The Cutting Room Floor
The Cutting Room Floor ir vietne, kas veltīta videospēļu neizmantotā satura atklāšanai un izpētei. No atkļūdošanas izvēlnēm līdz neizmantotām dziesmām, attēliem, ienaidniekiem vai līmeņiem, daudzām spēlēm ir saturs, kas nekad netika paredzēts to redzēt ikvienam, izņemot pašiem izstrādātājiem — vai pat bija reiz domāts to redzēt visiem, bet laika vai budžeta dēļ tā nenotika.
Jūtieties brīvi pārlūkot mūsu spēļu kopumu un sākt lasīt! Esat gavati jau pētījumiem? Ielūkojaties nepabeigtajos rakstos, varbūt varēsiet mums izpalīdzēt. Ir tikai kāda sena atmiņa ar kādu neizmantotu izvēlni vai līmeni, ko pirms daudziem gadiem redzējāt, bet vairs neatceraties, kā tam piekļūt? Nekautrējaties izveidot lapu ar redzēto, un mēs apskatīsim. Ja vēlaties palīdzēt uzturēt šo vietni un palīdzēt spēļu pētījumu turpināšanai, labprāt varat arī ziedot.
Piedāvātais raksts
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Released: 1996–1999, Game Boy
Pokémon Red and Blue brought new popularity to a handheld far in its lifespan whilst introducing monster-catching RPG mechanics to a much wider audience. It resulted in massive success both in Japan and eventually in its overseas launch, paving way for Pokémania for the latter and eventually becoming one of the best-selling Game Boy games of all time.
The game appears to suffer from notorious glitches and oddities hidden within the code, from a completely different internal Pokédex order all the way up to the infamous Missingno. Pokémon. If that isn't enough, many enigmatic prerelease media and developmental leaks give hints scrapped features, and even Pokémon designs that never made it to the final!
Visu piedāvāto rakstu kopsavilkumiDid You Know...
- ...that the 1986 game Ganso Saiyuuki has a filthy message from the game's designer?
- ...that in Portal 2, the two people in co-op were once not robots, but Chell and Mel, a palette-swap?
- ...that Cool World (DOS) warns against the consumption of lots of ice-cream, prunes, and grape juice?
- ...that Syphon Filter has an unused video from Bubsy 3D?
- ...that Life Force has over 20 pieces of unused music?
- ...that inside the Mario Kart Arcade GP ROM, there exists a picture of the Beslan school hostage crisis, a major terrorist attack?
- ...that at least 26 games released on today's date have articles?
Ieguldījumu sniegšana
Vēlaties dot savu ieguldījumu? Neesat pārliecināti, kur sākt? Apmeklējiet palīdzības lapu, lai uzzinātu visu, kas jums nepieciešams uzsākšanai, ieskaitot...
- Pamācība rakstu izveidei un rediģēšanai
- Norādes, kas palīdzēs atrast atkļūdošanas režīmus, neizmantotos attēlus, noslēptos līmeņus un daudz ko citu
- Saraksts ar visu, kas vēl jādara
- Bieži sastopamas lietas, kas ir atrodamas simtiem dažādās spēlēs
Mums arī ir apjomīgs spēļu saraksts, kurām vēl nav lapu vai ir lapas ar nepieciešamību paplašinājumam. Aplūkojiet tās!
Piedāvātā datne
The 1991 Alpha is a very early build of Super Mario Kart that appears to be a general driving test.
The uncompiled code can be found in other.7z/NEWS.7z/テープリストア/NEWS_05/NEWS_05.tar/home/kimura/exp. The code files are dated from April 18 to July 25, 1991. Besides the code files, precompiled Intel-Hex files are also included in the same folder, called sfx-exp.hex and sfx-back.hex.
The earlier version (sfx-back.hex) dated June 10, 1991, is 15 days older than sfx-exp.hex, which is dated June 25. Besides a different main menu, there are also some small differences in-game:
• There is only one driver graphic loaded but with three different palettes.
• Characters (or actually the color palettes) cannot be selected. Player 1 will load the first driver palette and Player 2 the second one. Four of the other six "opponents" load the third palette, while two of them use the ones from the human players.
• Additional changes below: