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SpongeBob SquarePants: Belly Bounce

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Title Screen

SpongeBob SquarePants: Belly Bounce

Developer: THIS IS POP
Publisher: Nick.com
Platform: HTML5
Released internationally: 2015

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.

In this game, SpongeBob bounces on Patrick's stomach... Enough said.

Unused Graphics

menu_ref.jpg is a screenshot from Return to Monster Island that was once used as a reference image for the pause menu.

SBSP-Belly Bounce-menu ref.jpg

Unused Fonts

Basic.png is, as the name suggests, a basic font.

SBSPBellyBounce BasicFont.png

ui_spongeboy.png is a pink font that was possibly used for early UI, as all of them have an SBSP logo-like font and a black font flattened inside all of the files.

SBSPBelly Bounce UiSpongeBoyFont.png

Development Text

The configuration file contains descriptions to tell developers what to do with the elements and examples of how the elements work.

    <!-- SERVICES -->
    <!-- Enable, disable, and configure services here -->

	<!-- Define packs and flump folders to be loaded later -->
    	<!-- EX
    	<pack id="pack_folder1"/>
    	<pack id="pack_folder2">
      		<flump id="flump_folder"/>

    <!-- CHUNKS -->
    <!-- Define larger bundles of chunks and packs to load -->
    	<!-- EX
    	<chunk id="chunk">

These messages can be found at the beginning of every translation file.

<!--<translation attributes>-->
<!-- defaultFont dictates the font (based on the id set in fonts.xml) that all fields will use unless fontId is specified within that field's individual tag.-->

<!-- <Node Attributes> -->
<!-- id is not Optional. It tells flash which text field to change. -->
<!-- fontScale is Optional. It allows you to customize the size of the font used in this particular field. 1 is normal. 2 is double size. .5 is half size. Defaults to 1.-->
<!-- fontName is Optional. It allows you to customize the font used in this particular field. Leave it out to use the default font (specified by defaultFont).-->
<!-- offsetX is Optional. It allows you to move the text field a certain number of pixels on the X axis. Leave it out or use 0 if you don't want to move the text. -->
<!-- offsetY is Optional. It allows you to move the text field a certain number of pixels on the Y axis. Leave it out or use 0 if you don't want to move the text.-->