Game Boy Player Start-Up Disc
Game Boy Player Start-Up Disc |
Developer: Nintendo This game has hidden development-related text. |
The Game Boy Player is a GameCube accessory that lets you play Game Boy, Game Boy Color, and Game Boy Advance games on your TV. Certain GBA games use a different color palette and/or enable controller rumble if it detects the Game Boy Player, although Game Boy/Color games don't get the enhancements they normally get in Super Game Boy.
It's not compatible with the Game Boy Advance Video carts due to the copyright holders of the shows/movies specifically telling Majesco not to, though frankly they'd look and sound horrible on a TV anyways.
Debugging Text
***Creating GbpSystemObject ***Allocating GbpSystemObject ***Creating Display object ***--Done ***Initializing JFramework ***-- Done GB-Video GB-Audio aramStrm Exit by DVD_FATAL_ERROR Mem S: %d , C: %d GP status %d%d%d%d%d%d --> GP hang due to XF stall bug. GP hang due to unterminated primitive. GP hang due to illegal instruction. GP appears to be not hung (waiting for input). GP is in unknown state. JFWDisplay :::Cannot alloc memory (0x%x byte). :::ERROR! appendUsedList :::Heap may be broken. (block = %x) :::: Bad Block :::addr %08x: bad heap signature. (%c%c) :::addr %08x: bad next pointer (%08x) abort :::addr %08x: bad previous pointer (%08x) :::addr %08x: bad used list(REV) (%08x) :::addr %08x: bad block size (%08x) :::bad total memory block size (%08X, %08X) :::there is some error in this heap! attr address: size gid aln prev_ptr next_ptr xxxxx %08x: -------- --- --- (-------- --------) abort %s %08x: %08x %3d %3d (%08x %08x) (Used Blocks) (Free Blocks) %d / %d bytes (%6.2f%%) used (U:%d F:%d) +---------------JKRExpHeap | Align Group size ( prev , next ) | %08x %2x %3d %6x (%08x %08x) | ---- FreeFirst | ---- FreeLast | ---- UsedFirst | ---- UsedLast +---------------End JKRThread:%x OSThread:%x Load:ID:%d (%s) JKRThreadSwitch: currentHeap destroyed. total: switch:%3d time:%d(%df) [%10s] switch:%5d cost:%2d.%d%% Cannot create JKRTask Manager. :::address not 32Byte aligned. direction = %x source = %x destination = %x length = %x :::??? bad sequence Sorry, not prepared for SZP archive. :::CompArchive: bad mode. illegal resource. cannot close DVD file :::Not support SZP with offset read JUTTexture: TLUT is NULL JUTResFont: Unknown data block SYSTEM RESET MACHINE CHECK EXTERNAL INTERRUPT ALIGNMENT FLOATING POINT DECREMENTER SYSTEM CALL PERFORMACE MONITOR BREAK POINT SYSTEM INTERRUPT THERMAL INTERRUPT PROTECTION F%02d:+Inf F%02d:-Inf F%02d: 0.0 F%02d:%+.3E FPR TRACE Address: BackChain LR save Suppress trace. %08X: %08X %08X CONTEXT:%08XH (%s EXCEPTION) FPE: Invalid operation Infinity - Infinity Infinity / Infinity Infinity * 0 Invalid compare Software request Invalid square root Invalid integer convert FPE: Overflow FPE: Underflow FPE: Zero division FPE: Inexact result SRR0:%08XH SRR1:%08XH DSISR:%08XH DAR:%08XH GPR R%02d:%08XH %s %s:%x section:%d GPRMAP R%02d: %08XH no information no register which seem to address. SRR0MAP SRR0: %08XH MSR:%08XH FPSCR:%08XH ******** EXCEPTION OCCURRED! ******** FrameMemory:%XH [%08X]: .%s [%08X: %XH] %s
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