsg, contains an entry (talk17) used for trying to purchase an additional Heart Container or Stamina Vessel when Link already has the maximum allowed amount of both, which isn't possible in-game without glitches:

You already overflow with life force and stamina. Increasing your power any further may destroy you.


(Source: MrCheeze (text dump), acnh-lyman-fan (screenshot))

Untranslated NPC Dialogue File

Present in folder EventFlowMsg is an untranslated file called Yorozuya_Kaiwa.msbt (General_Merchant_Conversation.msbt) containing dialogue for a general goods merchant.

Messages from this file are referenced by all shop merchant event flows. However, the message file name is overwritten with the merchant actor name at runtime so this file ends up being unused.

(Source: Original TCRF research)


Yorozuya Kaiwa
The original file, control codes and all.


Welcome to Prized Possessions.
Feel free to take your time!

You wanna sell some Shop_SelectItemName? How many?

I can give you ShopTradePrice Rupees for Shop_TradeItemNum Shop_SelectItemName. Deal?


Sorry, I can't buy that right now.


You might want to take that off before you try to sell it to me.



Buy something

Sell something

Adventuring can be a struggle, even in weather like this. せっかくだし と取っておきをなら並べるよ!


You wanna buy Shop_SelectItemName, yeah? That'll be ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

Buy all

Shop_SelectItemName, eh? How many do you want?

Sell all

For Shop_TradeItemNum Shop_SelectItemName, the total comes to ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

Huh, that's a shame. It's quality stuff.

Hey, now. Doesn't look like you have enough Rupees!

I just noticed that it looks like you're already carrying a lot of stuff. Get rid of some or sell it to me!

You're doing me a favor... Thanks, pal.

Just one Shop_SelectItemName, yeah? That'll be ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?


Take your time deciding.

Which will you sell me?

Alright. I'll ask again another time

Alright. か買いと取りなら まかせてくれ!

You're selling Shop_SelectItemName? I'll buy it for ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

What are you selling?

Alright. Thanks!

You wanna sell Shop_TradeItemNum Shop_SelectItemName, yeah? I'll give you ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

Cheers, pal. You selling anything else?

Be sure to stop by again sometime.

You're in the market for Shop_SelectItemName? How many?

Shop_SelectItemName? That'll be Shop_SelectItemPrice Rupees.

Something else I can help you with?

Come again!

Oh, that's a shame. Don't forget to take a look at what else I've got!

Oh, that's too bad.

Just the one Shop_SelectItemName, yeah? That'll be ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

I'll buy anything!

You want every Shop_SelectItemName I've got, yeah? That'll be ShopTradePrice Rupees for all Shop_TradeItemNum. Deal?

Which do you want to buy?

You wanna sell all Shop_TradeItemNum Shop_SelectItemName, yeah? I'll give you ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

Sorry, pal. I'm out of stock right now.

Looks like we're done here, then. Thanks for spending so much!

Looks like you don't have enough Rupees. Stop by again after you've earned a few more.

I don't have anything left to sell you today. Thanks for spending so much! You wanna take a look at what I have on backorder?

Looks like your pouch is full. Sell or get rid of something, and come back when you have some space.

You wanna buy Shop_SelectItemName, yeah? That'll be ShopTradePrice Rupees. Deal?

Come again!
(Source: GlitterBerri - Translation)

System Text


To do:
Check the update data for both platforms and the switch kiosk demo

This file is present in the EU and JP Wii U versions of the game, but not the US Wii U release or the Switch release. The former two share the same build time.

Dec 26 2016 11:29:08

The Wii U 1.1.0 version (title version: v33) has the following build time:

Feb 21 2017 21:58:59

System/BuildTime.txt does not exist in Switch 1.0.0 or 1.5.0 and likely does not exist in any public Switch release.


This language config file contains some untranslated developer comments.


# シャープで始まる行はコメントとみなされます。(途中からコメントはダメ)
# 1行目がリージョンと言語のフィルタ(スペース区切り)
# JPja USen USes USfr USpt EUen EUes EUfr EUde EUit EUpt EUnl EUru KRko CNzh TWzh
# 2行目がRomType。2行目がなければRomTypeは空文字列になる


# Lines that begin with a sharp are regarded as comments. (No leaving comments in the middle.)
# The first line is a region and language filter. (Demarcated by a space.)
# JPja USen USes USfr USpt EUen EUes EUfr EUde EUit EUpt EUnl EUru KRko CNzh TWzh
# The second line is the RomType. If there isn't a second line, the RomType will be an empty string.

There are two extra (and not commented-out) lines in the Switch version:

After commented line three:

JPja USen USes USfr EUen EUes EUfr EUde EUit EUnl EUru

After commented line four:

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Miscellaneous Content

Unobtainable Chests

To do:
Expand with info from this video.

There are three chests in the game that are unobtainable by any means. The Sheikah Sensor+ will detect them, but there's no way to open these chests.

  • Hateno Village [contents: Purple Rupee]: This chest is detected in front of the inn in Hateno Village, but it's nowhere to be seen. It's possible that this chest was accidentally positioned below the terrain, causing it to fall into the void as soon as it spawns.
  • Aris Beach [contents: Opal]: In the ocean to the east of Aris Beach there's one chest that's buried into the ground, but unlike other such chests cannot be pulled up with Magnesis. As such, there's no way to retrieve the chest from the seabed.
  • Rassla Lake [contents: Royal Shield]: Similar to Hateno Village, there's a chest detected in Rassla Lake which is nowhere to be seen and probably suffers the same fate as its brother.

Misplaced Objects

For some reason, there's a single Shock Arrow located many miles above the Southern Oasis, at position -3835.04, 2000.00, 3593.62. This is not only ridiculously high in the sky, but so far up there that the game's height limit/ceiling usually stops you reaching it, with the only known ways to obtain the item being to use glitches or hacks to bypass said limit.

(Source: Kotaku)

There's also a duplicate of the One-Hit Obliterator that endlessly falls near Vah Ruta. This cannot be collected, since it will always act like the 'dormant' version found in the Shrine of Resurrection when interacted with.

(Source: Gaming Reinvented)

Unused Enemy Attributes

Presumably, due to them being based off a similar template, all enemies have in-game flags set for whether they can be damaged by Urbosa's Fury, falling long distances, or falling into hazards like water, mud, and lava.

These include both overworld and story bosses, enemies found inside certain shrines (like Test of Strength Guardians), etc. For instance, Monk Maz Koshia takes fall damage at a rate of 5HP/meter if the player somehow let him fall over 999km, and dies instantly if he falls into the lava. [1]

Interestingly, these attributes also include ones for Dark Beast Ganon beam damage (GanonBeam-Small/Medium/Large/Hugee respectively). However, no enemies can ever appear in the battle with Ganon, and the vast majority don't even spawn when in the last boss mode. Yet they're all flagged to die instantly if hit with the beam, implying the setup for the final boss may have been different early in development.

Unused Shield Bonus

There's an unused bonus that shields can get called 'Shield Surf Up', which reduces a shield's friction. This isn't available via normal means, but can be gotten with the Weapon Modifier Corruption glitch.


Breakable Chests

For whatever reason, it's possible to break metal Treasure Chests with the cannons found in the Abandoned North Mine. These are unbreakable via any other means, and let you do things like see the overworld models for key items and armour.

(Source: Gaming Reinvented)

Old Man Dialogue

Hyrule Bass are the only fish found on the Great Plateau, and therefore the only type you can normally use when cooking the Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry for the Old Man. If you use a different type of fish obtained via an amiibo, his dialogue does not change to reflect the different type of fish used.

Old Man Meal Dialogue.jpg Spicy Meat and Seafood Fry with Sizzlefin Trout.jpg

Internal Project Name

The game's internal name is "U-King", according to the executable's filename: U-King.rpx. This follows the trend of the internal names of other Zelda games released in the same timeframe: Ocarina of Time 3D is known as "Queen", A Link Between Worlds is known as "Jack", and Majora's Mask 3D is known as "Joker", while Tri Force Heroes is known as "Alice".

Oddly, this is the same card rank used by Wind Waker HD with the only difference being the first letter (Cking/U-King).

Regional Differences

Switch Game Icon and Box Art Differences

The game icon displayed on the Switch's Home Menu is different depending on the system region set in the console settings. While the Japanese and North American icon are similar, the European/Australian version is entirely different. Curiously, although the European box art matches its Home Menu icon, the Australian box art uses the North American/Japanese box art.

Japan North America Europe/Australia
BOTW icon Japanese.jpg
BOTW icon AmericanEnglish.jpg
BOTW icon BritishEnglish.jpg

In-Game UI Changes

The temperature gauge on the bottom right section of the HUD shows ºF in North America and ºC in every other region.

North America Japan/Europe/Australia
BOTW temperature gauge Farenheit.png
BOTW temperature gauge Celsius.png

Additionally on the map menu, degrees are shown in Fahrenheit in North America and Celsius elsewhere.

In North America and Japan the game uses 12-hour time anywhere in-game time appears, while in Europe and Australia 24-hour time is always used.

Revision History

Version 0.9.0

This is the base version of the game with no updates. Once one of the required updates is installed, the version number is updated. The game will crash if it is attempted to run without the update files by spoofing the Version.txt in System. That said, it is still possible to run the rpx for v0.9.0 by moving the required v1.0.0 files over.

Version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0 is the version of the game that has the disc's own 2 GB update installed, which contains files required to run the game. This was the version that the Switch release came with.

Version 1.1.0

Version 1.1.0 was an update released on launch day in the eShop. It adds the Downloadable Content purchase option to the title screen.

Version 1.1.1

Version 1.1.1 was released on March 31, 2017. It improves the frame rate, but mainly for the Switch version.

Version 1.1.2

Version 1.1.2 was released on April 11, 2017. It includes three fixes:

  • Arrows shot from enemies are no longer collectible after the first 20 ones. This fixes a certain exploit where a player could farm arrows using horseback Bokoblins.
  • A bug was fixed where the Wolf Link amiibo would spawn a Wolf Link with 20 hearts (rather than 3) when registered with a Twilight Princess HD save file that did not enter the Cave of Shadows (just starting a new game and saving right away was enough).
  • A bug was fixed that when Master Kohga fell into the hole, he wouldn't teleport back out, and the boss battle would end prematurely, making the Divine Beast Vah Naboris Quest unbeatable.

Version 1.2.0

Version 1.2.0 was released on May 1, 2017. It adds a "Dual Language" option for both versions of the game, allowing any region to choose any audio language with different accompanying subtitles (i.e. English voice acting with Mexican Spanish subtitles or vice versa). For the Wii U version, a separate data pack must be downloaded before use. A DLC menu was added to the options menu. One interesting thing to note is that the exit sound on the camera is now broken. In addition, the camera no longer preserves zoom level between uses, and now defaults to the lowest zoom setting whenever it is activated.

In an attempt to patch a glitch that allowed players to escape from Ganon with the Bird-Man research minigame, the relevant event flow (MiniGame_HillTower_BirdMan) was altered to always reset any effects of landing in the castle sanctum:

  • When landing, the player is warped to (-1746.71, 329.065, -772.847).
  • When landing, the sky palette (colors, sky effects, etc.) is reset to override the Hyrule Castle palette.
  • When landing, the IsPlayed_Demo141_{0,1,2,3} and LastBossIncompleteGanonGenerateFlag flags are cleared.
  • Every frame while flying, the FirstInHyruleCastleBossRoom flag is cleared.

Additionally, GameData configuration was changed to not save the FirstInHyruleCastleBossRoom flag. That flag is checked by the actor placement code to determine whether some actor spawns should be skipped for the final battle mode. This made NPCs, shrines, enemies, and towers not disappear even after doing the glitch.

As a direct (and likely unintended) consequence, actors that should normally not appear during the final battle mode reappear after a save reload as the FirstInHyruleCastleBossRoom flag does not persist after a save reload.

(Source: ZeldaMods (leoetlino))

Version 1.3.0

Version 1.3.0 was released on June 29, 2017. It adds the first of two planned DLC expansions for 2017, dubbed "The Master Trials". The DLC includes 8 new pieces of clothing, a series of trials, a "Hero's Path" map feature that allows a player to retrace up to 200 hours of gameplay on the game's map screen, the ability to set a single custom warp point (with warping similar to how shrines and towers work in the game), a Korok mask to assist in finding the hidden Koroks around the world, and a Master Mode with increased difficulty; Link sustains more damage while weapon/enemy type/placement is altered somewhat. The DLC, if purchased, displays version 2.0 under the game's version on the title screen.

As well, a few regressions introduced with the v1.2.0 patch were fixed (camera not preserving the zoom level between uses, exit sound being broken, star constellation missing in one of the shrines), as well as a bug where no vocal cues would play for the abilities if the player set the language to Japanese.

The placement code was altered to check for the IsPlayed_Demo145_0 flag when setting up spawns: the FirstInHyruleCastleBossRoom flag is now automatically set when IsPlayed_Demo145_0 is set. This effectively reverts parts of the 1.2.0 changes and makes players once again unable to keep NPCs, shrines, etc. after escaping from the Ganon battle.

(Source: ZeldaMods (leoetlino))

Version 1.3.1

Version 1.3.1 fixed a glitch involving Kilton's "kill all bosses" mission, where killed bosses wouldn't count towards the number needed to get the medals. A feature was added, where when launching the game from certain pages in the Nintendo Switch News page, players would receive items mentioned in the news article.

More precisely:

  • One PauseMenuDataMgr function was changed to return the number of items in the player's saved inventory instead of using the loaded inventory data (which might be a temporary quest inventory). This function is used by GameDataMgr to query how many arrows the player has.
    • This effectively patches the arrow restock glitch that allowed players to trigger restocks even if they had more than 50 arrows in their inventory simply by warping into the Trial of the Sword and waiting for midnight.
  • In the Switch version, the nxargs subsystem and supporting code were added to GameScene for the "receive item by reading news" feature.
  • Several changes were made to the Enemy defeated handlers (in the actor code) to make sure enemy defeats are counted correctly when Master Mode enemy rank up is active. This change is mentioned in the official changelog.
  • The Trial of the Sword game data reset glitch was patched; technical details are unknown at the moment.
(Source: ZeldaMods (leoetlino))

Version 1.3.3

Version 1.3.3 added support for the 4 champion amiibo, including the special Divine Beast helmets. This update also added Rex's salvager gear from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. A glitch involving "Hero's Path" where an "X" mark wouldn't appear when Link dies was fixed. Unintentionally, this update removed the ability to buy the Hylian Shield from the secret shop in Tarrey Town.

Version 1.3.4

This update was pushed out very quickly, to fix the issue of being unable to buy the Hylian Shield from the secret shop in Tarrey Town.

Version 1.4.0

Version 1.4.0 added The Champion's Ballad DLC pack, which includes more shrines, an extra heart container/stamina vessel, new armor, story additions, a new Divine Beast, and the Master Cycle Zero.

Golden enemies now contribute to the scaling point counter. Because of an oversight, they used to be unlisted in LevelSensor.byml (the configuration file for the enemy and weapon scaling system). This change is retroactive.

(Source: ZeldaMods (leoetlino))

Version 1.5.0

Added language support for Korean, Chinese (Simplified), and Chinese (Traditional). Only subtitles have been added and voice acting will be in Japanese if any of those languages are selected.

  • The DLC2 boss' teleporting AI was slightly modified.
  • Physics parameters (mass/inertia/impulse) for a few actors (DgnObj_DLC_SliderBlock_B_02, DgnObj_DLC_SwitchTarget_A, Priest_Boss_ShadowClone_Bullet) were changed.
  • GameData: The Kass quest flags were made program-readable. This was presumably required for the new quest flag checks to GameDataMgr (see Quest flag overrides for more details).
  • Message and UI: The staff roll screen was edited to credit the Chinese/Korean localization teams. Message files in all languages were updated to match the new staff roll UI layout.
  • New languages were added to the Switch version.
(Source: Nintendo)
(Source: ZeldaMods (leoetlino))

Version 1.6.0

1.6.0 was released on 26/04/2019.

RomFS Changes

  • Actor: Most actor metadata were updated. Most actors now require a larger instance heap, which suggests the core actor code was updated.
  • GameData: three new flags were added (Ichigeki_Pedestal_Appear, DisplaySpecialMode, DisplaySpecialOnce).
    • Note: Ichigeki = 一撃 refers to the One-Hit Obliterator.
  • UI and Message: layouts and messages were updated for the new VR mode.
  • System: The version file (System/Version.txt) was updated and is now "1.6.0".
  • Minor changes to effect files and graphics (presumably for VR mode).

A complete diff for core resource files (actors, maps, logic, AI, messages, etc.) is available here.

Executable Changes

  • The game appears to have been compiled with link-time optimisation (LTO) enabled, resulting in significantly more bloated functions and much more aggressive inlining. Even library functions (e.g. sead, nvn) are now inlined.
  • The internal version string is now 0000002e (it was 0000002d in 1.5.0).
  • nnSdk was updated and now requires a 7.0.0+ system.
  • nnMain now does nn::oe::SetCpuBoostMode(1), which makes the console use performance configurations 0x92220009 and 0x9222000A, or 0x9222000B and 0x9222000C (source). This results in a higher GPU clock and sometimes higher CPU clock.
  • Other changes are currently unknown because how difficult it is to reverse 1.6.0 code.
(Source: ZeldaMods (leoetlino))

Official Changelog

  • We have made the game compatible with the VR Goggles from Nintendo Labo Toy-Con 04: VR Kit.
    • You can set whether you’d like to use the VR Goggles from “VR Goggles” in “Options” under “System” in the in-game menu.
    • This feature is also introduced on the Nintendo Labo website. (https://labo.nintendo.com/kits/vr-kit/)
  • We fixed some other issues so the player can enjoy the game.
(Source: Nintendo)
