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Pac-Man World 3 (PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Windows, PlayStation Portable)

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Title Screen

Pac-Man World 3

Developers: Namco, Blitz Games
Publisher: Namco
Platforms: PlayStation 2, GameCube, Xbox, Windows, PlayStation Portable
Released in US: November 15, 2005 (PS2/GCN), November 17, 2005 (Xbox), December 6, 2005 (PSP), December 8, 2005 (PC)
Released in EU: May 5, 2006 (PS2/GCN), May 5, 2006 (Xbox), June 2, 2006 (PSP), August 4, 2006 (PC)

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

The final entry in the Pac-Man World series. By far the most controversial in the series, and potentially contains the most unused content.

To do:


Unused Dialogue
They couldn't decide which phallic joke to use.

Build Dates

To do:
  • Verify the build dates for the console versions.
  • Add the EU PlayStation 2, NA GameCube, and PSP versions.

Present in the game's executable.

Version Hex Address Build Date
NA PlayStation 2 0636D000 - 0636D020
Tue Sep 27 11:39:56 2005
NA Xbox 0CDB1A000 - 0CDB1A020
Wed Sep 28 12:25:40 2005
EU Xbox 0D8BC8000 - 0D8BC8020
Tue Mar 7 10:58:56 2006
EU GameCube 0A2D0000 - 0A2D0020
Mon Apr 10 16:55:49 2006
Windows 00354FD0 - 00354FE0
Mon May 8 11:14:29 2006

Developer Messages

The game contains many internal development messages across versions. "Alex" and "Steve" are likely Blitz Games programmers Alex Vokes and Steve Bonds, who are listed in the game's credits.

Version Hex Addresses Message
Windows 00336CA0 - 00336CF0 Cannot Find Panel %d, Please rebuild the overlay worlds or kick Alex to check in the file
Windows 00336F00 - 00336F60 Cannot Find Widget %d, Please rebuild the overlay worlds or kick Alex to check in the file
Windows 0033C570 - 0033C5C0 SetFullScreenEffect is no longer used. PLease talk to Steve if you see this message
Windows 0033C5D0 - 0033C620 FSE_AlterFocussedWibble is no longer used. PLease talk to Steve if you see this message.
PlayStation 2 202DB3C0 - 202DB400 ...trying to do read again.....playing error...Tray opened? Kicked PS2?
PlayStation 2 004A2B60 - 004A2BD0 Deleting a menu item that isn't the last in the list may cause crashes. Recommend deleting items in reverse order


Missing Intro

For some reason, the scene at the start of the game of Pac-Man falling down to Bot Boneyard is missing in the NA GameCube version. This was fixed in the EU release.

Incorrect Portrait

On the GameCube and Xbox versions, during Orson's final line in Gogekka Central, the subtitles incorrectly use the portrait for the Gogekka construction worker. The Windows, PlayStation Portable, and PlayStation 2 versions use the correct portrait.

Pinky Eye Color Subtitle Oddity

The cutscenes that are rendered in engine in the console versions are presented as FMV's in the PlayStation Portable version. Due to the subtitles being baked into the video files, separate FMV's are used depending if subtitles are turned on or off. As a result, the cutscenes may differ slightly. The cutscene where Pinky is introduced has a strange quirk where her eye color changes depending on the setting. They are black with subtitles off, and grey with subtitles on.

Her eyes are usually black on PlayStation 2 and grey in all other versions. The video file with subtitles on resembles the Xbox version with the grey eyes and unanimated sludge.

Subtitles Off Subtitles On
ULUS10055 000044.jpg ULUS10055 00006 - Copy.jpg