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Plankton's Patty Plunder

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Title Screen

Plankton's Patty Plunder

Developer: Workinman Interactive
Publisher: Nick.com
Platforms: Adobe Flash, HTML5
Released internationally: 2013 (Adobe Flash), 2015 (HTML5)

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.

As it turns out, Plankton's stubby feet can't help him stand up after entering his so-called infiltration sphere, so Karen has to move him around in order for him to reach Mr. Krabs' secret formula.

Unused Text

assets/bootstrap/config/translation_en.xml contains a bunch of unused text strings, all labeled as "Debug Text". Notably, there are strings associated with the intro and ending comics; given there are duplicate xml files with the suffixes "cn" (Chinese), "jp" (Japanese), "kr" (Korean), "la", and "ru" (Russian), they might have been displayed during these scenes; the final game has the text be embedded on the images instead.

<string id="continuenextlevel" fontName="Basic" fontScale="1" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	Click Anywhere to Continue

<string id="comic1.1" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	Today I shall get my hands on that krabby patty secret formula
<string id="comic1.2" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	Karen, you'll hack into Krabs' security system and disable any alarms.
<string id="comic1.3" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	While I sneak in through the vents.
<string id="comic1.4" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	In my brand new protective infiltration sphere!

<string id="comic2.1" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".4" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	15 minutes later
<string id="comic2.2" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".4" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
<string id="comic2.3" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".4" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	Wiggle Wiggle
<string id="comic2.4" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".4" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">

<string id="comic3.1" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	The Krabby Patty secret formula... It's finally mine!
<string id="comic3.2" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	Come to Papa
<string id="comic3.3" fontName="Basic2" fontScale=".2" offsetX="0" offsetY="0">
	This plan might need some re-thinking

Unused Graphics

pattyplunder_introcomic1.jpg and pattyplunder_introcomic2.jpg, found in the directory assets/initial_load/ui/comic, are unused textless versions of the intro comic graphics. They might be linked to the unused text strings noted above.


Likewise, pattyplunder_endcomic.jpg, found in the same directory, is a textless version of the ending comic graphic.
