Kirby's Blowout Blast
Kirby's Blowout Blast |
Also known as: Kirby no Suikomi Daisakusen (JP), Kirby ppal-adeul-igi daejagjeon (KR)
Kirby's Blowout Blast is the result of Kirby's Dream Land getting a Z Axis: A brand new dimension to explore opens before you.
In all seriousness, this game is an expansion of Kirby 3D Rumble, a subgame from Kirby: Planet Robobot, except this time there are actual bosses, banger remixes of Kirby's Dream Land tracks, and FULL-BELLY KIRBY. Cute!
Unused Animations
Found in Kirby's motion archive is the animation that plays when copying an ability in the previous 3DS games. Since there are no enemies that grant Copy Abilites in this game, it goes unused.
A leftover animation from Kirby: Triple Deluxe. In that game, this animation was used when Kirby encountered a Miracle Fruit.
Unused Test Areas
Level 4 of the game hides 2 mysterious test models inside RomFS/gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Game/Cloud/Test/Land.bch.cmp and ''RomFS/gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Game/CloudEX/Test/Land.bch.cmp. The FDG archive appears to have asset preload data related to these models, which means that they were probably part of some kind of Test Room.
Unused Scene Data
The FDG archive, which is located in RomFS/fdg/Archive.bin.cmp, has TONS of unused asset preload data leftover from early development, mostly related to debug and test materials that were removed before release, including rooms, lights, backgrounds, and models. Below is a very long list of every single unused data file.
Data | Dependencies | Asset List |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamochiStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamochiStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamochiStep03.dn | :EXFlag:gfx/Confetti/Weapon/DededeEX/Vacuum.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserOhnishiStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserOhnishiStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugOhnishi01.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKenmochiStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKenmochiStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMorisitaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMorisitaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMorisitaStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugHaruka01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugHaruka02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHabutaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHabutaStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepLightUserNozue.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Nozue.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserYukata.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Yukata.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserKamochi.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kamochi.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserMinami.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Minami.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserHabuta.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Habuta.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserImamura.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Imamura.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKamiyama.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKenmochi.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserSuetsugu.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepLightUserMineshima.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Minsehima.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorTestDecoration.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepLightUserKenmochi.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kenmochi.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserKamiyama.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kamiyama.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserMorisita.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Morisita.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugKawahara01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugKawahara02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserHanyu.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKanno.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserNozue.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestTestStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep01.dn | :EXFlag:gfx/Confetti/Weapon/DededeEX/Vacuum.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKamiyamaStep10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel1Step01.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel1Step03.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel1Step04.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel1Step05.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel2Step01.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel2Step02.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel2Step03.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel2Step04.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel3Step01.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel3Step02.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel3Step03.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel3Step04.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationOldGameLevel3Step05.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugKikkawa01.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugKikkawa02.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNatsumiStep10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka2Step10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutaka3Step10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugMaejima01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugMaejima02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHondayuStep10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugUchida01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugUchida02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNozue01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserNozue02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMinami01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMinami02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHanyu01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHanyu02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHanyu03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHanyu04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserHanyu05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepLightUserKita.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kita.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserKanno.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kanno.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserNatsumi.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Natsumi.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserYutaka2.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Yutaka2.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserYutaka3.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Yutaka3.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserFuhmann.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserMineshima2.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserMineshima3.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserEtsuko.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserMinami.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserYutaka.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepLightUserSuetsugu.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Suetsugu.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugKazuyuki01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugKazuyuki02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserHondayu.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserImamura.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKamochi.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKikkawa.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKirinoe.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserNatsumi.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserOhnishi.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserYutaka2.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserYutaka3.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKitaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKitaStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepLightOldGameLevel1.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/OldGame/Level1.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightOldGameLevel2.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/OldGame/Level2.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightOldGameLevel3.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/OldGame/Level3.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightOldGameLevel4.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/OldGame/Level4.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightOldGameLevel5.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/OldGame/Level5.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserFuhmannStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserFuhmannStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserImamuraStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserImamuraStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepLightUserHanyu.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Hanyu.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshimaStep10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserMineshima.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima2Step10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserMineshima3Step10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorOldGameLevel1.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorOldGameLevel2.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorOldGameLevel3.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepLightUserKikkawa.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kikkawa.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserMineshima2.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Mineshima2.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserMineshima3.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Mineshima3.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserMorisita.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserYosikosi.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserMorisita.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDecorationStep01.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Test/Decoration/Step01/BG.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDecorationStep02.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Test/Decoration/Step02/BG.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDecorationStep03.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Test/Decoration/Step03/BG.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDecorationStep04.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Test/Decoration/Step04/BG.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDecorationStep05.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Decoration/Test/Decoration/Step05/BG.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepGimmickMapDecorUserKita.dn | Empty |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKirinoeStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKirinoeStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserSuetsuguStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserSuetsuguStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKikkawaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKrinoeStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYosiokiStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYosiokiStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugSakuma01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugSakuma02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugHanyu01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugHanyu02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugMukae01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationTestDebugMukae02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserEtsukoStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserEtsukoStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKannoStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserKannoStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep01.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep02.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep03.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep04.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep05.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep06.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep07.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep08.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep09.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepDecorationUserYutakaStep10.dn | Empty | |
ConfettiStepLightUserKirinoe.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Kirinoe.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserHondayu.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Hondayu.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserOhnishi.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Ohnishi.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightTestDecoration.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/Test/Decoration.bch.cmp |
ConfettiStepLightUserFuhmann.dn | Empty | gfx/Confetti/Light/User/Fuhmann.bch.cmp |
Regional Differences
English Text Differences
This game doesn't have much text, and it may be the modern Kirby game with the least amounts of text. Even then, much of the text in the game is vastly different between both American and European versions.
This text file has two different lines.
American English | European English |
Re-creating save data.... Please wait. | Recreating save data.... Please wait. |
Re-create save data? | Recreate save data? |
The largest text file in the game. It contains most of the text that appears in regular gameplay, and it has lots of text differences.
American English | European English |
Start over from the beginning? | Try again from the start? |
Biggest Hit | Best Hit Chain |
Time Remaining | Time Remaining: |
Defeat enemies in 3D stages, and try to get the highest score! | Defeat enemies in 3D stages and go for the high score! |
Press B to inhale/spit. Hold B and move to change direction. | Press to inhale! Hold B and move to take aim! |
Blast away those bad guys! | KO enemies with the bullet! |
Inhale multiple enemies to create a Blaster Bullet that'll KO more foes and up the score! | Inhale multiple enemies to create a Blaster Bullet that'll knock out more and up the score! |
You received some special gifts for playing Kirby: Planet Robobot! The Robobot Armor and Susie statues! | You've received some special gifts for playing Kirby: Planet Robobot: the Robobot Armour and Susie statues! |
One word was changed in one of the two text entries that exist within this file.
American English | European English |
Use of Miiverse is restricted in Parental Controls. | Use of Miiverse is restricted by Parental Controls. |
Most of the lines related to amiibo functionality were changed between regions.
American English | European English |
Connect Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer. | If you have a Nintendo 3DS NFC Reader/Writer, connect it now. |
Hold your amiibo over the Touch Screen. | If you have an amiibo, touch it to the lower screen. |
Hold your amiibo over the NFC Reader/Writer. | If you have an amiibo, touch it to the NFC reader/writer. |
The NFC reader/writer needs to be updated. Would you like to update? | An update is required for the NFC reader/writer. Would you like to update now? |
Before proceeding, enable wireless communication. | Wireless communication must be enabled. |
An infrared communication error occurred. Please reset the system and try again. | An infrared communication error occurred. Please restart the system and try again. |
Failed to communicate with the NFC reader/writer. Turn the NFC reader/writer off, and then try again. | Failed to communicate with the NFC reader/writer. Turn the NFC reader/writer off and on again, then try once more. |
If the problem continues, please refer to the Operations Manual or contact Nintendo Customer Service. | If the problem persists, please visit |
Build a statue with your amiibo! | Got amiibo? Build statues! |
Place a Kirby-series amiibo! | Scan a Kirby-series amiibo! |
Use a Kirby-series amiibo to build a statue in the Plaza that plays new music! | Kirby-series amiibo can be scanned to build statues in the Plaza that play new music! |
Want to use an amiibo? Follow the instructions above! | Place an amiibo as shown aboveto scan it. |
You used the [NAME] amiibo, and the [NAME] statue appeared in the Plaza! | You used the [NAME] amiibo and added a new type of statue to the Plaza! |
Some text related to the deletion of save data was changed.
American English | European English |
Are you sure? | Are you really sure? |
French Text Differences
The French translation of the game has less differences than the English version, but more than the Spanish version.
Canadian French | European French |
Avancer | Marcher |
Quitter et revenir sur la place? | Quitter et retourner au château? |
Max. de coup | Chaîne de coups |
Retour à la place | Retour au château |
Générique | Crédits |
Obtenez le plus haut pointage possible dans des étapes en 3D! | Obtenez le plus haut score possible dans des niveaux en 3D! |
Appuyez sur B pour aspirer ou expulser un objet. Maintenez B et utilisez [CIRCLE PAD] pour viser. | Appuyez sur B pour aspirer ou expulser un élément. Maintenez B et utilisez [CIRCLE PAD] pour viser. |
Aspirez plusieurs ennemis pour créer un tir puissant. Tirez sur plusieurs ennemis pour un meilleur pointage! | Aspirez plusieurs ennemis d'un coup pour créer un tir puissant et obtenir un meilleur score! |
Canadian French | European French |
Si vous disposez d'un lecteur/enregistreur CCP Nintendo 3DS, veuillez le connecter. | Si vous disposez d'un lecteur/enregistreur NFC Nintendo 3DS, veuillez le connecter. |
Touchez la zone CCP avec un amiibo, si vous en avez un. | Touchez la zone NFC avec un amiibo, si vous en avez un. |
Le lecteur/enregistreur CCP doit être mis à jour. Voulez-vous procéder à la mise à jour? | Le lecteur/enregistreur NFC doit être mis à jour. Voulez-vous procéder à la mise à jour? |
La communication avec le lecteur/enregistreur CCP a échoué. Redémarrez-le, puis réessayez. | La communication avec le lecteur/enregistreur NFC a échoué. Éteignez-le, puis allumez-le à nouveau, et réessayez. |
Si le problème persiste, consultez le mode d'emploi ou communiquez avec le service à la clientèle de Nintendo. | Si le problème persiste, visitez le site |
Obtenez une statue grâce à votre amiibo! | Vous avez un amiibo ? Obtenez une statue! |
Utilisez un amiibo de la série Kirby pour construire une statue sur la place. Celle-ci jouera une nouvelle musique! | Les amiibo de la série Kirby peuvent être utilisés pour ériger des statues et changer la musique du château ! |
Vous avez utilisé l'amiibo [NAME] et une statue de [NAME] est apparue sur la place! | Vous avez utilisé l'amiibo [NAME], et débloqué un nouveau type de statue! |
Canadian French | European French |
J'ai changé d'idée! | J'ai changé d'avis! |
Quitter le jeu et aller consulter la page de [GAME NAME] dans Nintendo eShop? | Quitter le jeu et aller consulter la page de [GAME NAME] dans le Nintendo eShop? |
Vous pouvez accéder à Nintendo eShop pour en savoir plus sur les autres jeux Kirby. | Vous pouvez accéder au Nintendo eShop pour en savoir plus sur d'autres jeux Kirby. |
Générique | Crédits |
Quel générique voulez-vous regarder? | Quelle séquence de crédits souhaitez-vous visionner ? |
Secret | Secrète |
Normal | Normale |
Spanish Text Differences
The Spanish translations of the game have less differences compared to the English and French version, but they're still noteworthy.
Latin American Spanish | Iberian Spanish |
¡[LEVEL] disponible! | ¡[LEVEL] desbloqueado! |
Guía | Tutorial |
Oprime B para absorber o escupir. Mantén oprimido B y utiliza [CIRCLE PAD] para apuntar. | Pulsa B para absorber o escupir. Mantén pulsado B y utiliza [CIRCLE PAD] para apuntar. |
¡Acábalos con el proyectil penetrante! | ¡Derrota a enemigos con la bala penetrante! |
¡Si derrotas a varios enemigos con el proyectil penetrante, tu puntuación subirá! | ¡Derrota a varios enemigos con la bala penetrante y tu puntuación subirá como la espuma! |
¡Has recibido premios por jugar Kirby: Planet Robobot!, la estatua de la armadura Robobot y la estatua de Susi. | ¡Has ganado premios por jugar a Kirby: Planet Robobot!: la estatua de la armadura Robobot y la estatua de Susi. |
Latin American Spanish | Iberian Spanish |
Toca con un amiibo la pantalla táctil. | Acerca un amiibo a la pantalla táctil. |
Toca con un amiibo el área NFC del lector/grabador de NFC. | Acerca un amiibo al área NFC del lector/grabador de NFC. |
Error de comunicación con el lector/grabador de NFC. Reinícialo y vuelve a intentarlo. | Error de comunicación con el lector/grabador de NFC. Apágalo y enciéndelo de nuevo, y vuelve a intentarlo. |
Si el problema persiste, consulta el manual, ponte en contacto con el Servicio al Cliente de Nintendo. | Si el problema continúa, visita |
¡Si usas un amiibo de la serie de Kirby, aparecerá una estatua con una melodía nueva en la plaza! | ¡Puedes usar amiibo de la serie de Kirby para que aparezcan nuevas estatuas y melodías en la plaza! |
¡Has usado el amiibo [NAME]! Ya puedes encontrar su estatua en la plaza. | Has usado un amiibo [NAME] y ya puedes encontrar un nuevo tipo de estatua en la plaza. ¡Échale un vistazo! |
Previously undocumented on the English and French text differences sections, this text file is used for the title screen. In this case, only the text telling the player that they can press the HOME button to go back to the HOME Menu was changed.
Latin American Spanish | Iberian Spanish |
Oprime ⌂ para volver al menú HOME. | Pulsa ⌂ para volver al menú HOME. |
Latin American Spanish | Iberian Spanish |
¿Te queda claro? | ¿Lo tienes claro? |
¿Quieres salir del juego e ir a la página de [GAME NAME] en Nintendo eShop? | ¿Quieres salir e ir a la página de [GAME NAME] en Nintendo eShop? |
Elige la secuencia de créditos que deseas ver. | Selecciona un vídeo. |
Internal Project Name
According to the game's sound archive, the internal project name is "Confetti", the same as Kirby 3D Rumble.
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- Games developed by HAL Laboratory
- Games published by Nintendo
- Nintendo 3DS games
- Games released in 2017
- Games released in July
- Games released on July 4
- Games released on July 6
- Games with unused animations
- Games with unused areas
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused models
- Games with regional differences
- Kirby series
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with regional differences
Games > Games by content > Games with unused animations
Games > Games by content > Games with unused areas
Games > Games by content > Games with unused models
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by HAL Laboratory
Games > Games by platform > Nintendo 3DS games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Nintendo
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2017
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 4
Games > Games by release date > Games released in July > Games released on July 6
Games > Games by series > Kirby series