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Kirby's Pinball Land

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Title Screen

Kirby's Pinball Land

Also known as: Kirby no Pinball (JP)
Developer: HAL Laboratory
Publisher: Nintendo
Platform: Game Boy
Released in JP: November 27, 1993
Released in US: March 4, 1994
Released in EU: July 26, 2012 (3DS Virtual Console)
Released in AU: July 26, 2012 (3DS Virtual Console)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

Kirby plays Pinball. More accurately, Kirby is the pinball.

Unused Graphics

There exist compressed graphics and tilemaps in the ROM that don't get loaded in-game.


At 0x1392D. Three frames for a li'l 'gator in the style of Revenge of the 'Gator, HAL's previous pinball game for Game Boy.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

"Man, *screw* these tiles!" said someone at HAL.

While the graphics at 0x1622E are used in the middle of Poppy's level, four tiles that look like screws don't get used, highlighted here for your viewing pleasure.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Check out that eye.

At 0x29C13. These graphics look unrelated to this game.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Let's recite the alphabet! A, B, C, *fart noise*.

At 0x2B388. This looks similar to one of the graphics pieces used for the ranking screen, except quite corrupted.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Just Kirby and some numbers.

At 0x31E68. A set of player graphics that go unreferenced.

(Source: Original TCRF research)


Two unused tilesets for pinball tables exist, two graphics pieces per tileset. Corresponding unused tilemap pieces at 0x2012B and 0x2019A exist, usable for both tilesets.

Raw Graphics (0x24063 & 0x24221) Table
rawr x2 Challenger Approaching!

Unlike all the other graphics, the ones here are 1-bit color rather than the system's native 2-bit. A couple 'gators are hiding out in the tileset, too.

(Source: Original TCRF research)
Raw Graphics (0x3216A & 0x32432) Table
HAL had a great taste in checkerboards. So calm and serene...

This other unused table tileset looks more Kirby-like, with the Maxim Tomato, Gordo, and even some Cappies.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Partially-Unused Music

The credits music is 32 seconds long, but only the first 18 are heard in-game.

Regional Differences

Japan International
Say hi to Kirby. And now he's not there.

Aside from the logo change, the options were translated and the arrow was enlarged.