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Mega Man 9

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Title Screen

Mega Man 9

Also known as: Rockman 9: Yabou no Fukkatsu!! (JP)
Developer: Inti Creates
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: WiiWare, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
Released in JP: September 24, 2008 (WiiWare), June 24, 2009 (PS3/360)
Released in US: September 22, 2008 (WiiWare), September 25, 2008 (PS3), October 1, 2008 (360)
Released in EU: September 25, 2008 (PS3), September 26, 2008 (WiiWare), October 1, 2008 (360)

EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Mega Man 9 is a lovingly-crafted throwback to the glory days of the series, with a plot which is a flimsy excuse for Dr. Wily to stir up trouble again and for Mega Man to go fight a new horde of Robot Masters (notably including Splash Woman, the first female Robot Master in the series). All this, with graphics that would be at home on the NES.

This game and the sequel wouldn't be rereleased on a newer console until 2018.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Unused Sprites

Mega Man and Proto Man have throwing animations like the ones used by Mega Man in the first four NES games, but none of the weapons in this game can be thrown. However, both sets of sprites, including Proto Man's, would later on be used for the Rebound Striker weapon in Mega Man 10.

MM9 Missing Skateboard.PNG

What appears to be a skateboarding robot. Interestingly, there is an animation for the robot to fall off the board, an action rather unusual for the Mega Man series (usually, the pilot is destroyed and the vehicle remains).

MM9 Missing Enemy.png

A squirrel-like robot that appears to be able to fly or fire with its tail.

Unused Sounds

Charge Sounds

To do:
  • Obtain a proper rip of the below sounds. BrawlBox currently overflows/crashes when trying to rip them proper.
  • Find out if these exist in the PS3/360/Legacy Collection versions.

Located in the sound effect archive for the Wii version are charge sounds reminiscent of Mega Man 4-6. While this may indicate Mega Man was once planned to have his own charge shot, it could have also been a placeholder for Proto Man's charge shot.

Name Audio Notes
Seemingly based on Mega Man 4's charge loop, but with some slight distinctions.
Notably unique compared to the previous two, as it seems to be a less refined "classic" version of a charge shot. Consequently, it also sounds similar to the sound for splashing into water.

Of note is that these sounds are collectively the second entry in the sound effects folder, whereas the Proto Man charging sound effects are placed after the last Special Weapon sound effect (Magma Bazooka's own charging sounds).

(Source: Gannio)

Unused Room

MM9 ConcreteMan Unused Room.png

One unused room can be found in Concrete Man's stage data. The 2×1 blocks on the walls that form a dome over another platform are fake walls that can be slid through. This suggests that either Mega Man was originally going to be able to slide, or this room was already made with Proto Man's slide ability in mind.

(Source: Accuracy#1015)

Regional Differences

Title Screen

International Japan
MM9 Title.PNG MM9 - Title Screen (Japan).png

As in previous games, the Japanese version's title screen uses the Rockman name. It also has a subtitle, which translates to "The Ambition's Revival!!".

Dr. Light Emblem

International Japan
DLN (Tornado Man stage color) DRN

As Dr. Light is known as Dr. Right in Japan, the emblem that appears in the boss doors of the first eight stages uses an "R" in Japan and an "L" elsewhere.

Revisional Differences

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2

WiiWare/PlayStation 3 Xbox 360/Legacy Collection 2

For some reason, the song "We're The Robots" for Dr. Wily's Stage 2 has different instrumentation between the Wii/PS3 and Xbox 360 versions. The official soundtrack CD from Capcom matches the 360 version. Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 also uses the 360 version, which would suggest that the port of Mega Man 9 included in the aforementioned collection is the latter version.

Similar differences are applied in Concrete Man's stage and Wily Machine.


  • The opening is now displayed after the title screen, rather than as soon as the game is booted.
    • The Inti Creates logo is no longer displayed, though they are still credited during the staff roll.
  • Anything that was originally paid DLC can now be accessed by completing the game or entering a cheat code (↑, ↓, ←, →, ←, →, ↓, ↑, ↑, ↓) on the title screen.
  • Via the "Extra Challenges" mode, Proto Man is now able to battle against the DLC boss, Fake Man, which was not possible in the original game. However, the full stage itself is still not accessible to Proto Man.