Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (NES)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back |
Also known as: Star Wars: Teikoku no Gyakushuu (JP)
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To do: Document the prototype. |
The NES version of Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back is a ridiculously difficult side-scroller based on the classic 1980 movie.
"Choose the force!"
Sound Test
Press Left + Select simultaneously at the "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far, away..." screen. Press Select to cycle between "musical sequences", "empire soundfx", and "digital sounds".
Developer Credits
In the first level, head leftward through the caves until you reach a large textureless wall of ice. This wall can be destroyed in places with your blaster or lightsaber. Once through, climb all the way up until you reach a Force Power item. Collecting this item will trigger a brief credits sequence featuring pictures of the developers.
Uncompiled Code
The US and European version have some code starting at 0xFEE5, while the Japanese version has some different code starting at 0x13E1A. These fragments have been combined here for the sake of completeness.
BESPIN.CHR ;BANK $C4 ORG $1DE0,12,C INCL 'FONTC.CHR ;************************************ ;* ;* SPEEDER SCENE BACKGROUNDS ;* ;************************************ ORG $2000,12,C ;BANK $C8 INCL 'LUKEK.CHR ;LUKE ATTACKING WALKER ORG $2400,12,C ;BANK $C9 INCL 'REBE H.2001 ;SETUP LEFT SIDE SCREEN BLANKING LDA #$FF STA SPEEDER.INT ;ACTIVATE SPLIT SCREEN MODE JSR SET.DO.UNBLANK JMP SPEEDER.SCENE RTS BEQ .10 ;- NO JMP .RESTART .10 LDY #0 JSR SET.CAPOS JSR MOVE.CAMERA LDA #0 STA XOFFSET+1 LDA #1 STA YOFFSET+1 LDX #0 JSR MOVE.OBJECT LDA OBJ.YPOSHI LDX OBJ.YPOSLO CMP #5 BNE .15 CPX #$A0 ;TIME FOR TILE SET SWITCH? BNE .15 ;- NO LDA CHANGE2 STA TILE.LIST LDA CHANGE2+1 STA TILE.LIST+1 LDA CHANGE2+2 STA SCREEN.LIST LDA CHANGE2+3 STA SCREEN.LIST+1 LDA CHANGE2+4 STA TILE.INFO LDA CHANGE2+5 STA TILE.INFO+1 JMP .LOOP2 .15 CMP #6 BCC .LOOP2 CPX #$30 ;TIME FOR COLOR PALETTE $74,$20 ; 137 DB $20,$3C,$60,$94,$C8,$B8,$50,$A0,$74,$40,$B4,$68,$10,$50,$E0,$40 ; 138 DB $28,$54,$2A,$76,$55,$3F,$15,$0E,$74,$20,$74,$00,$3A,$08,$0F,$01 ; 139 DB $80,$C0,$A0,$A8,$AF,$A9,$A8,$A9,$00,$00,$40,$40,$40,$46,$47,$47 ; 140 DB $01,$03,$03,$05,$07,$C5,$25,$25,$00,$00,$00,$02,$00,$02,$C2,$C2 ; 141 DB $02,$02,$87,$05,$44,$A2,$31,$D0,$0C,$04,$08,$08,$08,$04,$02,$C0 ; 142 DB $72,$2A,$34,$1D,$1F,$0F,$04,$00,$40,$40,$40,$20,$20,$10,$08,$05 ; 143 DB $80,$90,$D8,$48,$28,$48,$28,$08,$
- Pages missing developer references
- Games developed by Lucasfilm Games
- Games developed by Sculptured Software
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by JVC Music
- Games published by Victor Musical Industries
- NES games
- Pages missing date references
- Games released in 1992
- Games released in March
- Games with uncompiled source code
- Games with hidden developer credits
- Games with hidden sound tests
- Pages with a Data Crystal link
- To do
- Star Wars series
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Cleanup > To do
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer credits
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden sound tests
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by content > Pages with a Data Crystal link
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by LucasArts > Games developed by Lucasfilm Games
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Throwback Entertainment > Games developed by Acclaim Entertainment > Games developed by Acclaim Studios Salt Lake City > Games developed by Sculptured Software
Games > Games by platform
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by JVC > Games published by JVC Music
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by JVC > Games published by Victor Entertainment > Games published by Victor Musical Industries
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1992
Games > Games by release date > Games released in March
Games > Games by series > Star Wars series
The Cutting Room Floor > Unimportant Awards > NES games