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User:Bond007/Star Wars: Dark Forces

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Title Screen

Star Wars: Dark Forces

Developer: LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Platforms: Windows, DOS
Released in US: February 28, 1995

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.

Sometimes known simply as Dark Forces.

Early levels


The first mission initially look place on a Star Destroyer, as indicated by this beta screenshot. The level design was ultimately scrapped, as the mission was thought to be too hard to start off with.

Unused areas

Secret base

SWDF-Rebellion's Hope.png

In the official instruction manual, the first level is named "Rebellion's Hope." In the final game, it is named "Secret Base."



Some levels have parts outside the boundaries of the level, visible on the overhead map when you use the LACDS code. These artifacts may be leftover parts of the level that couldn't be used in the final design. Anoat has a few such artifacts, visible in the screenshot. You can reach them with the LANTFH code.

Research facility


There are several clusters of map artifacts here.

Robotics facility


More map artifacts. If you teleport into some of them, you will lose health as if you're being hit with poison gas.

Nar Shaddaa

There's an inaccessible elevator toward the start of the level. Its locked door is visible when you drop down to the first lower level. You can only get into the elevator with the LANTFH teleport code. It's possible to open the door, but the elevator doesn't go up or down.

SWDF-Nar door.png
SWDF-Nar door 2.png