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Action Replay (GameCube)

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Title Screen

Action Replay

Also known as: Pro Action Replay (JP)
Developer: Datel
Publishers: Datel (US/EU), Karat (JP)
Platform: Unlicensed GameCube
Released in JP: 2003
Released in US: November 3, 2003
Released in EU: 2003

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

The GameCube Action Replay was originally announced in North America under the GameShark brand, but the bankruptcy of InterAct's parent company prompted Datel to market the device themselves.

Hidden Message

Present at offset 0xA0 of the 2007 variant of the Action Replay disc is a message from Datel, asking Nintendo not to block their product in future Wii system updates.

Please do not exclude us from future revisions of the Wii firmware..............
If you could reinstate our prevoius products it would be a great help...........
Many thanks.....
Best Regards....
All at Datel....

A later Wii system update blocked Action Replay.

Regional Differences

Europe America Japan
ActionReplayGamecube-Menu-EU.jpg ActionReplayGamecube-1.06-Menu-US.png ActionReplayGamecube-Menu-JP.jpg

The Japanese release of the 2003 variant lacks a dedicated Freeloader main menu option. It is unknown whether it was moved, removed, or combined with the regular boot option.

Revisional Differences

"Classic" "2007"
US 1.06+ US 1.12+ EU 1.0E EU unlabeled
ActionReplayGamecube-1.06-Icon-US.png ActionReplayGamecube-1.12-Icon-US.png ActionReplayGamecube-1.0E-Icon-EU.png ActionReplayGamecube-unlabeled-Icon-EU.png
ActionReplayGamecube-1.06-Banner-US.png ActionReplayGamecube-1.12-Banner-US.png Epic fail! ActionReplayGamecube-unlabeled-Banner-EU.png
ActionReplayGamecube-1.06-Splash-US.png Not many Americans read Italian... and Nintendo certainly doesn't support AR the way a table or shelf does Action Replay (GameCube)-title.png
¡¡Comic SAAANS!! Now with animated background ActionReplayGamecube-1.0E-Menu-EU.png no photo
ActionReplayGamecube-1.06-EjectDisc-US.png ActionReplayGamecube-1.12-EjectDisc-US.png ActionReplayGamecube-1.0E-EjectDisc-EU.png no photo

Following a series of updates, the 2007 variant is a substantial overhaul:

  • Wii compatibility (until Nintendo blocked it).
  • Redesigned, more colorful menus.
  • The notorious removal of the ability to enter your own codes.
  • Integrated SD Media Launcher functionality.