The Cutting Room Floor
The Cutting Room Floor 는 비디오 게임에서 사용되지 않은 부분, 잘린 부분에 대한 정보를 연구하기 위해 만들어진 사이트입니다. 많은 게임들에는 예산, 시간 등의 이유로 나오지 못한 데이터들, 개발자 이외의 사람들에게 보여지지 않았던 데이터들(디버그 메뉴, 사용하지 않은 음악, 그래픽, 적, 레벨에 관한 정보 등)이 존재합니다.
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알찬 글
Developer: Active Enterprises
Publisher: Active Enterprises
Released: 1991, Unlicensed NES
Action 52 is easily one of the most infamous unlicensed titles for the NES. From the rushed 3 month development with inexperienced college students programming the game to the (then) laughable $199 price tag for 52 buggy games, it has been widely mocked since its release. It's also become a gateway into unlicensed video games, partially due to how legendarily bad the game has become.
This legendary badness has resulted in people hacking the game open to see what's been hiding inside. Given the lack of development time and the large cartridge space, quite a fair amount has been found inside of the game. This includes small little graphics here and there like (The) French Baker's title screen, unused levels like those for Billy Bob, and partially implemented ideas like Bubble Gum Rosy driving.
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- 글을 만들고 편집하는 것에 대한 지침서
- 디버그 모드, 미사용된 그래픽들, 숨겨진 레벨들, 그리고 그 외의 것들을 찾는 것에 대한 안내
- 해야 할 것들의 목록
- 수백개의 게임들에서 찾아볼 수 있는 일반적인 것들
또한 아직 페이지가 없거나 확장이 필요한 페이지가 있는 게임 목록도 있습니다. 확인해 보세요!
Featured File
The 1991 Alpha is a very early build of Super Mario Kart that appears to be a general driving test.
The uncompiled code can be found in other.7z/NEWS.7z/テープリストア/NEWS_05/NEWS_05.tar/home/kimura/exp. The code files are dated from April 18 to July 25, 1991. Besides the code files, precompiled Intel-Hex files are also included in the same folder, called sfx-exp.hex and sfx-back.hex.
The earlier version (sfx-back.hex) dated June 10, 1991, is 15 days older than sfx-exp.hex, which is dated June 25. Besides a different main menu, there are also some small differences in-game:
• There is only one driver graphic loaded but with three different palettes.
• Characters (or actually the color palettes) cannot be selected. Player 1 will load the first driver palette and Player 2 the second one. Four of the other six "opponents" load the third palette, while two of them use the ones from the human players.
• Additional changes below: