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Mega Man V

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Title Screen

Mega Man V

Also known as: Rockman World 5 (JP)
Developer: Minakuchi Engineering
Publisher: Capcom
Platforms: Game Boy, Super Game Boy
Released in JP: July 22, 1994
Released in US: September 10, 1994
Released in EU: 1994

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
EnemyIcon.png This game has unused enemies.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

Mega Man V is the last Game Boy Mega Man game, and the only one with Super Game Boy functionality. It's also the only one to feature all new bosses instead of recycled robot masters.


Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info

Debug Content

Debug Menu

Function, darn you!

A debug mode is located in the game. Use the Game Genie codes C55-0CF-2AA+045-0DF-E6B to access it via soft-reset button combination (A + B + Select + Start). It's largely the same as the Mega Man IV menu (both games were made by the same team), with some additions.

  • C1-C4 are the crystals in the latter four Stardroid's stages.
  • CL is the Grab Attack.
  • MH is the Magnet Hand.
  • PG is the Power Generator.
  • MSGNO displays texts by ID. When a message is over, "END" message appears on the screen.

Mega Man V (GB)-messagetest.png

  • NRB - Level of Mega Arm enhancement upon receiving a game over a number of times.
  • SSA-SSB - Writes a value to the Super Game Boy's sound ports. By default, it plays sound effects from the built-in sound driver loaded when the system is switched on. It's unclear if Minakuchi wanted to add Super Game Boy sound support for the game (Similar to The King of Fighters: Heat of Battle, which does use the default SGB sound effects in gameplay), or it's merely an experimental leftover.

As for the Stage IDs...

  • 01: Mercury
  • 02: Venus
  • 03: Mars
  • 04: Neptune
  • 05: Jupiter
  • 06: Saturn
  • 07: Pluto
  • 08: Uranus
  • 09: Dark Moon
  • 0A: Terra
  • 0B: Sunstar
  • 0C: Space shooter stage
  • 0D: Wily Star
  • 0E: L+R Knuckle
  • 0F: Got Weapon screen
  • 10: Dr. Light opening scene
  • 11: Neptune interior
  • 12: Brain Crusher
  • 13: Stage Select
  • 14: Post-Dark Moon cutscene
  • 15: Wily Star cutscene
  • 16: Sunstar cutscene
  • 17: Wily Star-Before L+R Knuckle
  • 18: Opening
  • 19: First fight against Terra
  • 1A: Stardroid invasion
  • 1B: Escape from Wily Star-Part 1
  • 1C: Escape from Wily Star-Part 2
  • 1D: Wily Star descruction
  • 1E: Ending
  • 1F: Thank You For Playing screen

Miscellaneous Debug Text

The following text seems to be for debugging purposes, but it isn't actually used anywhere. Text starts at 0x4036A in the ROM. Similar debug routines may be found in the previous version of this game.


(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Enemies

Cutting Wheel

Dude, you don't give up...
Object ID: $01
This leftover enemy from Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge works exactly the same as it did in Mega Man III and Mega Man IV. Which is to say, not very as its proper code is still missing and it despawns immediately. On top of that, its graphics have also been cut down to a single tile just like the previous game.


MMV - Cannon.gif

Object ID: $18
A cannon enemy that is not used in any stage of the game. It fires a large projectile that bursts into four smaller projectiles, and otherwise remains still. However, when approached, it will start quickly moving from side to side, firing at random.

Firing Normal Projectile Explosion
MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon)2.gif MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon).gif MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon Projectile).png MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon Projectile)2.png MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon Projectile)3.png MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon Projectile)4.png MMV - Unused Enemy (Cannon Projectile)5.png

Test Enemy

MMV - Test Enemy.gif

Object IDs: $0A, $1A, $24, $39, $48 and $49
A Pac-Man-esque pair of eyes that blinks rapidly. It's unknown what it's actually supposed to do, but it is likely a test enemy.

MMV - Unused Enemy (Eyes).gif

Antenna Enemy

MMV - Antenna Enemy V2.gif

Object ID: $35
An enemy with a pair of antennae. It starts by moving toward Mega Man, and when close enough will move its antennae backward and move back until it hits a wall, shooting through one of its antennae. It will also jump when it's at the edge of a platform.

Walking Jump Moving Attacking
MMV - Unused Enemy (Antenna Walking1).png MMV - Unused Enemy (Antenna Jump).gif MMV - Unused Enemy (Antenna Moving).gif MMV - Unused Enemy (Antenna Walking2).png

Drill Enemy

You again? lol

Object ID: $44
A simple drill enemy that was originally going to be used in the previous game but also ended up being unused. Its appearance is very similar to the Drillun from Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge, also unused. Though recognized as a valid enemy by the game's code, it calls a "dummy" function that causes it to immediately despawn if placed in a level.

Unused Graphics


Debugging Font

MMIV - Font Tools (Unused).png

Some unused tiles that were possibly used as part of debugging tools.

Numbers Font

MMV - Unused Font.png

An unused font of numbers ranging from 0 to 9.

Lowercase Font

MMV - Font 2 (Unused Graphics).png

Much like the previous game, this font is technically used, but once again the game rarely uses any of the characters outside of the uppercase letters, numbers and basic punctuation, once again due to it being a recycled asset from the Game Boy Bionic Commando.

Others Graphics


MMIV - Unused Explosion.png

Explosion graphics leftover from Mega Man IV. These were used while escaping Ballade's stage.

Unused Weapon Behavior

To do:
Find if some of the behaviors are intentional or is due to removed code.

Despite being only used in a cutscene, Mega Man's traditional Mega Buster is actually fully programmed into the game and actually has different behavior from it's previous incarnation.

  • Fully Charged Shots pierce enemies: it does damage as long as it's in a hitbox and the hitbox isn't in an invulnerable state, akin to Rolling Cutter in the first NES and Gameboy games.
  • Half Charged Shots behave as Fully Charged Shots, so even a small partial charge causes a full charge to be shot.
  • Half Charged Shots don't have a cooldown, so rapid firing Charge Shots is possible.
  • Firing a Charge Shot incurs knockback like in the previous game (you can see this behavior used in the intro). However, it now has added behaviors such as forcing a ladder drop when that happens, and even contains code to have the knockback change based on the stage gravity, a behavior some stages modify. A quirk of the gravity change results in the player being able to fire Charge Shots while jumping to gain even more height.

Additionally, the upgrades given to the Mega Arm after multiple Game Overs is also applied to the Mega Buster, although it merely shares the projectile speed and charge speed upgrades the Mega Arm gets, instead of the previous game's unique upgrade effects.

(Source: Kak2x, forple)

Unused Damage Values

To do:
Replace the video, since it was recorded using a modified ROM hack. A table of the exact values would also be nice.

By changing the value of memory address $C2F3 from 00 to 01, Mega Man can use the Deep Digger weapon anywhere outside of select stages. Certain Stardroids and other bosses take damage from the weapon, especially Wily's 1st phase which takes 4 damage per hit (and skips the second phase).

A video demonstration can be found below.

Deep Digger in Stardroids
Boss Damage
Venus 01
Jupiter 01
Mars 01
Saturn 00
Neptune 01
Pluto 01
Mercury 01
Uranus 00
Terra 04
Deep Digger in Other Bosses
Boss Damage
Dark Moon 01
Enker 00
Quint 01
Punk 01
Ballade 01
L & R Knuckle 00
Brain Crusher 1st 04
Brain Crusher 2nd 04
Sunstar 01


  • Dark Moon takes 3 damage from Electric Shock and 1 from Spark Chaser. It is immune to Black Hole.
  • Terra is immune to Spark Chaser.

Alternate Neptune Stage Palette

Normal Palette (Stage ID #4) Alternate Palette (Stage ID #11)
Blue... ...or green? Answer: blue.

Stage ID 11 is a duplicate of Neptune's stage's interior. The only difference is the SGB palette. This alternate palette is used nowhere else in the game.

Presumably you were meant to warp here from the exterior part of Neptune's stage, but the final version has the exterior and interior parts under the same stage ID.

(Source: Original TCRF research)

Unused Music

This game contains a whopping 6 unused tracks! Unlike Mega Man IV, these don't appear to be variants on used tracks. There's also one track that's never heard in its entirety. Game Genie codes ??0-BAB-3B3 + 11D-18E-4C2 will play any song ID at the title screen.

Alternate Fanfare

Another take on the music used after Wily Star explodes. ID 74

Placeholder Fanfare

This track originates from Mega Man IV, where it's used after defeating Wily. It's probably included here as a placeholder for the new fanfare. ID 71

Placeholder Sting

A short dramatic sting, this is another track taken directly from Mega Man IV. ID 5B

Rush Space

This track is used five times in the game (i.e. when Mega Man first goes to space, when he heads for the Wily Star, during the transition between the giant hands and Dr. Wily, during the transition between Dr. Wily and Sunstar, and during Mega Man's escape from the Wily Star), but the last 18 seconds are never heard during normal play, nor does it ever get a chance to loop. ID 63

Unknown Song

A song of unknown purpose placed immediately after the alternate fanfare by ID. ID 75

Unused Stage Track #1

A discarded track for a normal stage. This is sandwiched with the first four Stardoid tracks. Given its placement, and the position of Venus' final track as the last music piece by ID, this might have been the original theme for that stage. ID 5F

Unused Stage Track #2

Another unused track for a normal stage, this one is placed with the last four Stardroid tracks. Given this placement, it's possible this theme was intended for a mini-stage prior to Terra's boss battle, as was the case with Punk and Ballade. In the final game, selecting Terra brings you to a one-screen arena where only the boss music is heard. ID 66

(Source: Bean1227, nensondubois for access method and proper song IDs)

Regional Differences

Title Screen

Japan USA Europe
MMVTitleJ.png MMVTitleU.png MMVTitleE.png

Grab Buster

Japan International
MMVWeaponJ.png MMVWeaponW.png
  • Mercury's weapon is known as the Grab Buster internationally, but the Snatch Buster in Japan. It's possible this was done due to "snatch" also being a slang term for the female genitalia.

Intermission Screen

Japan International
MMVInterJ.png MMVINterW.png
  • As per his name change, "Right Lab" was altered to "Light Lab" on the screen after getting a new weapon.


  • The leader of the Stardroids is named Earth in Japan and Terra elsewhere. However, his weapon, the Spark Chaser, is labeled EA (instead of TE) on the HUD and the pause menu in all regions.
  • The final boss' name was changed from Sungod to Sunstar outside Japan, presumably because of Nintendo of America's policies on religious content at the time.